Już jest - America's Army 2.3!


Już jest - America's Army 2.3!

Najnowsza wersja America's Army: Special Forces, oznaczona numerem 2.3 o nazwie FireFight właśnie ujrzała światło dzienne. Cała społeczność AA czekała na nowe wydanie już bardzo długo, no i w końcu stało się. Wprawdzie nie ma wszystkich bajerów o jakich było tak głośno na forach całego świata, ale to tylko zła nowina dla starych wyjadaczy, dla nowych graczy - brak dodatkowych testów oraz szkoleń oznacza tylko mniej czasu na download i większą frajdę z gry, bez dodatkowych treningów, a co za tym idzie szybszą zabawę.

Informacje o nowej wersji i zmianach w stosunku do poprzedniej pojawiały się w serwisach Amerykańskich już wczoraj w nocy. Niestety, po chwili były usuwane (pewnie US.Army reagowała). Jedno było wszędzie to samo, ich tresć.

hide_dot.gifOto najważniejsze z tego co oferuje nam v2.3

  • 2 nowe mapy Urban Assault i Woodland Outpost
  • całkowicie nowy mod Turniejowy: mogący wspierać profesjonalne rozgrywki
  • narzędzie do stawiania serwerów: z przyjaznym dla oka interfejscem oraz w pełni wyposarzone w wszelkiego rodzaju funkcje niezbędne dla grania po sieciach LAN, w internecie czy w turniejach.
  • wiele nowych zabezpieczeń antychiterskich zawartych w kodzie gry
  • zlikwidowane główne bugi i exploity: ogień ciągły z m203, CPU speed, zmiany nicków podczas gry, szybkie zwiększanie honoru, możliwośc stawiania nieoficjalnych serverów naliczających honor .

hide_dot.gifOrginalny opis v2.3 FireFight - po angielsku
America's Army: Special Forces (Firefight)
Release Notes (Version 2.3.0)

What's new (Detail)
New Multiplayer Missions
Included in this version of America's Army are two new
multiplayer missions. Both of these new missions were
designed with our new Tournament Mode in mind in terms of
map balance, objectives, and quick action. These two missions
are also the first Infantry and Ranger missions since
'Mountain Pass SE' in v1.9.0.

- Woodland Outpost:

Enemy forces have established a remote woodland outpost
from which to launch reconnaissance patrols and
conduct ambushes. This guerilla outpost rests in a valley
surrounded by rocky woodland terrain. The enemy command
tent is centrally located within the camp. A squad
from the 75th Ranger Regiment must perform reconnaissance
of the area in order to identify the location of the
guerilla command tent. Once identified, they must then
assault the command post to prep and destroy the enemy
weapons depot.

- Urban Assault:

A coalition convoy was raided and the cargo was stolen.
It has been confirmed that the insurgents and the cargo
are based in a residential area of the city. Due to the
dense urban nature of the area it will be necessary to
do a house by house assault on foot. A squad from the
172nd Sep. Infantry BDE must conduct an assault to take
and hold objectives cargo ALPHA and BRAVO. Once
objectives are captured wait for arrival of friendly
reinforcements to transport cargo.

New Tournament Mode
Version 2.3.0 of America's Army features an all new tournament
server mode. This new Tournament Mode was designed to provide
a new user-friendly system for configuring and facilitating

America's Army tournaments and competitive team matches.

Within the America’s Army community there are over 650
organized teams (often called ‘clans’) , each of whom prides
themselves on how they play the game as an organized group,
rather than as individuals. Head-to-Head competitive gameplay
is central to the team experience. Conducting America’s Army
Tournaments, by LAN and over the Internet, has become the
means of furthering team identity and esprit de corps.

America’s Army Tournament Mode will provide teams, individual
server administrators, and third-party gaming organizations
(like TWL, CAL and CPL) with simple yet flexible tools for
creating and managing Tournaments. All tools will be
accessible through a combination of in-game graphical user
interface (GUI) and an external Server Management Application

Throughout this README file, we will be using the
following acronyms:

TM - Tournament Mode
TA - Tournament Administrator
TC - Team Captain
GUI - Graphical User Interface
AASM – America’s Army Server Manager

NOTE 1: Please see the Tournament Mode Guide included in the
game installation for further details and instructions.

NOTE 2: It is suggested to use the new America's Army Server
Manager (AASM) for setting up and configuring your tournament.

