Q4MAX w wersji 0.73 wydany!
Pojawiła się kolejna wersja jednego z najbardziej lubianych i przodujących na scenie Quake'a 4 modów, a mianowicie Q4MAX w wersji 0.73. Niestety działa on tylko z nową wersją Q4 - 1.1 beta i z finalną (zostanie wydana niedługo) Co nowego tym razem, ma do zaprezentowania nam arQon i jego ekipa?
Jedne z ważniejszych zmian, to dodanie możliwości pauzowania spotkania przez graczy (nie tylko przez admina), włączanie i wyłączanie zwłok, oraz dodanie możliwości zmiany ambienteffect (efekty gazów, opary, dymy itp).
Pełna lista zmiań
- ADD: Compatibility with q4 1.1, including all additional functionality from this release.
- ADD: startfreeze callvote/mode option which freezes player movement during countdown for CA/CTFS
- ADD: startrespawn callvote/mode option which forces players to respawn after countdown for CA/CTFS
- ADD: countdown callvote/mode option which changes si_countdown
- ADD: cg_ambientEffects 0/1 allows players to disable world effects
- ADD: cg_deadBody 0/1 allows players to disable showing of dead player bodies before they respawn
- ADD: XSL Templates which display match stats in a "pretty" format.
- ADD: fs_xslTemplate cvar specifies the XSL template referenced in XML stats
- ADD: 1.1 cvars pm_zoomedslow and g_simpleitems added to the competition menu
- ADD: "follow" command. can supply either a playerId, or a powerup ("quad", "regen", "haste", "invis", "marineflag" or "stroggflag"), and you will spec this player.
- ADD: enemyspec callvote/mode option which enables/disables the ability to spec enemies when you're dead in CTFS / CA.
- ADD: "timeout" command which is not restricted to refs. Limited number of timeouts (sv_maxTimeouts), and limited duration (sv_timeoutMaxLength).
- ADD: When server uses si_allowhitscantint 3, the railtrails are tinted using cg_enemycolor / cg_teamcolor and not the default strogg / default marine colours.
- CHG: q4maxXML renamed to MAXStats, and now can display data on both clients and servers, and provides detailed match breakdowns in addition to summary data on servers. See separate documentation.
- CHG: Numerous icons made nomip
- CHG: Made spectator text less obtrusive
- CHG: g_simpleitems 1 now disables the "hologram" effect of item spawn markers
- CHG: g_muzzleflash now also removes the actual firing flare
- CHG: removed ui_model_backup, ui_model_strogg and ui_model_marine cvars
- CHG: Spectator text tweaked to improve visuals during video broadcasts
- FIX: (netcode) Reduced the amount of serverinfo data transmitted, thus reducing "SendReliableMessage overflow without allow overflow set" errors.
- FIX: Spectators should now be able to rejoin the game in FFA
- FIX: Duel no longer allows 3 players in the game if a player joins once the game has started
- FIX: Player names/clantags with & ' or " are now correctly escaped in XML output
- FIX: Tourney mode now correctly creates multiple arenas again
- FIX: Tourney mode now respects the overtime callvote correctly again
- FIX: Tourney mode now populates scoreboard/hud correctly at start of the tourney.
- FIX: force model will force the heads of models in all cases correctly now.
#0 | sxl
2006-03-28 09:44:17
#0 | Nanashi
2006-03-28 10:05:29
nic nie sugeruje ;)
#0 | Vymmiatacz
2006-03-28 11:59:24
#0 | Hakan
2006-03-28 12:36:39
#0 | marver
2006-03-28 12:40:28
#0 | yar
2006-03-28 13:48:15
#0 | castor
2006-03-28 13:53:09
#0 | yar
2006-03-28 13:55:45
Btw. Nowy XBattle tez wyszedl, moze jakis news :P ?
#0 | Pajda
2006-03-28 15:16:27
#0 | yar
2006-03-28 15:36:00
#0 | OFF @ Grumx
2006-03-28 15:50:42
#0 | yar
2006-03-28 16:21:03
#0 | NunRa
2006-03-28 17:36:16
#0 | OFF @ Grumx
2006-03-28 19:53:26
#0 | vdr
2006-03-30 00:06:12