Wczorajszego wieczora dosłownie jednocześnie światło dzienne ujrzały 2 przodujące modyfikacje Quake'a 4. Oczywiście chodzi o Q4MAX i X-Battle, które toczą między sobą konkurencyjną walkę o jak największe zainteresowanie wśród konsumentów gry. Tym razem oba mody są w pełni kompatybilne z najnowszą łatką oznaczoną numerkiem 1.2. Ku wielkiej uciesze, znowu będziemy mieli do czynienia z bardzo przydatnymi zmianami, które coraz to bardziej usprawniają kulawe dziecko Ravensoft.
Q4MAX oznaczony cyferką 0.74 prócz wielu zmian i usunięcia błędów oferuje między innymi: stanowisko dla trenerów, możliwość stworzenia własnego celowniczka, wyłączenie czerwonego "migania" celownika, rodzaj spawnów przywrócony do wersji 0.73 i wcześniejszej, nie limitowany rozmiar celownika, timein i unpase, a także kilka innych rzeczy.
Pełna lista zmian
* add: Q4 1.2 compatibility
* add: Q4 1.1 final changes, including LG buzz fix, support for * in net_serverDlTable, and tick/crosses as ready indicators in the scoreboard.
* add: Spectator locking. "speclock", "specinvite", "specrevoke" commands for players allow teams to be locked from specing. "speclockstrogg", "speclockmarine", "specunlockstrogg", "specunlockmarine", "speclockall", "speckunlockall" for referees to control speclock.
* add: coachmode. "coachinvite" the player you want to be coach - accepted with "coach", and declined with "coachdecline". Can be revoked by team members via "coachrevoke", or by the coach via "cancelcoach". Coaches can only spec the team they're the coach of, but may take part in teamchat (including voicechat). Coaches are highlighted by an orange (strogg) / green (marine) C on the scoreboard.
* add: _button1 / Voice To Followed (coach) in the controls menu : send voicechat to the person you are currently viewing when you're a coach
* add: "unpause" / "timein" commands as alternatives to hitting "pause" and "timeout" a second time.
* add: Announcer counts in at end of pause/timeout. During this period it is possible for a player to re-pause/timeout, in case the unpause/timein was accidental.
* add: Display of amount of time remaining during a timeout.
* add: "cancelref" command to return to an ordinary player having previously been a referee.
* add: Chat token #p - last picked-up item
* add: cg_usehitscantint replacing si_allowhitscantint - made client side.
* add: ui_showgun 2 - in-view gun model doesn't bob/sway. Also accessible via Settings - Game Options - Draw Gun Model.
* add: Menus updated to include further options, and remove redundant SP options.
* add: Two layer crosshairs. The second layer is controlled via g_customcrosshair2, g_crosshairsize2, g_crosshaircolor2
* add: g_crosshairblink can disable blinking the crosshair red when hits are registered.
* chg: g_crosshairsize no longer limited to specific values. Range 4 - 100.
* chg: g_crosshairCustom number now indicates the file, rather than indicating the file cvar should be checked. g_crosshairCustomFile is now redundant.
* chg: Some stock crosshairs made symmetric. This is required for all the crosshairs to line up properly with each other in two-layer configurations.
* chg: Chat token #i now reports all items (ammo, all health and armor sizes).
* chg: Renamed pm_speed, pm_walkspeed and pm_crouchspeed to g_* to resolve user issues with pm_ set to singleplayer values.
* chg: r_vertexLight can now be enabled on listen servers.
* chg: Show the team scores as well as team counts in CTFS / CA.
* chg: g_clientProjectileCollision defaults to 0. This corrects issues with rockets apparently colliding twice.
* chg: Referees are now highlighted by a yellow R in the scoreboard.
* chg: net_serverDlTable set to blank (the q4 default) is assumed to be the same as *
* chg: Cvar defaults for autodownload are set to automatically download from the q4files repository at - if your server runs maps not on this server, it is recommended that you upload the maps to this site.