The new features of 'America's Army Tournament Mode' are
described in detail below:

- New Team Captain Feature:
Team Captains (TC) are a new player status unique to
Tournament Mode. TCs are the Tournament team’s respective
leaders. They are responsible for making sure the teams are
set up properly as well as indicating when their team is
ready to start the tournament.

Any player on a tournament team can choose to be a TC by
selecting the 'Team Captain' checkbox on the Team Roster Page.
This grants the following attributes and abilities:

1. TCs can either allow their team’s players to individually
select their own player class roles, or the TC can select
the LOCK button on the Team Roster Page to lock out any
other team members from selecting player class roles
themselves. If they choose to select the LOCK checkbox,
the TC is the only one who can assign team roles.

2. TCs can enter their team’s name into a text box located
on the Team Roster Page.

3. TCs are responsible for pushing the READY button for
the TC to use to signal that his team is ready to start the
tournament. The tournament (or planning phase) will start
when both TCs have pushed this READY button.

4. TCs are represented by the color blue (as opposed to
Admins who are red). The TC’s name will appear in blue on
both the main Scoreboard and the Team Roster Page. TC's
chat text in the console will also appear in blue when
using the Command Chat system (see below in Command Chat

5. TCs can use the Tournament Command Chat system for
communicating to other TAs or TCs.

- New Tournament Team Select Page:
This GUI page is the normal Team Select page with some
specific TM enhancements described below:

1. Team Passwords:
Teams can set specific passwords which would be required to
join a specific team (see below in TM Server Configurations
section). These passwords can be entered by players on this
Team Select GUI page. If team passwords have not been
specified, the player selects their team as normal. If the
player joins the server via the console command with the
correct team password included, that player will automatically
join the correct team upon server connection.

2. Team Names:
Teams can now set a name for their team. These team names can
be specified in two ways; team names can be filled out prior
to the TM server launch via the server configuration
settings, or they can be filled out in-game by the TCs or
TAs on the Team Roster Page (GUI).

3. Random Team Assignment:
Teams can be randomly assigned to a side (assault or defense)
at the beginning of the tournament. If this setting is
enabled, then the Home and Away teams will be randomly
assigned to a side. If this setting is disabled (the default
setting), the Home Team will always start on the
Defense/Ambush side.

- New Tournament Team Roster Page:
This GUI page shows the entire team roster along with all of
the corresponding player class roles that are available on
the particular mission. This page functions as an interface
to set up and configure your team prior to the tournament

On this page, the user can select to be the TC if that team
role is not already filled.

If the user IS NOT the Team Captain:

If the TC LOCK is not enabled, the player will be able to
select their own player class role in which to play the
tournament (i.e. Rifleman, Grenadier, etc.) as well as
being able to select if they want to be a medic. If the TC
LOCK is enabled – the user can only watch as the TC assigns
all the player class roles for the entire team. The user can
still select to be a medic however. It is suggested that the
user pay attention to the console chat if not a TC.

If the user IS the Team Captain:

The TC has the option of selecting the TC LOCK in order
to lock the player class role selections so that only
the TC can assign player class roles for their team. If the
TC LOCK is not enabled, the team members can select their
own player class roles individually. The TC always has the
ability to ‘swap’ players class roles as he sees fit
(regardless of the TC LOCK). The TC is also responsible for
entering the Tournament Team Name (the name of their team)
into a text box on this UI page.

When players are being assigned to their player class role
(by the TC or themselves), only one player can be assigned
to a role at a time. This player is always the player who's
name is listed at the top of the player list on the right
pane of this Team Roster Page. The players must be assigned
from top to bottom on this list of players.

NOTE: Depending on the TM server configuration setting,
either all player class roles in the particular map will be
available to select from or only the default player class
roles set by the player count.

- New Tournament Tab Page:
This is the GUI page completely unique to tournaments and is
only visible when running a server in Tournament Mode. This
GUI page tab is available for viewing to everyone involved in
the tournament process, all players, spectators, and Admins.
This page is the central hub of all information relating to
the tournament at hand. However, only TAs and TCs can utilize
the additional functionality on this page.

This page contains the following components:

A pane showing all of the pertinent tournament information
and configuration settings.

