Wywiad z Heatonem


Wywiad z Heatonem

Na stronie klanu NiP-Gaming pojawił się dość ciekawy wywiad z najsłynniejszym niegdyś graczem CS, Emilem 'Heatonem' Christensen'em. Jego kariera jest bardzo długa, a podczas jej trwania mogliśmy oglądać Emila raz skaczącego ze szczęścia, a raz płaczącego po porażce. Zdażały się też sytuacje kiedy bił się na np. CPL'u. Różnie to bywało, ale nie ulega wątpliwości, że odcisnął on swoje piętno w gamingu na całym świecie.

W wyżej wymienionym wywiadzie możemy przeczytać jakie są odczucia Heatona co do turnieju CGI w San Francisco, turnieju KODE5 i przyszłośi NiP'u. Po całość zapraszam tutaj (wymagana rejestracja), a na zachętę zapraszam na jedno przetłumaczone pytanie:

hide_dot.gifPrzedsmak wywiadu z Heatonem

Co myślisz o zasadach rozgrywania meczów (na turnieju CGI), $7000 startmoney, 1:15 roundtime & maxrounds 9? Czy miałeś kiedyś okazję poćwiczyć coś takiego?
Heaton: Nie - ciężko jest znaleźć kogoś, kto by grał według tych zasad w Europie odkąd byliśmy jedynym europejskim klanem. Nie potrafię też powiedzieć, czy te zasady są dobre, czy złe, ponieważ rozegraliśmy za mało rund. Okaże się w przyszłości.

Nie musisz być fanem tego zawodnika, tymbardziej nie musisz lubić jego drużyny. Jeśli interesujesz się e-sportem, to ten wywiad jest dla Ciebie pozycją obowiązkową. To dwanaście solidnych pytań o mecze, turnieje i plany, a nie ulubioną potrawę, czy imię i nazwisko.



  • SEBbull

    #0 | SEBbull

    2006-07-25 14:40:59

    Dlaczego wszystkie bardziej znane klany (sk, nip, fnatic...) chca zebym zarejestrowal sie na ich stronie? Co im to daje ze wiecej ludzi jest zarejestrowanych? Odslon banera sponsora bedzie tyle samo, wiec po co to? Nie bede sie rejestrowal na czyjejs stronie klanowej tylko po to zeby przeczytac jeden wywiad, sciagnac jeden plik...

    Moglby ktos zrobic plik>zapisz jako i wrzucic ten wywiad na jakis serwer?
  • D4r3k

    #0 | devix

    2006-07-25 14:43:09

    Lepszy jest pomysł zrobienia konta jednego, z którego każdy będzie korzystać, bo jakby nie patrzeć dobrze mówisz...
  • miodek1337

    #0 | MiOdeK aka MdK :D

    2006-07-25 15:22:27

    No wlasnie, ta rejestracja jest tragiczna :/

    macie tu rozmowe, jakby jakies problemy mialy z tego wynikac, to niech ktos usunie ten post :)

    Right now Peter Hedlund, walle, ins & RobbaN are still in San Francisco, why did you and zet decide to come back to Sweden a day early?
    Ive already been to San Francisco and zet didnt really want to go check out Alcatraz and the golden gate bridge etc like the others so we went home 1 day earlier.

    What are your thoughts on the rules that were used for the matches ($7000 startmoney, 1:15 roundtime & maxrounds 9) and were you able to practice these rules at all before the event?
    Nope, quite hard to find some body to play on that in Europe since we were the only team there and I really cant say it the rules where good or bad since we didn’t play to many rounds, so ill leave that for the future.

    The game against Team 3D didn’t quite go as planned (10-4 loss for NiP on de_inferno), what went wrong in this match would you say?
    Well it started out horrible since when we got up on stage, Walle didnt have any sound so we called for an admin, but they didnt care and said that we where running out of time so he had to play without sound so we all got really upset, and when we lost the first round our motivation went straight down and we were not able to come back.

    walle didn’t have sound during the match against 3D, how different do you think the game would have been if they were able to fix/replace his headset?
    Alot, it would have been a totally different game.

    In San Francisco you guys would have only had one or two matches to play over two days, what else did you all get up to during your time there?
    Waiting in the players lounge, they wanted all the players there all the time ready for interviews etc, so it was quite boring just sitting around doing nothing for 2 days.

    Your next event is the Swedish KODE5 Qualifier (30th July) taking place at Gamers Paradise, are you looking forward to this event and how will NiP prepare for it?
    We are bootcamping now at Gamers Paradise from Wednesday until the event so I think we will be pretty well prepared.

    The teams attending the KODE5 Swedish Qualifier are NiP, CheckSix, Fnatic, Chillside, mYm, Hoorai, Creative and Geeks Gone Wild - what teams do you think will be the toughest competition at this event?
    Wow I mean, theres a lot of good teams there like Fnatic, CheckSix & Mym, and I also think that teams like Geeks gone wild & Creative can step it up and be a underdog and surprise many teams this event so I would say we are going to play 100% versus everybody there.

    Before the Championship Gaming Invitational event NiP boot camped at Gamers Paradise with TFT monitors to try and get used to what it would be like at the event, how does it feel to be back on CRT monitors again?
    I Actually haven’t played my self on it since I landed a couple of hours ago, but I know it will be really great and bring back fun to the game which it doesn’t have when using TFT screens!

    Recently NiP was ranked the top team in Sweden by Fragbite (Click Here for news) and you were ranked as the 8th best AWP player in Sweden, how do you feel about this considering you don’t use the AWP much?
    I would say I am probably the most underrated AWP player in the world! ;) Nah but I think that just shows how serious that ranking is.

    There have been quite a few changes in the Counter-Strike scene recently, one of the most talked about changes was in the SK Gaming Sweden lineup, what do you think about their new lineup and do you think they will perform well without SpawN and ahl in the team?
    I Think they will have it really tough losing SpawN since he is one of the absolute best players in the world and he himself can turn around many games for them in the last tournaments but they have also brought snajdan back which I think is great for them, he is really skilled and seems to be fitting in to the team really good, and about there last player.. lets just say no comments on him!

    That is all for now, is there anything else you would like to add before we end this interview?
    Well the usual, Thank you to all our sponsors, our fans and if u want to watch us play or just have a chat, feel free to drop down to Gamers Paradise!
  • pavo

    #0 | azzma

    2006-07-25 15:32:44

    wywiadow z heatonem jest chyba wiecej niz odcinkow mody na sukces
  • postal1

    #0 | postal1

    2006-07-25 15:40:07

    tyle samo hajsu zarobil dla sponsorow ;d
  • pavo

    #0 | azzma

    2006-07-25 16:27:23

    biznes iz biznes i hajsiwo sie kreci :)
  • kaioshen

    #0 | kaJos

    2006-07-25 17:02:55

    Może odrazu dać:
    mp_startmoney 16000
    mp_roundtime 1.0
    mp_c4timmer 5
    maxrounds 3
  • kaioshen

    #0 | kaJos

    2006-07-25 17:04:14

    Zarobił na nicku, a nie na grze. Nie gra nawet na w połowie tak dobrze jak grał w SK.swe :/
  • kaioshen

    #0 | kaJos

    2006-07-25 17:09:08

    Ta i jeszcze te bajery typu SK Insider.
  • postal1

    #0 | postal1

    2006-07-25 17:18:00

    deathmatch :D
  • Nor

    #0 | Nor

    2006-07-25 18:21:31

    \"nasłynniejszym \" Panie miodek1337 :)
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