WarSow 0.4 nareszcie online
Długo oczekiwana nie tylko przez aktywną część społeczności WarSow, ale i przez wiele mniej lub bardziej osób związanych ze sceną, najnowsza wersja tejże gry, oznaczona numerkiem 0.4 jest już dostępna do darmowego pobrania. Paczka, zawierające instalkę pełnej wersji, waży około 160 megabajtów. Dostępnych jest wiele mirrorów, z których można ją pobrać.Changelog w języku angielskim
- Added Mac support!
- Added Warsow TV!
- Added cl_sleep 0|1 (default 0), fixes 100% load issues for some clients.
- Added ability to automatically play a sound file while a demo with the same name is playing, if they are in the same directory.
- Added cg_teamcolored_beams 1|0, sets LG and EB beams to team colors (thanks learn_more).
- Added cg_showminimap 1|0, toggles whether minimap is shown in HUD (thanks learn_more).
- Added minimaps for each map.
- Added client sound prediction.
- Added Duel Arena (DA).
- Added effects to various movements (dash, walljump, ...)
- Added cg_damage_indicator 1|0 (default: 1), toggles damage indicator for HUD. Red marks will appear on the sides when hit if enabled.
- Added new iTDM mode, players must now control predefined zones in a map.
- Added ability to read map fullnames from file (maps/.txt).
- Added ability to use "map " rather than just the "map filename".
- New CTF timers added:
Players must stand next to opposing team's flag for 3.5 seconds to grab it;
Players must stand on their flag base's for 2 seconds to capture opposing team's flag.
- Added wda1, wda2, wda3, wda4, wda5, wda6.
- Added the new instagun.
- Added wdm2 (TdM/blx), wdm11 (Grumx).
- Added wdm11 (Grumx).
- Added new player model; Bobot.
- Added cg_cartoonRockets and cg_rocketTrail to control new rocket effects.
- Added "precache" command for HUD scripts to allow precaching of resources.
- Added "match " server command to aid administrators.
- Added cg_chatBeep 1|0, toggles a beep sound when a player sends a chat message.
- Added graphics profiles ranging from low to extreme for people with different spec systems.
- Added graphics profiles support to Graphics setup menu.
- Added per-pixel shader support.
- Added selfdamage ratios for weapons.
- Added new flag model.
- Added webdownloads for mod directories.
- Added native support for vsync on *nix systems.
- Added cl_chatmode 1|2|3, 1 = console works like Q3, 2 = QW
- Ctrl-Enter in console sends a team chat message
- Renderer now supports many new features, see features.txt for more information
- iCTF no longer has any timers.
- Removed wdm2, wctf2 and wdm11 (acid's maps).
- Updated wtest4 status to wdm4.
- Updated wtest17 status to wdm17.
- Updated a lot of maps to support the new renderer features.
- Increased the gravity to 850 (old value 800).
- A minimum value of 24 for cl_maxfps has been enforced.
- Warsow now tries to autodetect sys_affinity on load.
- Bots now spam a lot less vsays.
- Riotgun now uses a spiral-motive, it's not random anymore (thx uz).
- Strong grenades explode on impact.
- Rocket launcher weapon settings changed.
- In CA you now spawn with your teammates.
- Removed the old CTF timers!
- Dropped flag now stands up and rotates.
- Tweak the netcode to be a mixture between 0.32 and 0.21.
- CTF hud changes, see huds/ctf.hud.
- iTDM hud changes, see huds/inc/capture_areas.hud.
- Outlining is now done by the GPU (cg_outlineWorld and cg_outlineModels), if possible.
- Grenade physics have changed.
- Bots now move more like humans and time items.
- Removed plasma spam lag.
- Spectators are no longer allowed to vote during a duel in progress (g_allow_spectator_voting, defaults to 1)
- Decreased startup time considerably by not calculating MD5-checksum of the the whole file for each .pk3 found.
- Now displays MOTD even if cg_showhelp is 0.
- Game modules can now be downloaded.
- Greatly improved downloads and config execution from mod directories.
- Strong Riotgun now fires 22 pellets at 5 damage each.
- Weak Riotgun now fires 18 pellets at 4 damage each.