A pane showing all of the relevant buttons in which
TAs and TCs can use to administer the tournament. These
buttons are only visible to TAs and TCs. These buttons are
dynamic and become usable (or change function) based on the
current state of the tournament. For TAs, these buttons
function immediately after the initial button push is
confirmed by a dialogue box that pops up asking the TA to
confirm their selection. However, for TCs, these buttons
must be confirmed by both TCs prior to functioning. These
dynamic function buttons are listed below:

1. Start/Restart Planning button – Pressing this button will
start or restart the planning phase immediately.

2. Start/Restart Match button – Pressing this button will
start or restart the match immediately. This Restart Match
button can be pushed at any time and the server will
instantly restart the match beginning with the pre-match
setup (Team Roster Page).

3. Pause/Resume Tournament button – Pressing this button
will pause the tournament until Resume is pressed. While
the game is paused, the game will unlock so that substitute
players can join the appropriate team. NOTE: The tournament
can only actually be paused in between rounds not during
gameplay. So if this button is pressed it will queue a pause
for after the current round ends.

4. Swap Teams button – this is displayed at all times.
Pressing this button will automatically swap the teams to the
opposite side and then display the Team Roster Page for
everyone. The teams can only actually be swapped in between
rounds not during gameplay. So if this button is pressed
during play it will queue a swap for after the current round

- New Tournament Admin Functionality:
The Tournament Administrator (TA) is very similar to the
current ‘SuperAdmin’ already in the game with these 2 major

1. The TA is not a silent admin – their connection to the
server is announced to all and their name is visible on the
Scoreboard (listed in red).
2. The TA has the same unique abilities as the TC.

Setting up a server to allow a TA is done the same way as
the current SuperAdmin. The TM server will detect the
regular SuperAdmin password and automatically set them as
a TA. NOTE: TAs are purely tournament administrators and
cannot play in the tournament. TAs also will only take up
an ADMIN player slot, not a SPECTATOR slot.

When a TA joins a TM server a message is broadcasted to
everyone on the server that a TA has joined the tournament
via a message pop-up.

TAs are represented by the color red (as opposed to TCs
who are blue). The TA’s name will appear in red on
the main scoreboard. TA’s chat text in the console will

also appear in red.

The TA has several abilities which can be accessed on the
Team Roster Page. During tournament setup, the TA will be
able to set up each team manually as though he were the TC
for both teams. The TA can look at each team’s roster and
setup by changing the team view on the Team Roster Page
using the team pulldown box to select a team to view.
TAs also have the following abilities on the Team Roster

1. TAs can either allow their team’s players to individually
select their own player class roles, or the TA can select
the LOCK button on the Team Roster Page to lock out any
other team members from selecting player class roles
themselves. If they choose to select the LOCK checkbox,
the TA or TC is the only one who can assign team roles.

2. TAs may enter the teams' names into a text box located
on the Team Roster Page. NOTE: This team name text box is
only visible to the TC and TA.

3. TAs can push the READY button (same functionality as the
TC READY button) to signal that each team is set and ready
to start the tournament or planning phase. There will be
an indication that the team is ready for both teams.

TAs can use the Command Chat system (see below in Command
Chat section). for communicating to other TAs or TCs.

The TA also has several unique abilities which can be
accessed on the Tournament Tab Page. All of these buttons
are visible to TAs and TCs. These buttons are dynamic and
become usable (or change function) based on the current
state of the tournament.

The TA can access all of the regular SuperAdmin commands
available through the Command Post (see the game manual).

During play the TA will have the same abilities of a
normal SuperAdmin. They can watch the action from any
spectating viewpoints or from any player.

- New Tournament Command Chat Feature:

Both TAs and TCs can chat via a new Command Chat feature.
This new chat feature allows all TAs and TCs to communicate
to each other at any time during the tournament. This chat
system will only broadcast messages to TAs and TCs. This
will help with coordinating the administration of the
tournament by those in command. All text displayed when
using this Command Chat will be shown in blue. This command
chat can be accessed by either a TC or a TA by using the
following console commands:

For example:
csay I am just waiting on one more player until I hit ready

NOTE: This csay console command can be bound to a key for
quick use.

- New Swap Teams Feature:
This feature allows the TM server to automatically (or
manually) switch all players to the opposite team – or ‘swap’
teams. This feature is useful in tournaments where it is
standard practice to have both teams play both sides of any
given map. This feature can be activated in two ways:

By setting the Swap Limit setting in the server
configuration file. This setting is the number of rounds
which take place before the tournament teams are swapped.

By having the TA or both TCs select the ‘Swap Teams’ button
on the Tournament Tab UI page.

