Prepare to Meet Thy Doom
Pod takim tytułem ukazał się nowy artykuł na Wired. Jak sam tytuł wskazuje - jest on o jednej z najbardziej oczekiwanych gier. Jednakże, nie jest on taki sam jak reszta zapowiedzi, gdyż bardzie zagląda w ten projekt, nazjwijmy to, od kuchni. Co się dzieje teraz w iD. Jakie plany ma firma na przyszłość plus trochę historii. Polecam bardzo lekturę tego tekstu naprawdę warto.
Aby was zachęcić - wkleiłem kilka ciekawszych fragmentów.Fragmenty
(...) I've never seen id's office as focused as it is now. There are no CDs whizzing into walls like Frisbees. No keyboards being hammered during Quake III marathons. No screams of the traditional shooter deathmatch taunt, "Suck it down!" Right now, the only things being sucked down are the brownies and coffee in the kitchen - a caffeine-sugar slammer to fortify the troops for yet another late night.
As level designer Christian Antkow says, "We cannot fuck this up."
Redmond keeps calling, trying to convince the company to release a version of Doom III for the Xbox: "We're being offered a pretty significant amount of money to sit on it until an Xbox port is done," says Carmack. id hasn't announced a decision yet.