Q4Max 0.81 już w sieci
Ekipa programistów Q4Max wydawała właśnie najnowszą wersję swojej modyfikacji do gry Quake 4. Lista zmian w stosunku do ostatniego wydania z początku grudnia ubiegłego roku jest dosyć szeroka. Do najważniejszych nowinek należy zaliczyć SuperHud oraz tryb FreezeTag. Usprawniono także Q4TV i MultiPOV. Więcej szczegółów znajdziecie w Changelogu. Wkrótce przekonamy się, czy wprowadzone zmiany poderwą do życia umierającą scenę.Changelog
* add: Superhud: hud_useTeamColors 1 to make the hud use your cg_enemyColor / cg_teamColor.
* add: Superhud: marineColor / stroggColor keywords can be defined (usually in "!default") to set fixed colors for marine + strogg (with hud_useTeamColors 0)
* add: Superhud: added ^CMMM / ^CSSS for strogg/marine colour, and ^CTTT / ^CEEE for team/enemy colours.
* add: Superhud: elements can use color W for the weapon's color. Can also specify an alpha value (eg "W 0.9"). This can be used on any color property of any element. If you set this on the weaponlist, the colour applies to each weapon.
* add: Superhud: textalign C can be used on percentage bars (health, armor, ammo) for scaling around their center point.
* add: Superhud: iconOffset, itemSpacer, textOffset properties for fine tuning of the weaponlist, poweruplist, spectimers and awards hud elements.
* add: Superhud: hud_textQuality. Can be used to adjust the font selections. Default of 1 is likely best for most.
* add: superhud: font sizes are now based upon the screen resolution, improving rendering quality at high resolution.
* add: mode/callvote: startammoMG -> startAmmoNPG for setting starting ammo.
* add: mode/callvote: startweapons - bitmask of starting weapons.
* add: Folder icon in the demo player list.
* add: Serverside XML stat dumps now record powerup pickup counts + times.
* chg: Superhud: teamcolor 1 / enemycolor 1 have now become color T/color E. Can also specify an alpha value (eg "T 0.9").
* chg: Superhud: the "visible" keyword can be used to make elements apply only to specific gametypes. All tags after the visible keyword will be ignored if they do not apply to that type of game.
* chg: Superhud: TO now truncates player names at column end, not fixed at 5 chars.
* chg: Superhud: minimal hud has a new weaponlist layout. Also uses red vs blue marine/strogg colors, and colored h/a/ammo numbers.
* chg: Superhud: weaponlist, ammo, and all color W items now switch slightly quicker than before. Can be out of sync with weapon anim, but feels more responsive.
* chg: FT: end of round respawn logic respects lastKiller now
* chg: FT: players killed by the void now teleport to a respawn point as a frozen player.
* chg: FT: bots now have an understanding of FT. They know to thaw (sometimes), and wont keep shooting at frozen players.
* chg: Altering r_archiveLightDetailLevel triggers the lights to change immediately.
* chg: pm_thirdperson* changed to cg_* to prevent q4mp having these cheat protected as causing problems (for those not setting fs_game correctly)
* chg: removed pm_thirdPersonDeath and g_stopTime, since both are dead code paths, and should never be used (and cheat protected in q4mp)
* chg: multipov now works with simple items, and so no longer turns them off when in multipov mode.
* chg: WeaponList highlight now shows the weapon you're switching to, not the current weapon. Feels more responsive (although not technically current weapon)
* chg: bot_maxAimError default increased, and no longer cheat protected so if bot_skill isnt making them bad enough aim, you can increase this further.
* chg: Banlist made much more robust. It now saves the banlist immediately, and will tell you if it fails.
* chg: Q4TV viewers can now change pov / freefloat while the game is paused. Can also view scores too.
* chg: skip the napalm ember dynamic-light with bse_scale
* fix: Superhud: TO resets color after the player name, to prevent colored names affecting the rest of the row
* fix: Superhud clearing chat etc - was mainly at end of game, and also when respawning.
* fix: Superhud: TO was not clearing unused slots properly in the superhud, so caused apparent duplicate players
* fix: Superhud: crosshair squash ratios were switched between 16:9 and 16:10 modes.
* fix: Superhud: CTF flag icons werent visible for freefloats (hud .cfg fix)
* fix: Superhud: the damage indicator got stuck "on" after using pause/timeout.
* fix: FT: overtime + sudden death now actually work
* fix: FT: thawed players now gib where they were frozen, not the spawn point. The gibs are now given a frozen look too.
* fix: FT: frozen players can no longer switch weapons.
* fix: FT: Knockback of frozen players should feel more normal now.
* fix: FT: Allowed frozen players to cycle spectators when in multipov mode using crouch/fire as normal.
* fix: FT: Frozen players are always forced out of multipov mode when they are thawed.
* fix: FT: crosshair text when multipov'ing was showing for the local player, not the spectated player.
* fix: FT: Crosshair text shows -273 health for frozen players, not 1
* fix: FT: Multipov shows the correct "following" text when speccing
* fix: Server crash when running with bots, where a player disconnects while a bot is tracking projectiles they fired.
* fix: Anti-cheat protection was preventing the cammod from being used.
* fix: setting r_vertexlight 0 no longer turns on lights it should not, based upon r_lightDetailLevel.
* fix: runBotAAS checks that maps exist before scheduling a reload to prevent an infinite loop.
* fix: Ingame menu automatically displays the correct list of video modes for non 4:3 aspect ratios
* fix: You can now remove IP based bans via the gui.
* fix: Corrected issue which caused the ingame menu to stop working after removing a ban via the admin menu.
Download:Więcej źródeł znajdziecie na stronie projektu Q4Max.
#1 | kaboom
2008-02-01 08:27:39
#2 | OFF @ Grumx
2008-02-01 11:02:24
#3 | kaboom
2008-02-01 20:13:34