- New Mission Planning Phase Feature:
The Mission Planning Phase is a feature unique to Tournament
Mode that allows both teams to spawn into the game before the
tournament officially starts in order to do the following:

1. To allow the players to run through the map for the first
time to preload the specific map’s textures into their video
card RAM. This reduces the risk of pauses or other
interruptions that may be caused by caching occurring during
live tournament play.
2. To do any pre-match communication or planning in the
specific tournament map.
3. To run through the current map in order to get their
bearings and preview the map before the tournament starts.

The planning phase plays just like the normal game except for
the following restrictions:

1. No damage will be taken by any players.
2. Flashbangs will have no effect on any players.
3. No one can take objectives and end the round during the
planning phase.
4. The teams are LOCKED, no other players can join a team and

no further team setup changes can take place.

Tournaments running in TM do not always have a planning phase.
This is a configuration option setting for the TM server.
The planning duration time is also a configurable TM
server setting.

The planning phase can be restarted manually by the
TA or by mutual agreement of both TCs. Once planning phase
ends, there will be a 10 second countdown until the
tournament starts.

- New Tournament Mode Server Configurations:
In order to run a America’s Army server in Tournament Mode,
the following server configuration settings can be set by
the AASM or manually in the server configuration file:

1. Run the server in Tournament Mode – this setting sets the
server to run in Tournament Mode. NOTE: This setting has to
be set in the server configuration file before the server
launch and cannot be done by a Tournament Admin in-game.

2. TM server password – this setting sets the TM server
password. This is the password required to join the TM
server. This password is separate from the team password.
This TM server password is not required, but it is suggested.

3. Allow Team Captains – this setting sets whether or not the
tournament will allow TC (and their abilities) to function on
the TM server.

4. Number of rounds in a match – this setting sets the number
of rounds that make up the tournament.

5. Tie Rules – determines whether:
a. ties are allowed
b. ties are broken by score
c. ties are broken by sudden death
d. b, then c if needed

6. EndEx Rule – this setting sets whether or not the ‘EndEx
Rule’ (End of Exercise) is in effect during the tournament.
This setting determines if the tournament is over when one
team has mathematically eliminated the other team from the
possibility of winning.

7. Swap Limit setting – this setting sets the swap limit
setting. This swap limit is the number of rounds before the
teams are swapped (switched sides). If the Swap Limit is set
to 0, the teams will never swap unless manually swapped by a

8. Swap Time setting – this setting sets the swap time
allowed by the tournament. This swap time is the number of
seconds each team or TC has in order to set up their team’s
player class roles after a team swap. Once this time has
expired, the teams rosters will lock and the tournament will

9. RequestDelayTime – this request delay time setting sets
the number of seconds after a TC makes a request until that
TC can make another request.

10. Mission Planning Phase duration – this setting sets the
planning duration time of the tournament (in minutes). If the
planning time is set to 0, there will not be a mission
planning phase.

11. Team passwords – this setting sets the individual Team
Passwords. These are the passwords required to join a

specific team. If no passwords are set, then players will not
need to enter a password to join either team.

12. Team names – These are the names of both the Home Team
and the Away Team. These names can be filled out prior to the
TM server launch in the server configuration file, or they
can be filled out in-game by the TCs or TAs on the Team Roster

13. Random team assignment – This is a setting to determine
if the teams will be randomly assigned to a side (assault or
defense) at the beginning of the tournament. If this setting
is enabled, then the Home and Away teams will be randomly
assigned to a side. If this setting is disabled (the default
setting), the Home Team will always start on Defense
(currently ‘team1’).

14. Tournament Admin password – this setting sets the
TA password. This is the password required to join the TM
server as a TA.

15. Round Delay Time – this setting sets the round delay time
which is the amount of time (seconds) in between each round.
The TC can make team player class role adjustments during
this time on the Team Roster Page. However, when this round
delay time expires, the next round will start and any player
unassigned will be automatically assigned to a player class
role by the server.

16. Player Class Roles Availability – this setting sets
whether or not the teams will be able to select any player
class role available on the map regardless of player count or
only just the player class roles available based on the
number of players on the team (default).

17. Scoreboard Display Settings – this setting sets the rules
for when the tournament scoreboard is displayed. This setting
can be set to run the tournament scoreboard in one of 4
different ways; always on, always off, at the end of every
round, or only at the end of the tournament.

NOTE: It is suggested to use the new America's Army Server
Manager (AASM) for setting up and configuring your tournament.

