Łatka do UT2k4
Firma EPIC wydała właśnie nową łatkę do Unreal Tournament 2004. Jest to już druga łatka do tej gry i wnosi ona bardzo wiele znaczących zmian oraz poprawia wiele błędów. Lista zmian (niestety w języku angielskim) poniżej.
- More script warning fixes
- Fixed armor loop in GameInfo.ReduceDamage() properly handling armor getting destroyed while absorbing damage
- Invasion monsters never use default character mesh
- Fixed CTFSquadAI.FindHidePathFor()
- Make sure always add armor using Pawn.AddShieldStrength()
- Fixed ShieldAbsorb() armor damage absorption to produce consistent results in all situations
- Fixed spawning of physicsvolume entry and exit actors, as well as splash sounds, and made them client side.
- Added WaterSplash, used for projectiles and pawns
- Added SplashEffect property and CheckForSplash() function to WeaponAttachment, so instant hit weapons can cause splashes
- Added BulletSplash, used for trace weapons
- Landing sounds no longer stomp on splash sounds
- Added WaterRing - spawned while pawn is walking in water, or center of pawn enters water (new PawnEntryActor property in PhysicsVolume)
- Fixed pawn visible rotation lagging too far behind actual rotation (because of head/torso twist support)
- Fixed bots going after nearby dropped inventory that they couldn't pick up
- Fixed some dynamic uploads (which could cause occasional hitching during gameplay)
- Fixed getting proper ammo count when picking up dropped weapon and already have ammo but no weapon of that type
- Fixed SquadLeader getting set to none if everyone in squad is in a turret
- HUD weapon bar bShowMissingWeaponInfo now config, so is properly saved
- Fixed CTFSquadAI finding flagholder when holder is in vehicle
- Fixed "Use Map Defaults" for bots can result in uneven teams in some maps
- [USE] will only bring up the mid-game menu in ONS games
- Fix for custom models crashing the single player game.
- Fixed TracerProjectile location setting after near miss sound effect
- Fixed BR bomb trail position in multiplayer
- Added Instagib CTF as standalone gametype
- Allow chatting when the game is paused.
- No longer catch own weapon when thrown while running forward
- Fixed weapons checking if they were out of ammo when they weren't the active weapon (which was causing undesired switching to best weapon)
- Fogging is based on camera position rather than pawn head position (important for third person camera while pawn is submerged)
- Removed D3D9Drv.dll and default.ini from patch
- Fixed bug reporting address for Italian, Spanish, and French localized versions.
- Fixed "Intersect Function" crash from first patch.
- Fixed mousewheel input on Win64.
- Removed some pre-release debugging that was still enabled.
Mirrory, z których możecie zassać plik: tutaj i jeszcze tu. Plik waży 11.8Mb więc niewiele. Miłego ściągania.
#0 | d3mo!
2004-06-16 23:11:11
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2004-06-16 23:31:23
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2004-06-16 23:56:20
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2004-06-17 15:47:31
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2004-06-17 16:10:42
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2004-06-17 16:39:11
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2004-06-18 00:50:54
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2004-06-18 13:10:08