TTM v2.1 !


TTM v2.1 !

Jest już dostępna nowa wersja niezbędnika gracza UT2oo3, czyli moda TTM (The Tournament Mod). Finalna wersja v2.1 wnosi szereg poprawek, jak również kilka nowości, ich lista poniżej:


(add) protection against predetermined first spawn locations after warmup
(add) player-side setting "Ignore server's enforcement of demorec", allows you to get rid of server-side enforcement of demorec in every match (see comments for v2.1 rc3)
(fix) fixed some minor bugs in player-side auto-demorec introduced in rc3 :)

dots3.gifrelease candidate 3 for v2.1

(fix) bug: 'in online games afer warmup for the first minute on-screen clock shown something like 0-4:0-44' is now hopefully fixed :)
(add) new server-side option 'Disable Lock down', disables lockdown for minigun and linkgun. "main menu" (f7) -> "server-side settings" -> "misc settings" -> lockdown.
(add) server can now enforce auto-demorec on all clients; to do that go to "main menu" (f7) -> "server-side settings" -> "auto demo recording" and check "Force clients to record client-side demos" option in there. NOTE: this is recommended to use in LAN-based tourneys, please don't abuse it on online servers. NOTE2: the demo's filename is made based upon 'mask', which works same way as in the player-side auto-demo-rec (see readme for details)
(add) server admin can make server record server-side demo for everymatch; "main menu" (f7) -> "server-side settings" -> "auto demo recording" -> "Record server-side demo in every match"77
(fix) IRC-reporter: first blood notice didn't contained death message.
(fix) IRC-reporter bug: reported uneven commands (4v5 etc.) incorrectly sometimes
(fix) IRC-reporter bug: claimed everyone isn't ready in DM matches.
(add) client-side switch for restarting client-side irc-reporting at every game (until stopped).
(fix) bug: sometimes HUD didn't used it's scale setting
(fix) bug: every kill was displayed as a double kill when playing back demos
(add) patch 2225 introduced per-weapon settings for crosshairs textures and scales; TTM now supports it as well
(fix) 'ut2003 drops to windows without any message box' bug is hopefully fixed
(chg) main menu -> player-side settings window now supports left handed weapon
(fix) bug: player selects default hitsounds and save, the combobox is empty after restarting the game
(fix) TTM's HUD now supports custom gametypes if they use standard HUDs (support for a locallog mod)
(fix) console commands setmouse* weren't working stable
(fix) brightskins: fixed some head skinning problems
(fix) brightskins: Selig's head isn't darkened anymore (it's darkening were causing weird problems on some configurations)
(fix) brightskins: Satin's and Sapphire's hairy faces were shaved
(fix) brightskins: fixed body not being darkened when dying while invisible.

dots3.gifrelease candidate 2 for v2.1

(fix) fixed bug 'in online games afer warmup for the first minute on-screen clock shown something like 0-4:0-44'
(fix) fixed 'CreateCameraEffect security hole'
(add) 1 more crosshair

dots3.gifrelease candidate 1 for v2.1

(fix) probably fixed bug: shoulder lights weren't switched on/off sometimes
(fix) probably fixed bug: partial support for listen servers
(fix) Default auto-demorec mask is '(%d)-(%t)-%n-on-%m' (as it's stated in the readme), not '123' (as in v2)
(fix) bShortDeathMessages=false by default
(fix) added short deathmessages for lava, telefragging and crushing
(add) console command 'echo ' displays message for only one client
(add) new switch in the auto-demorec mask: %c, clantags extractor; is substituted with teams' tags (for example, RUS_vs_GER)
(fix) auto-demorec's switches %o and %n now supports '*' in the nicknames
(add) console command 'MaskDemoRec ' -- starts recording demo whose filename is made from the mask (same way as in the auto-demorec)
(fix) in online team-based games team ping (in the scoreboard) for the blue team was slightly incorrect

TTM v2.1 - download


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