- New Tournament Victory Settings:
There are many conditions associated with how Victory is
declared during a tournament running in Tournament Mode.

The basic premise is that the tournament is set for a finite
number of rounds and the team to win the most rounds is the
tournament winner. However, there are some unique situations
that require some additional considerations in order to
determine the tournament winner – such as a tie or the ‘EndEx


If all the members of one team disconnect during a
tournament, that team forfeits the tournament.

The ‘EndEx Rule’:

The ‘EndEx Rule’ (End of Exercise) is when one team has
mathematically eliminated the other team from the possibility
of winning. A simple case of this would be a tournament set
for 10 rounds. If any team wins 6 rounds before the 10th
round, that team is instantly declared the tournament winner
due to the EndEx Rule. After one team had won 6 rounds, it
is impossible for the other team to win the tournament. The
EndEx Rule is a server configuration setting that can be set
by the server host in the server configuration file prior to
the TM server launch.

‘Tie’ Conditions:

There exist four separate tie condition possibilities -
whether or not to allow a tie, to break a tie by score, to
break a tie by sudden death, or to break a tie by score first
then sudden death (if still tied on score).

Tiebreak by Score:

If the option to break a tie by the total team score is
enabled, the total accumulated score for each team will be
compared. The total accumulated team score will be determined
by adding up all of the individual team members' score. The
team with the highest total team score will be declared the
tournament winner. If the teams have the same total score,
the tournament will be declared a tie.

Tiebreak by Sudden Death:

If the option to break a tie by going to sudden death is
enabled, the teams will again face off one round at a time
on the same map. If a ‘swap limit’ has been set in the server
configuration settings (i.e. the teams have been swapping
during the tournament), then for the first sudden death
round, the teams side will be randomly chosen. If the ‘swap
limit’ is 0, the teams will stay on the same sides as they
were currently on.

The teams will again go to the Team Roster Page and team
setups will take place. The teams will then play the first
sudden death round. If the teams are still in a tie after
this round, the teams will again swap sides and go back to
the Team Roster Page for team setups. This process will
continue (swapping after every sudden death round) until a
tournament winner can be declared at which time the
tournament is over.

Tiebreak by Score then Sudden Death:

If the option to break a tie by the total team score is
enabled, the total accumulated score for each team will be
compared. The total accumulated team score will be determined
by adding up all of the individual team members score. The
team with the highest total team score will be declared the
tournament winner. If the teams have the same total score,
the tournament will then go into sudden death (see above).

- New 'Output Tournament Results to Log' Feature:
Once the tournament is over and a winner (or tie) has been
declared – the game will output a text log file to the
‘Tournament Results’ folder (a new folder located in the
‘America’s Army' directory) for everyone who is connected
to the TM server and the TM server itself.

This text log file should contain the following information:

1. The final results listed by team name and number of rounds
won by each team.
2. The total scores for each team

3. All of the individual scores per player, separated by
teams. This includes not only the player’s total score but
also their score category breakdown (i.e. Scoreboard data).
4. A list of all players, admins, spectators present during
the tournament (even if they were only present for some of the
5. All of the TM server configuration settings in place
during this tournament.

These results will get saved in a new folder entitled
'Tournament Results' in your 'America's Army' directory.

- New 'Upload Tournament Results' Feature:
Once the tournament is over and a winner (or tie) has been
declared – the game will upload the results of the tournament
to the Auth Database.
Once the data is stored in the Auth Database, this data can
be pulled from the Auth DB and displayed on a ‘Tournament
Results’ webpage for community viewing (coming soon).

- Tournament Mode Disabled Server Settings:
When running a server in Tournament Mode, several of the
server settings usually working on the normal servers will be
disabled for tournaments. These features are disabled either
to reduce tournament disruptions or to prevent any tampering
with a fair tournament environment. The settings that will be
disabled while running a TM server are as follows:

1. ROE kick settings (including ROE limit) – All server
kicking of any kind will be disabled in a TM server (except
admin kicks by a Tournament Admin).
2. Idle kick settings – All server kicking of any kind will
be disabled in a TM server (except admin kicks by a
tournament Admin).
3. Vote kick settings – All server kicking of any kind will
be disabled in a TM server (except admin kicks by a
Tournament Admin).
4. Autobalance settings – Autobalance automatically balances
the number of players on each team after every round and
match. This feature will be disabled in a TM server to
eliminate the chance that this setting would alter the
team’s manual setups.
5. Cheats settings – Cheats will be disabled in TM no matter
what setting is set for them in the server configuration
6. ‘PlayerAdmin’ settings – The PlayerAdmin functionality
will be disabled for servers running in TM. If a player is
listed as a PlayerAdmin in the server’s configuration file,
they can still join the server – but they will not be a

New 'America's Army Server Manager'
he America’s Army Server Manager (AASM) is a separate
application from the physical game. AASM is a wizard-based
tool that provides an intuitive way to easily configure,
launch and manage an America’s Army server or tournament.

