Frontline[EYE] rezygnuje z EuroCup VIII
Jeden z lepszych Szwedckich klanów, który na tegorocznych kwalifikacjach do WCG zajął drugie miejsce, rezygnuje z udziału w EuroCup VIII. Mowa tu oczywiście o Frontline[EYE]. Decyzja została podjęta po przegranym meczu z
The Titans [13:25], o którym clanbase napisało "Tytani zmiażdżyli Frontline[EYE]". Poniżej zamieściłem orignalne oświadczenie w wykonaniu
Sitting here, just lost to The-Titans in an Eurocup 8 game, a mediocre from our side to be honest. We talked it over before the Eurocup tournament, whether to participate or not. After a discussion we all agreed upon joining the tournament to have some practice.
Today I'm sad to announce that we are leaving the tournament with immediate effect, some might say due to the loss, I'd say due to lack of motivation. We simply didn't have fun whilst playing the game today and we rather put our time in practice for events that really matters. Call us bad losers or understand us, we can't take position to your opinions. This is the choice we've made. Good game The-Titans and good luck to all remaining teams.
Hyper and the whole team of Frontline ' [EYE]
#0 | Frank3n
2003-09-30 20:26:38