* chg: Reverted spawn logic to that used in q4max 0.73 and earlier.
* chg: When a game ends at timelimit, output the name of the winner / winning team, rather than just "Timelimit hit".
* chg: Exception handler now marks the error report more clearly, and includes the base address in the single line error report. If you get an ACCESS_VIOLATION or any similar error, then please condump and supply as much information as possible - the details from the error log are marked with "8
* chg: Eliminated a couple of repeated warnings (eg precaching head model .cm's), and reduced some others to developer 1.
* fix: Avoid shutting down the server if a map uses Sky Portal Cameras (eg Monsoon), when used in Tourney with 4 or more players.
* fix: server hang on cycling spectators if you're following a player who disconnects, and there is nobody else you can spectate.
* fix: Updated sample mapcycle.config supplied. If si_mapcycle is used to cycle maps / gametypes and the server runs CTFS, CA, or Duel you must use a q4max aware mapcycle. You also most use this if you wish to use gametype cycling, otherwise the server may suffer from shutdowns with no error.
* fix: Two partial solutions to autodownload stripping the first char (engine bug). Set fs_*path without trail slashes, especially fs_basepath. If this is not the case, a warning will be shown. Also, if the missing char is detected, the download will complete, however the client will save the file to the incorrect place.
* fix: idEntity::AddDamageEffect protected against potential ACCESS_VIOLATION errors
X-Battle z kolei oznaczony cyferką 0.23 oferuje nieco inne rzeczy, ale równie ważne i przydatne. Między innymi są to: zoomowanie rodem z Q3, dodanie wielu komend dla kapitana drużyny, możliwość włączenia innych odgłosów przeciwnika - tankjuniora i keela, oraz kilka innych usprawnień, które jednak tyczą się bardziej gry w drużynach, niż rozgrywek duelowych.
Pełna lista zmian
fix: coach works correctly on listenservers now (evil thing!)
fix: ref_allcaptain sets correct captain status
fix: powerups not disappearing in hud when switching spectated player.
fix: reset ready status on mapchange.
fix: powerups are shown again if spectating a player.
fix: vote-menu shows vote "yes" and "no" when using XBM votes.
fix: autofollow no longer toggles between players with the same priority
fix: fixed an issue with skipworldfx and simpleitems on listenserver spawn.
fix: scoreboard / skins show wrong teams.
fix: fixed a problem with client projectile collision detection.
fix: spectators hud receives events like flagTaken, flagDrop or flagReturn
fix: overtime modes now works correctly again.
fix: map votes via menu work again in special combinations.
fix: own railtrail color in non-teamgames.
fix: pro-marine / pro-strogg teamskin now works as brightskins too.
fix: scorebot freezebug after a mapchange.
fix: removed ready status when switching to spectator or switching team.
fix: cleared player scores after team switch.
fix: fragged player in gametype ClanArena don't disappear in teamoverlay.
fix: glow effects are now correctly handled with r_skipWorldFX.
fix: spectators now see fragmessages of spectated player in their hud.
add: spectators and coaches now see overlay info at crosshair.
add: cl_nomip to allow changing graphics to picmip 1, regardless of current
picmip settings.
add: cl_q3Zoom to allow q3 zoom style. ( community request )
add: global PU spawn sound like it was in q3 when g_PUbehavior is
add: cl_ammoCheck to controls the behaviour of empty weapons.
add: s_altEnemySounds to use tankjr sounds for an opponent model. ( community request )
add: captain commands "captains", "invite", "pickplayer", "removeplayer"
"kickplayer", "resign", "teamready", "readyteam", "accept"
and "decline"; see client-commands.txt for details.
add: match_lateJoin to enable/disable players to join a running match.
add: team_allCaptain to control player captain assignment.
add: team_noControls to disable captain commands on e.g. public servers.