AASM is designed to be the user's 'one-stop shopping'
solution to configuring, maintaining, monitoring, and
launching an America's Army server. The AASM will walk
the user through all the many server configuration settings
step-by-step ultimately launching the server for play.

AASM also provides tools allowing server administrators to
remotely control access to their America’s Army game servers;
customers can stop, start, configure, and administer their
server remotely.

Below are just some of the many features built into the new
America's Army Server Manager:

NOTE: Please see the AASM Manual included in the AASM
installation for further details and instructions.

1. Easy to understand “wizard” to help create standard game
server configuration files.
2. Easy to understand “wizard” to help create tournament game
server configuration files.
3. Interface to every AA game server configuration option for
standard and tournament server configurations so “expert”
users can tweak their setups as needed.
4. Supports creating LAN, Global (Internet), LAN Tournament,
and Internet Tournament server configurations.
5. Provides user with an easy way to run an America’s Army
game server on their local PC.
6. AASM provides both server side and an integrated remote
control utility to remotely control America’s Army game
servers running on remote Windows PC’s. Support includes
remote controlling multiple remote PC’s.
7. Allows for saving of specific server configurations for
use later or for sharing with the community.
8. Listing and viewing PunkBuster™ screen shot files.
9. Listing and viewing PunkBuster™ log files.
10. Viewing AA game server’s console output remotely (via
AASM interface).
11. Starting and Stopping remote AA game server.
12. Automatically restarting the AA game server following a
server crash.
13. Creating unique log files each time the AA game server is
14. Provides tools for sharing server setups between multiple
users of AASM when two or more users are managing a remote PC
(as might be the case when a “clan” owns a server).
15. Displays current gameplay statistics.
16. Advanced feature allows tracking game server crashes as
well as server "uptime".
17. Supports using multiple remote control utility program
instances on the remote PC so remote PC can host multiple
game servers with each being unique from each other.
18. Provides user with an easy way to start their local AA
game client to join the game as either an Administrator or
19. Server Remote Control communication is done via an SSL
socket to provide secure encrypted communications.
20. Provides support for e-mailing created server
configuration files so someone can create the files and then
easily let another person that is hosting an America’s Army
game server use those created configuration files. A feature
is also included so two AASM users can easily e-mail setups
to each other and import the server configuration received
into their AASM.
21. Provides tools for managing every server configuration
created including organizing them by tournaments they are
associated with, number of players, maps, and type of server
22. Allows copying of existing server configurations.
23. Customizable user interface.
24. Allows associating custom descriptions with each server
configuration so user is never confused as to the purpose of
a server configuration.
25. Includes two “Getting Started” guides – one for local
AASM client use and one for configuring the Remote Control
server utility.
26. Includes detailed context sensitive help including an
explanation of every server option available.

This AASM application is included in the game installation

package. The AA installer will place a shortcut to AASM
on your desktop when the game is installed.

Security Enhancements
This version of America's Army contains several security
enhancements designed to help ensure that America's Army is
enjoyed on a level playing field. 'Fairplay' is very
important to everyone on the America's Army Project Team.

Several security enhancements/protections in this version
were developed not only in the game client and server but
also in the Authentication DB (back-end) as well.

Most of the details of our new security enhancements will not
be listed for the public domain. However, the following
'exploits/cheats' have been fixed:

1. The 'Rapid-fire 203 round' exploit
2. The 'CPU Speed' exploit
3. The 'Name Change' exploit
4. The 'HONOR Hack'
5. The 'Unofficial Honor Gaining Server' exploit
...and many more.

A change was also made to not allow players to join a game
server until their PunkBuster software is up to date. Players
will be allowed to spectate from a fixed viewpoint until
their PunkBuster updates (typically in under two minutes) and
while they are spectating they are alerted to the fact that
PunkBuster is still trying to authorize or update itself.

