Rocket Arena 4 final beta


Rocket Arena 4 final beta

Światło dzienne ujrzała już 3 odsłona popularnej modyfikacji Rocket Arena 4. Jest to zarazem ostatnia wersja, przy której zauważymy oznaczenie "beta". Stąd też, miłośnicy RA4 mogą być spokojni o jeszcze lepsze działanie programu. W końcu developerzy obiecują, iż teraz już nie powinno być problemów z dość częstymi "burakami" powodującymi niestabilność Quake'a 4. Najważniejszą informacją jest jednak to, iż najnowsza RA4 jest kompatybilna z patchem 1.2, czyli z aktualnie używaną łatką. Prócz tego poprawiono mnóstwo błędów, dodano nowe odznaczenia, a także zmieniono nieco mapy.

hide_dot.gifPełna lista zmian

* 2006-04-30
o ElQueffo

chg: You can no longer freefly in competition mode.

* 2006-04-29
o ElQueffo

add: Server 'branding' / banner on connect.

* 2006-04-27
o ElQueffo

fix: Fixed a bug from ID causing the hud not to disable when spectating and viewing the scoreboard.
add: EoR (End of Round) window á la RA3, but with tons of more info.
add: Holy Shit Award

* 2006-04-21
o ElQueffo

fix: You now keep your weapon across rounds.

* 2006-04-20
o ElQueffo

fix: Health/armor left no longer displays in compmode.
fix: All reported crashes have been fixed.
fix: The kill command works again.

* 2006-04-17
o ElQueffo

chg: Merged with 1.2 SDK. Took about 5 minutes, since only about 5 very minor things had changed (like typos).

* 2006-04-11
o ElQueffo

add: Queue position indicator.

* 2006-04-06
o ElQueffo:

fix: Removed stupid idiot code that most likely was causing all the crashing.

* 2006-04-05
o ElQueffo:

fix: Damage stats no longer use bogus entity numbers.
???: Started rewriting some of the arena core logic bits.

* 2006-04-04
o ElQueffo:

fix: A crash that sometimes happens on connect.
fix: say no longer acts like it's sayWorld.

* 2006-04-03
o ElQueffo:

fix: Defaulting sayWorld and sayTeam on the server console to 'say'. Using any of them on the server console before the next patch will crash your server. ( Thanks to Gza for providing the .dmp and .dbg )
fix: Fixed issue where server would hang in an infinite loop when voting to one of the new maps from id.
fix: Fixed crash issue on some client disconnects.

o 0.5 BETA 2 is out.
* 2006-04-02
o ElQueffo:

fix: Some issues with the new stock maps not working.
fix: Windows 2000 crash issues.

* 2006-03-31
o ElQueffo:

add: Killer's HP and armor are now shown when you die.
chg: Endgame delay increased to 5 seconds. This will give you more time between rounds.
chg: Ready icons are no longer shown on the scoreboard after readyup is complete, or if the arena is not in compmode.
add: specInvite, specRevoke.
chg: Increased through-floor damage slightly.

* 2006-03-28
o ElQueffo:

chg: Merge with Q4 1.1 final SDK.
add: New scoreboard column type: RA4_SBTYPE_READY ( ready icon ).
add: Readyup period before match in compmode.

* 2006-03-21
o ElQueffo:

add: Competition mode vote.
chg: Cannot spectate other team in competition mode.

* 2006-03-11
o ElQueffo:

add: RA4 now generates crash report files if it crashes. The files are created in the arena directory and will be named using the date and time and end in .dmp and .dbg. You need to deliver these two files to us so we can fix the problem. You can send the files by either posting on the forum or emailing them.

* 2006-03-08
o ElQueffo:

fix: Demos work again.

o kanthal:

add: Shots and hits fields added to stats window.

* 2006-03-06
o ElQueffo:

add: Shots & hits data sent to stats window.

* 2006-03-05
o kanthal

add: Falling damage vote added to the menu.

o ElQueffo:

chg: No falling damage before round starts.
add: Falling damage vote.

* 2006-03-02
o ElQueffo:

chg: Frags now reset when joining an arena.

* 2006-03-01
o kanthal:

add: Scoreboard team headers use team/enemy color if available.
chg: The scoreboard made wider to allow bigger font and more fields.
add: Scoreboard now displays damage given of players listed in teams.
add: Scoreboard now displays damage given and kills of players listed as spectators.
chg: Changed script event names in scoreboard.script to reflect changes in naming policy.

o ElQueffo:

chg: Changed script event name setsbcolumn to addsbcolumn.
add: Damage given and damage taken scoreboard column types. See Custom GUIs
fix: Can no longer spec players in other arenas.
fix: ra4_projectileTrails now works as indicated by the help.
fix: Rockets have their fire back, but trail turned off.
fix: sayTeam works correctly.

* 2006-02-28
o kanthal:

chg: Guis merged to work with 1.1 beta.
rem: Removed force models option (the on/off toggle) from the multiplayer settings menu since its no longer needed.

o ElQueffo:

chg: Scoreboard now uses enemy/team color or strogg/marine color (if enemycolors are off) to show who's dead and who's alive.
chg: Team overlay no longer displays dead players.

* 2006-02-27
o ElQueffo:

chg: RA4 now builds with the 1.1 beta SDK
chg: ra4_forceTeamModel -> g_forceTeamModel
chg: ra4_forceEnemyModel -> g_forceEnemyModel




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