Ventrilo 2.2.0


Ventrilo 2.2.0

Ventrilo jest obecnie uważany za jeden z najlepszych programów do komunikacji głosowej. Ostatnio zanotowaliśmy najnowszą wersję tego programu - Ventrilo 2.2.0. Lista zmian w języku angielskim:

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New general features:
  • MOTD and remote editing of the message by server admin.
  • Paging a specific user. Includes options to prevent paging.
  • Server admin can now globally mute a specific user.
  • Cross channel communication.
  • Cross channel and all sub-channels communication.
  • Users-to-user (private) communication.
  • Advanced binding mode in client for configuring cross channel and U2U voice transmission.
  • Configurable defaults to Allow paging, U2U and recording modes. Unique to each server definition in the client. These states can be toggled dynamically from the popup menu via the user list window.
  • Remote editing of server and channel ban lists with user friendly GUI.
  • Remote editing of USR file entries with user friendly GUI.
  • Up to 4 simultaneous transmission destinations at the same time, and all with a single upload stream and download stream. Can be any combination of the current channel, cross channel, cross channel and sub-channel and U2U.
  • Channel features:
  • Filtering of WAV, TTS, Cross channel, U2U, Pageing.
  • Allows for controlling the recording of conversations. However, the client does not currently support recording. That should be in a client 2.2.1 update.
  • Restrict transmitting to just USR file entries.
  • Prevent anyone from generating sound events when in a specific channel. Very useful for auditions and you don’t want the person performing to generate odd sounds when someone enters/leaves the channel.
  • Queued mode: Only one person in the channel can talk at any one time.
  • Muted mode: When someone enters the channel they are automatically muted. They can only transmit when a server/channel admin un-mutes them.
  • Transmit time limit for queued and muted channels.
  • Channel comments.
  • View channel settings without needing to be an admin.
  • Channel specific banning of IP addresses. Only available to root level channels and it’s associated admin but applies to all of the sub-channels.

  • Public server: 8 slots max, one instance per machine and port 3784
  • Pro server: Same as previous versions but not available for public download.
  • If you want a detailed explanation on why the public version has been limited to 8 slots then please read this page. It explains it all.
  • Tweaked timer code to correct possible problem of server not responding to remote status requests after the server has been online for X number days.
  • Modified /rcon maxclients to display the current setting only. It will no longer change the maxclients value.
  • Removed “disablemaxclient” from INI file, since the “/rcon maxclients” no longer changes the value.
  • Public version no longer supports the interface [Intf] section of the INI file.
  • Public Windows server will now locate all available interfaces and attach to them. Should solve the problem with some home servers sometimes not being reachable if you didn’t specify the interface manually. As far as I know this has never been a problem on the other platforms.
  • Turned on compiler optimizations to squeeze a little more performance out of the servers.
  • Changed the default value for the [Status] ReplyInterval variable. Made it 50ms instead of 500ms.
  • Corrected bug in %XX encoding of remote status characters. If they went above 0x7F they were sign extended and turned into 4 hex digits instead of 2. Oops.
  • Finally found and fixed the slow memory leak in the server.
  • Modified “protocol error” to say “Incompatible version”. Should cut down the number of forum posts each time I break the data stream and compatibility.
  • An example USR file is no longer included with each distribution. No need since the client can edit it remotely.

  • Native support for Mouse 4 through 8 when using DirectInput mode. Getting 6/7/8 to work is between you and the manufacturer of your mouse, but the support is there if they will allow them to work.
  • Native support for game controller buttons. These can be bound to the PTT key or any of the advanced function binds in the binds editor. Requires DirectInput mode. Supports dynamic notification devices and old style joysticks that require manual polling.
  • Allows selection of a specific game controller.
  • Displays the MOTD message when connecting to the server. The message can be redisplayed via the popup menu options.
  • Page requests currently assume Text-to-speech sounds. A future version will allow more control over what/how this event is processed. So, make sure your TTS system is installed and working.
  • New “LETTER” indicators next to user names. G=Globally muted, N=Channel muted.
  • The Chat send button will now disable it self for a second after sending a message. Similar to what the Comment button does. Both changes are an attempt to prevent spamming, which can also be controlled at the server.
  • Modified the Chat window in an attempt to correct an obscure bug of sometimes not being able to see that list of users on right side who are currently in chat mode.

Najnowszą wersję można ściągnąć stąd. Polecam program tym którzy chcą zostać "prO" =)
Inne znane mi programy do rozmów głosowych przez


  • mortar

    #0 | mortar

    2004-03-19 16:20:14

  • yareq

    #0 | yar

    2004-03-19 18:50:08

  • OnliNE

    #0 | P@sta San | oFF

    2004-03-19 18:53:55

  • yareq

    #0 | yar

    2004-03-19 21:02:48

  • imper

    #0 | imper

    2004-03-19 21:53:46

  • sYs.bad.

    #0 | .bad.

    2004-03-20 14:20:51

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