The America's Army development team is committed to keeping
our game as cheat/exploit free as possible. We will be
continuing to make security enhancements in every release. We
want to thank the community for their patience and support as
we 'keep up the good fight.'

Known Issues
- As an Administrator on a server in Tournament Mode, it may be
necessary to hit the F2 key twice to refresh the drop down
team select menu on the Roster page.

Pełna wersja gry ma wielkość- 762.32 MB, natomiast patch z wersji 2.21 na 2.3 - 63.4 MB. Informacja dla użytkowników, którzy ściągną patcha: mogą wystąpić problemy z menadżerem serverów, gdyż jest on pierwszy raz dodany dopiero w wersji 2.3. Tutaj macie linka do pełnej wersji, żródła z linkami do patcha są tutaj. Screeny z nowej wersji

Jeżeli chcecie zasięgnąć informacji i pomocy w zakresie instalacji AmericasArmy zapraszamy na nasze forum redAAkcja. Tam uzyskacie możliwie najszybszą odpowiedź na wasze pytania.



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  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-18 21:34:36

    No i wypas !!!!! Jedziemy ostro.
    Kto bedzie mial nowe zrodelka czy do pelnej wersji, czy do patcha - niech zapoda tutaj !!!
    Jestem ciekaw jak te mapki wygladaja :)
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 21:42:15

    lol bylismy 2 minuty szybsi od aao.com HOOAH, dzieki redakcji za pomoc w szybkim przygotowaniu newsa.
  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-18 21:44:15

    musimy sie wspierac :)))) Zrodelka !!!! plzz
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 21:45:18

    źródełka prosze cie uprzejmie
  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-18 21:46:56

    Wybacz, ale w patchach nic nie ma. To sciema.
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 21:51:18

    jest :) musiales przeoczyc :D PROSZE
  • Wujo Biczer

    #0 | Wujo Biczer

    2005-02-18 21:59:06

    no to hooah wielkie :) biorę się za ściąganie
  • PatheticFreak

    #0 | Majorek

    2005-02-18 22:01:23

    no rzczywiscie juz jest :>

    pacza sciagnalem dzisiaj rano (sic!) a wlasnie po 10 miinutowym czekaniu jedzie FULL z file frontu pełną jazdą... :D

    ...tylko co z tego jak sobie nie pogram :P
  • Bartezz

    #0 | Bartezz

    2005-02-18 22:01:45

    A ja jeszcze poczekam.Wszystkie mirrory zapchane.
  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-18 22:04:49

    Ty brzydalu :P Nie podzieliles sie linkiem :[ Jak mapki ??? Jaka bron???
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 22:07:05

    rano byl link ale do skopanej wersji :D tez go mielismy :P
  • PatheticFreak

    #0 | Majorek

    2005-02-18 22:18:59

    nie sprawdzałem
    ale wiem ze są M16 nastrojowo i do tego dostajesz nowe ciche trapery do chodzenia po linoleum :P
  • Patchanga

    #0 | Patchanga

    2005-02-18 22:25:02

    yesssss !!!!
    tego oczekiwala \"najwyzsza komisja\" :)
  • Bartezz

    #0 | Bartezz

    2005-02-18 22:34:10

    Nieee.Chyba sie nie doczekam :(
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 22:36:55

    brateez szukaj po amerykanskich mirorach próbuj na stronkach co byla 2.21 :)
  • Lucas

    #0 | Lucas

    2005-02-18 22:41:53

    Ja czekam na gamershell - najpeije aby dali mirrora ze szwecji i leci szybko...
  • DirectC

    #0 | DirectC

    2005-02-18 22:48:23

    Tia patch krązył od wczoraj już. Coś im wyciekło ;)
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 22:54:31

    no krazyl krazyl ja go prubowalem 3 razy sciagnac a za 4 wywalilo invalid cos tam :D.. wa australi byl.. tyle ze nie mozna bylo nci publikwoac bo armia sie wkur wkurza i kare kasowac publikacje tak bylo z seemeplay me wczoraj w nocy
  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-18 22:54:50

    dobry link :)
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 22:58:25

    no ja jzu sciagam z tych cos wybralem co wnewsie i leci jakos 8 kilo wprawdzie ale leci:D tyle milionow userow teraz sciaga wyobrazacie sobie jak sa przeciazone lacza? LOL
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 23:17:18

    no ja sobie podarowalem te europejskie ze stanow tez leci calkiem fajnie :d omijalbym tylko azjatyckie linki:P
  • maLENstwo

