Kolejna odsłona X-Battle (0.31)
Dosłownie kilka godzin temu developerzy odpowiedzialni za popularną modyfikację Quake'a 4, X-Battle, wydali na światło dzienne kolejną wersję swojego dziecka, tym razem oznaczoną cyferką 0.31. Skupiono się przede wszystkim na naprawie istotnych błędów, a także usprawnieniu płynności programu. Niemniej, użytkownicy moda znajdą w nim kilka nowych cech i pomniejszych dodatków. Prócz tego, kosmetyczną innowacją jest wprowadzenie po raz pierwszy instalatora programu, zamiast zwykłego, spakowanego pliku zip.Ważniejsze zmiany
fix: showing wrong weapon at playermodel.
fix: models sometimes have no leg animation.
fix: addon.conf maps are working properly now.
fix: missing item respawn sound with simple items enabled. (id-bug)
fix: demo playback.
fix: rocket launcher reload animation was broken after the import of the xgo sound effects.
fix: missing hitsounds under xgo sounds.
fix: missing railgun and alternate team/enemysounds under xgo sounds.
fix: weaponbobbing was broken when weaponfoveffect was active.
add: windows installer
add: buymode support for gametype Freeze TDM and ClanArena.
add: show damage given / received on endgame summary.
add: show team-damage give / received on engame summary.
add: net_clientPrediction to mainmenu player settings.
add: show damage given / received on hud-stats.
add: show team-damage given / received on hud-stats in teamgames.
add: new soundset for enemy/team called 'Strogg'.
chg: server password prompt now accepts .
chg: several items/effects (CTF flags, armor, etc.) are now drawn in picmip 0 (requested).
chg: damage calculation now calculates with real damage.
chg: removed networksync flag from bobbing cvars.
chg: some code cleanups.

fix: invisible model bug.
fix: showing wrong weapon at playermodel.
fix: models sometimes have no leg animation.
fix: addon.conf maps are working properly now.
fix: combined map/gametypes vote no work properly.
fix: missing item respawn sound with simple items enabled. (id-bug)
fix: demo playback.
fix: rocket launcher reload animation was broken after the import of the
xgo sound effects.
fix: chat icon in percent frozen display.
fix: do not show player health/armor when spectating freefly.
fix: removed jumppad fx with r_skipWorldFx bit 2 (jumppad) is set.
fix: players get correct inventory now after disabling instaGib.
fix: flagcarrier display now updates properly.
fix: removed torso idle animation when frozen.
fix: coach invite via GUI.
fix: map populate checksum error when voting to buyMode.
fix: si_shuffle vote did not work.
fix: gui-vote maprestart.
fix: removed duplicated drawing of hud when showing hud-stats.
fix: missing hitsounds under xgo sounds.
fix: missing railgun and alternate team/enemysounds under xgo sounds.
fix: lightning-gun discharge after weaponswitch.
fix: weaponbobbing was broken when weaponfoveffect was active.
fix: 2 times YOU WIN/LOSE at endscreen.
fix: odd handling of g_fov in mainmenu.
fix: weaponConfigs crosshair in mainmenu.
fix: wrong tab header shown in vote menu sometimes.
fix: cursors not shown on inputfields in menu.
fix: some issues with team/enemy model handling in mainmenu.
fix: some issues with player model handling in ingame menu.
fix: some issues with simple brightskins updates.
fix: vote_allow_* now works with GUI votes.
fix: vote "restart" did not reset to "No".
add: added bse_scale to mainmenu.
add: buymode support for gametype Freeze TDM and ClanArena.
add: controlTime to admin menu.
add: show damage given / received on endgame summary.
add: show team-damage give / received on engame summary.
add: g_doubleVision to mainmenu.
add: hud_teamOverlayAlpha to mainmenu.
add: added g_gunX, g_gunY and g_gunZ to mainmenu.
add: hud_teamOverlayAlpha to set background alpha of teamoverlay.
add: r_displayRefresh to system-settings.
add: g_crosshairCustom to mainmenu settings.
add: pm_zoomedSlow to mainmenu settings.
add: simple skin selection to mainmenu player settings.
add: net_clientPrediction to mainmenu player settings.
add: show damage given / received on hud-stats.
add: show team-damage given / received on hud-stats in teamgames.
add: new soundset for enemy/team called 'Strogg'.
add: cl_crosshairBlink added to GUI.
chg: server password prompt now accepts .
chg: lowered "Last" buzzer sound in FT a little.
chg: moved controlTime vote to vote page 1.
chg: several items/effects (CTF flags, armor, etc.) are now drawn in
picmip 0 (requested).
chg: adapted plaintext server log to new gametypes / modes etc.
chg: cleaned up serverInfos.
chg: damage calculation now calculates with real damage.
chg: hiding crosshair selection when g_crosshairCustom is 0.
chg: moved "show jumps", "show speed", "show teamhealth" to hud->general.
chg: move "screenshot" bind to controls->other.
chg: "per weapon ..." menu is shown/hidden depending on cl_weaponConfigs
chg: crosshair tint disabled if you hit a teammate and teamdamage is
chg: napalmgun ingame and xbm viewmodel skin recolored. it was a bit too
chg: removed networksync flag from bobbing cvars.
chg: some code cleanups.
chg: hud_ammoBar default changed to 1 (lower left).
chg: swimspeed changed to q2/q3 default.
chg: water jump out effect changed to q2/q3 default.
chg: cl_napalmsmoke 0 now also removed projectile smoke.
rem: unused ui_autoReload in multiplayer.
rem: reload bind and "Auto Weapon Reload" from mainmenu.
rem: alt. enemy/team soundset 'Keel' removed.
rem: "QANotes" command removed to allow q for quit.
rem: g_fastWeaponSwitch because it was a relict from Q4 1.0.
rem: callvote fastswitch and vote_allow_fastswitch.
rem: vote fastswitch from vote menu.

Prawdopodobnie kolejne odsłony X-Battle'a również skupią się bardziej na ulepszaniu, usprawnianiu programu, niż na wprowadzaniu rewolucyjnych nowości. Można zauważyć, iż modyfikacja, którą dyryguje główny twórca projektu,

#0 | kaboom
2006-09-22 10:51:12
#0 | Dc
2006-09-22 11:42:15
#0 | Vitez
2006-09-23 01:11:08
Od czasu pr 1.3 i jak oba mody maja wszystko konfigurowalne w menu - przestawienie sie z jednego na drugi to kwestia paru(nastu) minut jednorazowej konfiguracji.
W dawnych czasach bylo to sporo trudniejsze bo fizyka gry czy bronie chyba sie bardziej roznily miedzy tymi modami i tak samo opcje tunowania grafiki czy komendy w configu. Teraz do configu nawet w ogole nie trzeba zagladac:
- instalka q4+ pr 1.3
- autodetect settings
- instalka modow
- dokonfigurowanie modow z menu, nie zapomniec o forceambient :>