WonderBase LAN odwołany
Z przykrością informujemy tych wszystkich, którzy chcieli się udać się w dniach 17-20 maja do szwedzkiego miasta Borås, że tegoroczna wiosenna edycja WonderBase LAN niestety nie odbędzie się. Powodem decyzji o odwołaniu majowej imprezy były pewne problemy organizacyjne, które znacznie wpłynęłyby na poziom całej zabawy. Wszystkie wpłacone przez zawodników i drużyny pieniądze zostaną zwrócone w najbliższym czasie.
Oświadczenie szefów WonderBase (w języku angielskim)
"After a lot of discussions back and forth the management of Wonderbase has decided to cancel the event that was supposed to be launched in May. It was a very hard decision to take because of all those who showed there interest for the event, the participants, the cooperative organisations and all those who volunteered for crew.
We have taken this decision after weighing all the positive things against the negative ones. There are a lot of important reasons that matter and we feel that it is most important to guarantee the high quality on our event. Wonderbase have focused on and will focus on delivering high quality computer festivals where the opportunity to participate in organised e-sport are open to amateurs as well as pro-gamers.
Of course we will return the money for all tickets that already been paid. As a compensation for all those who bought tickets we will offer them half price on the ticket for our next event. We are doing this to show our gratitude to those who showed their interest. We hope that we have not made it too hard for everyone who has taken a holiday from schools and jobs to attend Wonderbase.
We also want to thank all organisations, websites and sponsors for the great interest they shown for the event and to our organisation.
Wonderbase aims forward, we focus on the autumn!
As most of you know Wonderbase announced in March that there will be one more event during 2007, it will launch in during the autumn. It will be our main event for this year were we of course will arrange qualitative tournaments in several games, among others there will be a massive tournament in Call of Duty 2.
We will in a close future present the dates for the new event. We will also present news about what is going to happen at the event.
Information will come up shortly on Wonderbase Inside for those who have already paid tickets on how to get your money back."
Obecnie organizatorzy chcą skupić się na przygotowaniu imprezy na jesieni tego roku, zatem znów możemy liczyć na solidną dawkę zmagań Counter-Strike, Call of Duty 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft: Brood War i Quake 4.
#0 | Onion
2007-05-06 11:45:37
#0 | cOw.
2007-05-06 12:41:52
#0 | Dreptolus Wielki
2007-05-06 14:43:46
#0 | reaktiv
2007-05-06 15:57:45
#0 | .reru
2007-05-07 00:16:17
#0 | ivonzjeee
2007-05-08 16:01:40