    #0 | maLENstwo

    2005-02-18 23:40:56

    szkoda tylko ze to na co wszyscy najbardziej chyba liczyli czyli nowe zabezpieczenia przeciwko cziterom wydaje sie po raz kolejny byc pusta obietnica :/
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-18 23:49:08

    no wiesz to sie okaze w praniu armia zapewnia ze zmienili kod gry.. zobaczymy z apare tygodni
  • Wujo Biczer

    #0 | Wujo Biczer

    2005-02-19 00:27:21

    pierwsze wrażenia po nowych mapach:

    -Woodland - dobry klimat przy współpracy można i w def i w ass spokojnie wygrać - testowane
    -Urban - przypomina mi bardzo Full Spectrum Warrior, klimacik arabski, dużo szczegółów i pierdół.

    Ogółem jestem milusio zadowolony.
  • Bartezz

    #0 | Bartezz

    2005-02-19 00:30:16

    Urban wymiata. Poprostu miodzio ...
    Woodland przetestuję jutro.
  • Bartezz

    #0 | Bartezz

    2005-02-19 00:41:04

    Panowie takiej mapki mi brakowało. Dawno nie byłem taki uchachany.
  • maLENstwo

    #0 | maLENstwo

    2005-02-19 01:39:29

    obie sa super bo wkoncu nie SF :D
  • mental

    #0 | clk

    2005-02-19 02:58:37

    ale to readme bycze :D leniu :D ale newsik fajny... nie wiadomo czy moze spadly wymagania? :>
  • maLENstwo

    #0 | maLENstwo

    2005-02-19 09:35:10

    nie spadly raczej nic sie nie zmienilo zreszta to ten sam silnik wiec nie ma co liczyc na cud nie bede go przeciez poprawiac jak chca wprowadzi juz (dopiero) nastepny
  • PatheticFreak

    #0 | Majorek

    2005-02-19 09:38:45

    wow!! .. cud!!... sciagnelo mi sie przez noc cale 750 mega nowego fulla bez żadnych timeoutów :> (z ff)
  • Preak

    #0 | Preak

    2005-02-19 09:44:10

    ja juz sciagam :) ktos wspominal ze mieli drastycznie zmienic silnik graficzny ale nie wiem czy to w tej wersji :> :)
  • PatheticFreak

    #0 | Majorek

    2005-02-19 10:02:52

    no nie w tej, czytaj poprzednie newsy :P
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-19 10:07:32

    Lajdis end dżentelmen!!! bylismy najszybsza strona na ŚWIECIE podając informacje o momencie wyjścia nowej oficjalnej wersji!!! HOOAH oto dane o newsach z najbardziej liczących się servisów:

    AAIsrael 21:36
    AAOcommunity GB jeszcze pewnie maja five o clock :D brak newsa
    aasf.de 22:42
    CzechFanSite 21:56
    AA.pl 21:30
    AAportugal 03:32
    AA-Overview-Dennmark 22:53
    i mozna by tak wyliczac wyliczac bylismy szybsi rowniez niz Argentyna, Brazylia, Republika Poludniowej Afryki, poprostu HOOAH
  • Wujo Biczer

    #0 | Wujo Biczer

    2005-02-19 10:12:15

    Nic, tylko pogratulować Kuba. W końcu to RedakcjAA Esports.pl :)

    Na forum AOE był news o 21:03 :P hehe, teraz spojrzałem
  • PatheticFreak

    #0 | Majorek

    2005-02-19 10:28:40

    lol looknijcie sobie stronke AAOIsrael... jakie tam fajne litery mają... i wszystko od prawej do lewej
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-19 10:41:32

    daj inka biczer
  • .error.[cola]

    #0 | cola | off

    2005-02-19 10:49:09

    slicznie :) Mapki sa niezle, ide troszke popykac :) Urban rulezz
  • Wujo Biczer

    #0 | Wujo Biczer

    2005-02-19 11:27:36

    Oto i link ale trza się uprzednio zarejestrowac
  • [PAO]_KUBA_[PL]

    #0 | off | paokuba

    2005-02-19 11:46:14

    co nie zmienia fakty ze z oficjalnych serivsow bylismy najszybciej :D HOOAH ESPORTS.PL
  • Bartezz

    #0 | Bartezz

    2005-02-19 12:03:07

    Oby tak dalej ....
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