Logitech.fi ponownie z COD4
Po prawie półrocznej przerwie bardzo znana nie tylko na skandynawskiej scenie drużyna Logitech.fi utworzyła po raz kolejny dywizję Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Poprzednio sekcję tą tworzyli Finowie w osobach anza, rnl, Tomsku, Filter, danger and Favori. Tym razem dywizja ta składać się będzie także z samych Finów. Większość z nich reprezentowała ostatnio barwy TEK9. Duet jokke oraz dae grał natomiast dla Da Imperial Executors.
Skład Logitech.fi
Oświadczenie graczy i włodarzy LGT (j. ang.)
LGT jokke: "Today I am very pleased to announce that our very new and an unknown team will become a part of Logitech´s Multigaming organisation. Our team consists of six players of which four are known already in the scene. They've played under the name of team-turpo and the players need no introduction; Crysti, kammyz, mohva and ztkk and to complete the lineup the last two players are me and dae. We're both probably strangers for you (at least I am). We've both played Call of Duty 1, 2 and 4 actively. You might recall us from such clans as DIE / Epsilon. I had to stop playing since it was my time to do my part in the Finnish military service. Anyways it's all over now and I'm back in business. Dae quit playing a few months later than I did 'cause he just didn´t have enough time to play and compete with among the best players and clans in Europe. We'd like to thank Neqqu and Logitech for this wonderful opportunity that has been given to us. I really do hope we have a succesful future together in this symbiosis with Logitech Multigaming Organisation."
LGT neqqu: "I welcome all these nice fellows and excellent players to Team Logitech.fi and hope they will have the time of their life with us. Our ride on Cod-series has been succesful before with our previous teams and I'm seriously hoping that we are able to return to the same level where we once were together with this team."
Zobaczymy na jak długo tym razem skład Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare zagości w szeregach fińskiej organizacji gamingowej. Możemy mieć tylko nadzieję, iż będzie to dłuższy okres, niż ostatnio. Tymczasem pozostaje nam już tylko obserwować poczynania owej szóstki pod banderą Logitech.fi.
#1 | psiocha
2008-08-23 10:36:18
#2 | ntkkk
2008-08-23 11:00:50
#4 | endriu_
2008-08-23 12:23:03
#5 | sHakur
2008-08-23 12:40:56
2008-08-23 13:44:04
#7 | marikkkk
2008-08-23 13:47:17
#8 | platinium
2008-08-23 13:54:22
#9 | eXN
2008-08-23 14:02:47
#10 | platinium
2008-08-23 14:40:38
#11 | raul
2008-08-23 14:51:44
#12 | cOw.
2008-08-23 15:15:22
#13 | platinium
2008-08-23 15:30:27
#14 | psiocha
2008-08-23 16:20:42
#15 | qbarcaaaa
2008-08-23 17:03:03
#16 | marikkkk
2008-08-23 17:11:53
#18 | qbarcaaaa
2008-08-25 18:08:57