X-Battle 0.30 wydany


X-Battle 0.30 wydany

Po miesiącach oczekiwań wreszcie jest - odpowiedz niemieckiej ekipy X-Battle na najnowszą wersję modu Q4MAX. X-Battle Mod 0.30 jest oczywiście w pełni kompatybilny z najnowszym Quake 4 Point Release 1.3 i wprowadza wiele innowacyjnych zmian. Oprócz nowego loga i interfejsu graficznego, który każdy zauważy odpalając najnowszego XBM, mamy między innymi nowe brightskiny, tryb FreezeTag, zapożyczone od konkurencji MAXstats oraz obsługę dzwięków XGO.

Autorzy poprawili lub zmienili ponad sto pozycji, usunięto także liczne wyłapane bugi. Cała lista zmian w nowym XBM 0.30 jest ogromna, zatem nie warto jej tu szczegółowo przedstawiać, a zainsteresowanych zapraszam do zapoznania się z plikiem ReadMe lub z Changelogiem na naszym serwisie. Na koniec warto dodać, że wielkość modu od ostatniej wersji 0.23 fix zwiększyła się ponad dwukrotnie. Plik do ściągnięcia waży obecnie aż 56,46 MB.


Full list of bugfixes

fix: viewbobbing cvars are no longer networksynced.
fix: auto-follow now works correctly.
fix: coaches are no longer included in average ping calculation.
fix: ping updates again during timeout on scoreboard.
fix: teamoverlay is updated properly.
fix: callvote kick now recognizes player names as argument.
fix: auto-action logfiles are now really written at clients.
fix: fixed some PVS handling issues.
fix: resolved dependency order of auto-follow and ctf flags.
fix: chattoken #p/#P no longer do evil things.
fix: cl_ammoCheck now works on ded servers again.
fix: summary tab showed wrong values in TDM and CA.
fix: referee is able to chat regardless of mutespecs settings.
fix: fixed some issues with coach chat.
fix: awards/chat icons are no longer drawn mipped.
fix: some old 3-tiled brightskins had wrong material defs.
fix: fixed some material files.
fix: forcing a reloadEngine after playing demos to load proper
pk4s again.
fix: r_skipSpecular, r_displayRefresh, r_lightDetailLevel, con_speed and
net_clientPrediction are now stored in config.
fix: "selected map does not exist on the server" no longer occurs
if maps are present on the server.
fix: fixed display error in listPlayers command and added com_guid.
fix: disabled console votes if si_allowVoting is not set.
fix: added missing teleporter sound to Napalm Gun projectiles.

Full list of feature additions

add: support for Quake 4 version 1.3.
add: completly new and fresh GUI (main menu).
Thanx to Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner for the graphics.
add: all votes available through the (new!) GUI.
add: new simple brightskins, which take less performance on slower systems.
add: cl_teamSimpleBrightskins and cl_enemySimpleBrightskins to use
simple brightskins instead of 3-tiled brightskins.
add: team damage taken / given calculation.
add: new gametype "Freeze TDM".
add: g_freezeTagStyle to switch between US and Euro freezetag rules.
add: recording symbol to HUD added to indicate when a demo is being
add: cl_napalmSmoke to enable/disable napalm smoke.
add: currenttime now shows up in endgame screenshots.
add: command 'currenttime' to print localtime to console.
add: s_altTeamSounds to force alternate soundset for team mates.
add: MAXStats support. (joint effort with Q4MAX team)
add: support for optional XGO client sounds.
(in a joint effort with Q4MAX team)
add: cl_xgoSounds to switch between xgo and VQ4 sounds.
add: cl_altWeaponViewModel to select between Q4 default weapon models
and new XBM-enhanced weapon models.
add: timer now shows 1/10 seconds in the last minute of a match.
add: cl_allowSpecDock to control whether another spectator is allowed
to specdock your spectator view. (for making coverage easier)
add: command 'specdock' to dock to another spectators view.
(for synchronizing the view of caster and possible co-casters)
add: added GGL settings to hardconfigs.
add: added gametype DeadZone to hardconfigs.
add: g_writeXMLsummary to control XML stats summary writing on server.
add: cl_autoAction and si_autoAction are extended with support for XML
summary output (+8).
add: cl_weaponFovEffect to pullback the weapomodel in higher fov like q3
add: cl_crosshairBlink to disable the red crosshair flash after you hit a
add: added napalm gun to ClanArena start inventory with starting
ammo of 5.
add: cl_showTeamIcons to show/hide icons above team mates head.
add: g_freezeVoidPenalty to control frozen penalty when a player
dies in void/lava/slime.
add: callvote freezevoidpenalty and vote_allow_freezevoidpenalty
to make g_freezeVoidPenalty voteable.
add: cl_weaponConfig10 for new weapon napalm gun.
add: cl_forceEnemyModel and cl_enemyModel to force enemy players
to show up with a forced model.
add: cl_forceTeamModel and cl_teamModel to force team mates to show
up with a forced model.
add: callvote buying and vote_allow_buying to make buying voteable.
add: callvote controltime|ct and vote_allow_controltime to make
control time in gametype DeadZone voteable.
add: g_autoThawTime and g_altThawTimeStyle to control thaw time duration
and behavior in Freeze TDM.
add: callvote autothawtime|att and vote_allow_autothawtime to
make autothawtime voteable.
add: callvote altthawtimestyle|atts and vote_allow_altthawtimestyle
to make altthawtimestyle voteable
add: callvote freezetagstyle|fts and vote_allow_freezetagstyle
to make freezetagstyle voteable.
add: callvote mutespecs and vote_allow_mutespecs to control
spectator chat during game.
add: referee command ref_mutespecs to control spectator chat during game.
add: gametype "Freeze TDM" added to vote_allow_gametype bitmask (512).
add: mapList command to display all maps that are currently installed on
the server.

