Half-Life wciąż żywy !
Jak informuje PlanetQuake.net, ukazał się nowy film, na którym gracz Counter-Strike'a, Tobias "Dopefish" Lundmark pokazuje jak przejść grę Half Life w zaledwie 51 minut! Produkcja robi naprawdę spore wrażenie, gdyż całość opiera się głównie na umiejętnośći szybkiego przemieszczania się oraz znakomitej znajomości poszczególnych miejsc w grze. Dokładny czas wynosi 51:09 i jest oficjalnym światowym rekordem. Polecam !
Komentarz autora (w języku angielskim)
I've been speed-running since QdQ was formed back in those good 'ol days. I've been thinking about speed-running various games and one of them have been half-life, the only problem is, there isn't really a way to judge exactly at what time one finish the game. When I saw -think.circle- running like his mom was on fire in the first speed-run ever released for half-life, I knew I had to redo his run, and I did with a 5 minutes and 30 seconds improvement. I thought it was quite impressive for being the second time I played thru half-life. :D
Well, by the time I released my speed-run, I've already found out some new tricks that would save me a minute or two, and then people started messing me about new shortcuts I've never heard of, real good ones too. So this movie is already outdated imho and a new one will probably be done shortly, the problem is I'm going thru my 12th year in school, and therefore having some serious load of home-work to do first. ;)
Even if I did such an great speed-run, I still think -think.circle- is the better one, because once one have done it before you, it's always easier to improve it afterwards. For all the people thinking I'm using a cheat, well I can't say much about that because I ain't which can be shown by my recorded demos. And for those accusing me for using a bunny jump script, I actually don't, I just use +jump on my mwheel and then time the jumps when I land.
The last thing I wanted to say is that this movie was meant as a speed-run, I wanted to do a record. Well hopefully we will get a speed-running mod for half-life which sets static saving points and a community around speed-running for half-life will be formed. I would love to have -think.circle- on my speed-running team. Maybe a half-life done double quick with the mod Sven Co-op? :)
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Dema, użyte w filmie, 55 plików, wymagają zainstalowanego Half-Life v1.1.2.0
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