- Rocket selfdamage has now been set to 75%.
- Gunblade now has an automatic reloading system, it will fire all of the available ammo (max 10), and does a maximum of 40 damage.
- No longer allows names such as "^1 ".
- Fixed servers acting weird if they're stuck on the same map for a while (999 ping bug).
- Fixed server not responding to broadcasts on local network when sv_public set to 0.
- Fixed 100% accuracy not being allowed on scoreboards.
- Fixed no ammo weapon switching bug.
- Fixed players going through player-only-solid material in race gametype.
- Fixed cointoss message staying the same color as that of the players nickname.
- Various code cleanups and performance improvements.
- Fixed names like "^^1foobar" being colored when they shouldn't be.
- "name ^Anna^" etc works (^ not followed by a digit is normal text now)
W WarSow 0.4 dodano między innymi długo oczekiwane WarSowTV, nowe modele postaci, tryby gry i mapy; zmieniono nieco fizykę gry i część tekstur; naprawiono wiele błędów i bugów. Więcej na ten temat raczył rospisać się

#1 | n00k1e
2008-01-20 03:44:37
#2 | Crash
2008-01-20 09:38:08
#3 | buzek
2008-01-20 11:15:44
#4 | wzf | yeltzyn
2008-01-20 11:18:43
Na 4-ro slotowym serwerze z 4rema graczami, ten co wbije ostatni nie moze otwierac drzwi ani przechodzic przez teleporty!
Brak votowalnego instagiba!
Zepsuta lista wyboru map przy zakladaniu serwera, na liscie widac tylko kilka, a listy nie da sie przesunac.
Tryb DA, nie ma selfdamage, ale jak sie upadnie przy lowhp mozna zaliczyc \'createred\' - chyba wzieli to z gier UT
Fajnie ze na laczu 380kbps UP moga spokojnie pograc 4ry osoby z pingami ok 30-45.
Model robota ma tak nieprzyjemne dzwieki, ze nie da sie nim grac.
Zmiana grawitacji aka PARABOLE TANCZOM aka ping-pong jumping
#5 | aimowy
2008-01-20 11:32:41
Co masz do grawitacji? :P
#6 | wzf | yeltzyn
2008-01-20 11:40:20
#7 | OFF @ Grumx
2008-01-20 11:53:51
#8 | bamc
2008-01-20 12:15:50
#9 | niuss
2008-01-20 12:20:49
#10 | niuss
2008-01-20 12:21:19
#11 | niuss
2008-01-20 12:47:42
#12 | buzek
2008-01-20 12:57:57
#13 | vicek
2008-01-20 13:38:52
u mnie na RC5 wszystkie mapy byly w porzadku, a to sie okazuje, ze to zalezy od ID na serwerze... mam nadzieje ze szybko wyjdzie 0.41 to bedzie ok :) w sumie poprzednie releasy tez mialy fatalne bledy (ja np. na 0.3 w ogole nie moglem grac bo mialem lagi straszne)
#14 | FRANT!C
2008-01-20 14:05:30
kiedy 0.41? :D:D:D
#15 | vicek
2008-01-20 14:11:59
#16 | PawelS
2008-01-20 15:05:49
#17 | JC
2008-01-20 15:20:00
#18 | JC
2008-01-20 15:21:03
#19 | vicek
2008-01-20 15:39:44
rozumiem ze malo popularna gra, ale eze nie ma polskich serwerow na duele, to eSp bylo najbardziej popularne, codziennie bylo sporo meczow rozgrywanych :(
najlepiej by bylo dwa mniejsze serwery, jeden insta, jeden normalny, a gametype konkretny juz by ludzie votowali (TDM/DUEL/CTF etc.)
#20 | sandx
2008-01-20 17:23:11
#21 | FRANT!C
2008-01-20 17:43:39
Q2 iTDM > all
#22 | viC.
2008-01-20 17:48:29
#23 | viC.
2008-01-20 18:15:38
#24 | OFF @ Grumx
2008-01-20 18:20:05
#25 | OFF @ Grumx
2008-01-20 18:20:41
inicjatywa swietna, ale nie wiem czy dam rady :)
#26 | aimowy
2008-01-20 18:30:37