Full list of changed features

chg: various code cleanups.
chg: mutespecs is now disabled in timeout.
chg: r_lightScale and con_speed unlocked.
chg: ui_showGun no longer depends on spectated players settings.
chg: reworked enemysounds handling.
chg: default.cfg no longer changes the servername.
chg: locationsize of default hud's enhanced (40pixel).
chg: added "near" prefix for location in teamoverlay.
chg: timer displays passed time in timeout instead of of the word "Timeout".
chg: re-increased text shown when spectating again.
chg: changed dates and time of autoaction filenames back to local timezone
of the client.
chg: players time on scoreboard now shows the correct value since game
chg: added nopicmip flag to napalm gun icon.
chg: no longer give "Rail Master" award in instagib games.
chg: no longer give "Team Player" award in non-team games.
chg: improved precaching on map load.
chg: masked connect password prompt.
(to avoid passwords being shown in coverage casts)
chg: enabled ladder code for quake4. now we have water- and ladder support.
so, where's the good old tokays towers? :)
chg: max g_fov limited to 130.
chg: cl_weaponConfigX extended with cl_altWeaponViewModel setting.
chg: vote- and admin-mapList now show the maps present on server and no
longer the ones the client has installed.
chg: removed bothering console warnings if developer is not set.
chg: "connecting to" in gui to fit new design.
chg: removed XBM brightskins from the bright models "Pro Marine" and
"Pro Strogg" which were introduced with Q4 1.1 patch. Use "Tactical
Transfer" or "Dynerman" instead if you want the models with XBM
chg: update shaft discharge.
chg: vote_allow_gametype extended with value 1024 for gametype DeadZone.
chg: reporting priority changed for maps without locationfiles.
(flags > pu > weapons > armor > ammo).
chg: chattokens #i/#I modified to allow crosshair item reporting.
chg: hud_showTeamHealth default value changed to 1.
rmv: si_voteFlags because no longer needed with new vote_allow_* CVars.
rmv: r_ambientLightOnly because it's no longer needed with Q4 1.3.
rmv: g_forceModel, g_forceStroggModel, g_forceMarineModel because they
are useless with the new cl_forceTeamModel and cl_forceEnemyModel
rmv: si_freeModels because no longer needed without team restrictions
to Marine/Strogg.
rmv: (client)callvote freemodels.
rmv: vote_allow_freemodels.
rmv: ui_model_backup, ui_model_strogg, ui_model_marine because it's no
longer needed.

Download X-Battle Mod 0.30


ESReality; X-Battle


  • lab

    #0 | lab

    2006-09-01 10:12:01

  • cow.sndstrm

    #0 | cOw.

    2006-09-01 12:21:12

    nareszcie a grasz tdm ? watpie :p
  • lab

    #0 | lab

    2006-09-01 12:25:06

    bardziej sedziuje tdm-a niz go gram:)
  • dc

    #0 | Dc

    2006-09-01 13:42:36

    TDM w q4 sie nie sprawdza to typowo duelowa platforma. Jak dla mnie to Q4max jest duzo lepszy(może nie w TDM) ale ogolnie nie przymula płynny i przyjemny:>
  • nuras_en

    #0 | Nura5eN

    2006-09-01 15:55:43

    oh ah :D
  • grubyBubu

    #0 | jakub m.

    2006-09-01 16:14:18

    Patrzac na liste zmian (jej dlugosc :) mozna przypuszczac ze bedzie zajebisty mod : P
  • SpOOnman

    #0 | SpOOnman

    2006-09-02 10:16:37

    1. Ktoś w to gra jeszcze u nas w Polsce?
    2. Nie macie odczucia, że to jakiś rok za późno?
  • kaboom

    #0 | kaboom

    2006-09-02 10:27:19

    fakt jest faktem, że mało jest rewolucyjnych zmian, kupa tych nowości w tych modach była już dawno w modach do q3 :P
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