CustomUT 1a wydany
Nowa wersja modyfikacji turniejowej przeznaczonej do gry Unreal Tournamnet 3 ujrzała światło dzienne. CustomUT wersja 1a jest już dostępna i można ją już pobierać. Dzięki owej modyfikacji mamy możliwość między innymi wymuszania modelu przeciwnika, zmiany koloru skina, robienia automatycznych zrzutów ekranu, szybkiego restartu mapy, mod dodaje także odgłosy trafień czy też wreszcie wprowadza możliwość głosowania.Oryginalna lista zmian w języku angielskim
- A bug existed with certain nvidia cards that made the skins always blue up close, they should now change colors correctly.
- Sniper zoom will now function properly in warmup.
- Added gametype voting.
- Warmup should now always remain enabled after a map change.
- When a player joined the server, if force models was used, the model was re-loaded for each additional player causing hitching. Now it will only load once.
- Shield belt will now change color to match the skins.
- Added a few default crosshair components.
- Removed the drop shadow from custom crosshairs.
- Changing the color of a skin multiple times in the menus in short succession caused the skins to increase in brightness till the other players had died.
- The scoreboard will now function in onslaught.
- The TDM scoreboard is now properly aligned.
- Under certain situations, a legitimate player couldn't vote. This should now be fixed.
- The default value for a vote to pass was mistakenly set to 100% in the previous version, it is now 51%.
- Added option for servers to allow weapon throwing even with weapon stay on.
- Enforcer statistics will now display correctly.
- Weapon statistics will now show on the scoreboard in vehicle ctf.
- Warmup will now work in instant action.
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