add: team_noTeamReady to disable "teamready" command.
add: vote_allow_allcaptain to control "allcaptain" vote.
add: new vote option "allcaptain".
add: hardconfigs for NGL.
add: new value '2' for hud_showTeamHealth to show plain text instead of
graphical icons in aimtext at crosshair.
chg: aimtext at crosshair shows up immediatelly without fading in.
chg: default cl_enemyColor* / cl_teamColor* colors changed to red/blue.
chg: not showing captain icons in scoreboard with team_allCaptain set.
chg: new captain icons in scoreboard
chg: coachInvite, coachKick, teamlock, teamunlock, time, timeout and timein
commands are limited to captains in team games.
chg: g_allowShaftInWater now is really like it was in QuakeWorld!
chg: machine gun sound 5db increased. (ori q4: -3db / previous XBM: -13db / now: -8db
chg: cl_teamRails command description.
chg: gametype/hardconfig votes no longer reset vote_allow_gametype cvar.
chg: g_firstPURandomSpawn renamed to g_PUbehavior and added to hardconfigs.
chg: voteoption firstpurandomspawn|fpurs renamed to pubehavior|pub.
chg: g_PUbehavior 1 now also sets the time until a dropped powerup is
removed from the map changed to 30 seconds (q3style).
chg: players/listPlayers missing colorcode added.
I tutaj jeden minus. Kilka godzin po wyjściu nowej modyfikacji, usunięto wszystkie linki umożliwiające ściągnięcie programu. Powód: nagle developerzy X-Battle zauważyli, że coś jest nie tak i postanowili wydać w krótkim czasie hotfix, czyli po prostu łatkę. Chodzą głosy, że może chodzić o możliwość zmiany odgłosów przeciwników na te z Quake'a 3, co przez niektórych jest uważane i interpretowane jako kradzież. Niemniej, gdy pojawią się już stabilne linki, również i u nas ich nie zabraknie.
UPDATE: Serwer Q4 został zaktualizowany do Q4 1.2 i Q4Max 0.74. Zapraszamy do gry pod adres:!
UPDATE 2: X-Battle naprawiony! Zapraszamy do zakładki "Download" po linki do modyfikacji.
#0 | kaboom
2006-04-26 13:34:43
update: o widze ze juz kilka mamy :)
#0 | freak > elies :(
2006-04-26 13:55:33
#0 | YoGi
2006-04-26 14:02:13
#0 | kaboom
2006-04-26 14:03:57
#0 | akhor
2006-04-26 14:06:36
#0 | freak > elies :(
2006-04-26 14:12:21
#0 | STING
2006-04-26 14:18:23
#0 | Pajda
2006-04-26 16:00:55
#0 | piwoszeq
2006-04-26 16:06:45
w pk normalnie elegancko chodzilo a przez te jego pk++ to i wieksze pingi i mniej fps i do tego wlasnie skakaly fpsy...........................
#0 | OFF @ Grumx
2006-04-26 16:16:27
#0 | piwoszeq
2006-04-26 16:30:12
bez pk++ takiego czegos nie mialem :P
#0 | Vitez
2006-04-26 17:24:29
#0 | fx/rutt
2006-04-26 18:10:23
#0 | sonny
2006-04-26 18:39:33
ale po co oni robia z q4 kopie q3 ????... juz hitsoundy i enemysoundy pieknie sciagneli.
#0 | ThrawN
2006-04-26 22:43:38
#0 | dave
2006-04-27 10:07:29
#0 | matisyaho
2006-04-27 10:25:52
#0 | dave
2006-04-27 12:20:59
#0 | kaboom
2006-04-27 13:27:41
#0 | kaboom
2006-04-27 13:28:00
#0 | matisyaho
2006-04-27 13:43:09
#0 | dave
2006-04-27 15:14:48
#0 | Vitez
2006-04-28 02:18:21
#0 | Dc
2006-04-28 11:30:42