CPMa 1.44 już w sieci
Dzisiaj światło dzienne ujrzała kolejna wersja, oznaczona numerem 1.44, najpopularniejszej modyfikacji do gry Quake 3 Arena. Mowa tu oczywiście o Challenge ProMode Arena. Najnowszą łatkę mogliśmy już od jakiegoś czasu testować w domowym zaciszu i przyjęta została z dużo aprobatą. W finalnej wersji znalazło się jednak kilka nowych poprawek. Ogólnie zmiany dotyczą głównie fizyki CPM, między innymi zmniejszono prędkośc wychodzenia z teleportów oraz poprawiono system respawnów. Z ciekawostek mamy także nowe ikony, stworzone przez gwiazdę amerykańskiego CPMa vamp1re'a. Kilka zmian dotyczy także ChallengeQuake3, więcej w changelogu.
add: new icons for just about everything, thanks to vamp1re
add: log_xmlstats (default "stats")
directory to save endgame stats to, "" to disable
add: END pauses demos (needs CNQ3)
add: Digital Graphics Labs "Enter Sansman" font
usable in superhud with "font sansman"
add: cg_railCoreWidth (2), cg_railRingWidth (8), cg_railRingStep (32)
the r_rail* cvars are now obsoleted
add: cl_noprint works during demo playback and with the SHUD "console"
add: captain actions are logged to the team's consoles
add: show timein caller in team games
add: hud_hide , hud_show
add: info_player_deathmatch support to mapcfgs
was only doing info_player_start - doh!
chg: removed dlights from FC's again
chg: PG gun/TDM ammo 100, box 50, speed 2000
chg: MG boxes give 50 ammo, max 100
chg: replaced the RL and GL trail system
cg_smokeGrowth_RL and cg_smokeGrowth_GL are obsoleted
chg: beefed up cg_railStyle 2 a fair bit
chg: CTF flags don't flash and only show on the HUD when they're not at base
chg: team overlay expands to show multiple PUs if needed
chg: NTF defaults to flag dropping enabled
chg: servers reject players whose names have bogus characters (126)
chg: removed FlagWeight from class files
chg: removed s_occfactor - now always treated as 0
chg: removed fastrail, finally, may it rest in peace
chg: cg_altLightning now just 0 or 1
0 is the original (pre-TA) id LG beam
1 is the 1.43 altLighting 3 with a new render scheme
chg: CPM tele exit speed is 400, same as VQ3
chg: spawnsystem back to "far half" from killer with no weighting
fix: xml strings need escaping even when quoted
fix: waterjump catapult wasn't triggering properly
fix: simpleitems are actually ITEM_RADIUS (most meaningless id bug ever)
finally trumped the RG light fix :P
fix: rather fascinating bizarre bugs with corpses and weapons
e.g. your corpse with LG would actually fire when you fired
and if it had a humming weapon, it would play that sound too
fix: item bboxes were asymmetric and misaligned (id bug)
fix: stupid SnapVectorTowards bug from the TA era (id bug)
fix: hunter/pm antlers weren't blended properly
fix: bad math in item bobbing made them jerky for no good reason (id bug)
if the server had been up for more than just a couple of days
fix: concretefloor1 and portal_sfx had invalid tcmods (id bugs)
fix: railtrails were often not sent to players near the shooter (id bug)
fix: #E correctly identifies Suited enemies
fix: some edit fields in the ui (e.g. rate) weren't updating their cvars
Download Challenge ProMode Arena 1.44
Serwery eSports.pl prawdopodobnie już dzisiaj zostaną przestawione na nowe CPMa.
#0 | kaboom
2007-12-21 12:17:13
#0 | soviet_
2007-12-21 12:45:43
#0 | fur1
2007-12-21 13:07:26
#0 | DziaD.
2007-12-21 14:18:59
#0 | sexy maly
2007-12-21 14:51:57
#0 | wzf | yeltzyn
2007-12-21 14:55:16
#0 | kaboom
2007-12-21 15:08:41
pb jest wylaczone, bo cos sie gryzie z tym cpma
#0 | kaboom
2007-12-21 15:09:42
co do samego servera to moze w wkrotce postawimy jeden votowalny dla cpm i vq3
#0 | kaboom
2007-12-21 15:10:29
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 15:37:51
naprawdę ikona MegaHelta jest taka \"beznadziejna\" albo Quad\'a ? Albo Haste ? Albo Invis ?
#0 | qwe
2007-12-21 16:16:35
#0 | ThrawN
2007-12-21 16:38:07
1. Patrze Patrze na ta ikonk GL i widzę samochód narysowany od góry
2. Odliczanie \"3...2...1\" = damski głos, podobno Proxowi coś staneło ale nie powiedził co xD
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 17:00:09
#0 | fur1
2007-12-21 17:01:31
#0 | El-Mo
2007-12-21 17:16:09
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 17:32:23
#0 | El-Mo
2007-12-21 17:55:45
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 17:59:38
#0 | El-Mo
2007-12-21 18:07:54
#0 | sexy maly
2007-12-21 20:39:35
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 21:48:32
\"That is the purpose of a long reload - that if you fire at the wrong time you will die to someone firing the right weapon. Fastrail was always a mistake and has a far greater impact on the code than is justified by its use.
The CA community should switch to CPM gameplay, this is much better balanced for CA, the Rail gun isn\'t so overpowered at 80 damage instead of 100 and has a shorter reload so the window of vulnerability fits CPM\'s speed better. The LG also does slightly less damage in CPM than in PMC, again fitting what you\'re asking for.\"
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-21 21:54:36
Czyli zapamiętamy: wymyślimy coś naj naj najbardziej zajebistego a i tak ArQoN
może zrobić nam wała hehehehhe
#0 | cin
2007-12-21 22:19:36
#0 | satan
2007-12-21 22:28:08
#0 | wzf | yeltzyn
2007-12-22 07:51:26
#0 | AL|EN
2007-12-22 14:35:52
#0 | cin
2007-12-22 15:19:53