


Match admins

  • Go through the server testing procedure as explained in these rules. In case of a conflict or disagreement, consult a supervisor or a cup admin on the cup channel.
  • Keep logs of everything that is said on IRC.
  • Send the match result and the screenshots to the cup admin by email immediately after the match.

Clans and Players
  • Permission to use the new member must be requested and received from the supervisor by email, who will add the member to the clan's allowed playerlist roster for the cup.
  • Any incorrect information given to the supervisor is the responsibility of the Clanleader, and may result in penalties being applied as if the player was unauthorised. The new member must spend (or have spent) 2 days after adding him
    to team ( allowed playerlist ) without playing in the cup.

    6. Only the rules above determine if a player is allowed to play or not. If you have any doubt at all about whether a player is allowed to play or not, always discuss the case with the supervisor first instead of risking a forfeit loss!
    7. Sanctions for clans: If a clan fields a player who by the rules above was not allowed to play, then they receive the card below that rule. If they violated more then 1 Clans & Player rule they will be given 1 red card.
    8. Sanctions for players: If a player plays for any clan after being told he was not allowed to play by the supervisor(s), he will be banned from the cup.

Server settings
Client settings
  • pmove: off
  • rate: min. 8000, max. 25000
  • cl_timenudge: min. -20, max. 0
  • snaps: min. 20, max. 40
  • cl_maxpackets: min. 40, max. 125
    3. Coach settings during the match:
  • rate: max. 8000
    None of these settings may be changed during the match.
    4. Client settings while testing servers before the match:
  • cl_timenudge, snaps, rate: the value that the player will use during the match
  • cl_maxpackets: 40

Match rules - general
Match rules - group matches
Group rankings
Match rules - playoff matches
Before the match
  • Meeting time = 30 minutes before starting time.
    Deadline time = 15 minutes before starting time.
    Starting time = the scheduled starting time of the match.
  • The clans and the admins gather on the match channel (Quakenet IRC) that is #eastern.cup . No other channel name may be used. Channel logs will be used to keep track of the players' arrival times.
  • All players must be present before the meeting time (i.e. not 1 minute or 5 minutes after but before the meeting time). Being present means being in the match channel and using a nickname and tag that clearly matches the nickname and tag. Once players have shown their presence, they are free to reboot (but must return to the match channel within 5 minutes). Faking a players presence by making someone else pose as him will result in a forfeit loss.
  • If one clan is not fully present at meeting time, it is assigned the disadvantage in the admin's server decision (cfr. below). If neither clan is fully present at meeting time, the last clan to be fully present is assigned that disadvantage. If both clans are fully present at meeting time, neither is assigned the disadvantage. The cup admin announces which clan has the disadvantage in the channel topic (if any).
  • If one clan has not a single player present before the starting time, it forfeits the match. If the reason for not showing up is proven to be beyond their control (e.g. ISP problems for all players) the forfeit can later be changed into a wildcard, if still available. If a clan is not fully present 10 minutes after the starting time they can either decide to wildcard the match, if still available, or forfeit the match.

    2. Announcing maps (not applicable if maps are predetermined by the schedule):
  • Both clans should tell the cup admin their choice of map(s) at meeting time.
  • If at deadline time a clan has still not informed the admin of its map(s), he should remind them and give them one more minute. After that minute he picks their map(s) if they still haven't, taking the leftmost map(s) in the map list that were not picked by the other clan.
  • The admin publically announces the maps as soon as he knows them all.

    3. Server negotiations:

  • Server testing begins at meeting time, even when a cup admin is not yet present.
  • The clans take turns suggesting a server. Suggesting a server does not create the obligation to accept it. The IP and password of the suggested server are put in the group channels - #eastern.cup1 | #eastern.cup2 | #eastern.cup3 | #eastern.cup4 .
  • All players of both clans join the suggested server immediately and without any discussion, and on the server join their team and make sure they have the proper settings for server testing.
  • All players stay on the server until the cup admin has made notes and given them permission to quit.
  • On IRC either clan can update the topic if it wants to make this server its proposed IP.
  • If a clan does not cooperate during server testing (typically by not joining the server being tested or by leaving it before the cup admin allows it) it will be assigned the disadvantage (once a clan has been assigned the disadvantage it has an interest in cooperating fully; the more servers get tested properly the more chance to find one with a smaller disadvantage).

    4. Server decision: if by starting time the clans still haven't agreed on a server, the cup admin can decide on the server himself based on the following considerations (in the order they're listed):

  • Only visible aspects of the connection quality are considered. These aspects are: ping, stability of ping, smoothness of movement, pl indicator value (if available).
  • If one clan has been assigned the disadvantage then the admin picks the IP where it has the smallest disadvantage.
  • When neither clan has been assigned the disadvantage, the admin picks an equal server if one is available. Average pings are considered to be equal when they differ less than 20% of the lower average ping.
  • When neither clan has been assigned the disadvantage and no equal server is available, then the admin will pick the least unequal of the IPs the clans proposed in the topic.
  • The admin can decide on a two-server match.

    5. If no cup admin is available for the match, then the clans are still expected to show up on time, follow the above procedures and keep a channel log. If by starting time they still haven't agreed on a server, they should propose one IP each in the topic and then ask the supervisor or a cup admin who is available on IRC to decide. When requested the channel log can be used to assign the disadvantage to one of the clans. Both proposed IPs will be tested again before a decision is made based on the principles described above.

    6. The IP of the server(s) being used must always be put in the topic of the match channel, so the supervisor/admin always knows where the match is being played.

Match proceedings
After the match
Cheating and Anti-cheating
Changes and Exceptions
Rules were based on those used by ClanBase.

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