EuroCup VIII - zaproszenia!
Już dziś na IRCu na kanale #EuroCup@QuakeNet Clanbase oficjalnie ogłosi które klany zostały zaproszone do udziału w EuroCup - niewątpliwie jednej z najbardziej prestiżowych onlineowych lig.
Terminy Ogłoszeń
- 20:00 Tactical Ops
- 20:10 UT CTF
- 20:20 UT iCTF
- 20:30 UT TDM
- 20:40 UT iTDM
- 20:50 UT2003 iCTF
- 21:00 Q3 TDM
- 21:10 Q3 CTF
- 21:20 Q3 RA3
- 21:30 CS
- 21:45 RTCW
- 22:00 DoD
- 22:10 SOF2 INF
- 22:20 SOF2 CTF
- 22:30 MoH Obj
- 22:40 MoH Obj rlsm
- 22:50 WC3
Zapraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych na IRCa, ale oczywiście jak tylko zaproszenia zostaną ogłoszone bedzie można o nich przeczytać na w update'cie tego newsa.
Częściowy Update
- Majestic 5
- Prepare For Your Doom
- All Mothafuckers Die
- Warlocks from Hell
- Vikings
- Allied Enemies
- steel accordance
- Total Failure
- -iNstagib|Nation
- The Breed UK - UT Insta Division
- Killerz in Kombat
- Finnish Instagib Gurus vs. Fluffy Evil Bunnies
- The DoLphiNs vs. Legion of Death
- [D]ark [I]mperial [E]mperors vs. oRiginal ZapperZ
- Intention Seekers][Team Eternity vs. «X»
UT2003 iCTF
- xTra Lecherous
- .eXtreme quality.
- United
- Warlocks from Hell
- daMn!
- Trick Or Treat
- Demons of Hell
- Benighted
- Independent Offensive Network
- Levitation
- The Breed UK - Multiplay
- clan albał vs the Dutch Elite
- p!rate vs Total Failure
- Bringing on Tha K@ozZ vs Celtic War Lordz
- The Touch vs Mista X Bonga
Quake3 TDM
- Paniek Zaaiende Zigeuners
- Frames Per Second
- rewind
- deluxe
- Against All Authority
- pRophecy
- TuLLs
- Xplicit 4
- forZe
- Action Ligan
- Eyeballers
- Quad peoples org.
- Iron Fist
- DEEGROLLER vs. Lemmings Effect
- Essence of Evolution vs. shuuk
- M19 team vs. Night Shadez
- black mesa forces.HeadZ vs Wutai
- Clan FOE vs.
- Clan Stealth vs. no Visible Remorse
- seeN
- nEophyte * INTEL
- FairGame
- a-Losers.MSI
- Mortal Teamwork
- Ocrana.D-Link
- MurK
- DarkSide
- Four Kings Intel
- e2sports.austria vs. Necroraisers
- surrender or die vs. qooxe
- Altezeit vs. Pro-Pain
- illusion vs. Infinity-eSports
- zer0-Gravity vs. ethernal][clan
- Aristocracy vs. The Elder Gods
- ONE vs. Online MultiPlayer Gaming
Skandynawia - Team Magic
- The Titans
- Destination Skyline
- IronZion
- Havana Club
- Adrenaline
- Frontline[EYE]
- GateKeepers vs. 23 Skidoo
- iDLES vs. Team.Avatar!
- ePoint vs. The NAMC!
- emax vs. M19
- vs. Café Inferno Online!
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- rewind (rew)
- GamePoint.AMD (gmpo)
- Eyeballers ([EYE])
- Ardent (ard:)
- Ocrana.D-Link (OcrDL)
- Marauders Wolf-Squad (M)
- RaGE (RaGE)
- Amnesia (.@:)
- Instant Defeat (id)
- Fear Factor (FF)
- infensus (iN)
- snaps (snaps)
- (4k)
- digital heresy eu (
- Allied/Axies Commando Forces ([ACF]) vs Online Multiplayer Gaming! (OMG!)
- Advanced Online Losers.MSI vs. Orginal Gamerz (oG)
- Deaths Embrace.nVidia (de.nVidia*) vs Geh aB Clan (GaB)
- Suicidal Serial Killers (SSK) vs infront (infront)
- Kreature (|K|) vs UniCon Gaming (uC)
- last chance (lc) vs Hohe-spiel-Kultur (HsK)
- -team.scarleX-
- Fresh&TighT
- oje! clan
- Strength and Honor
- eclipse
- ferratus
- K18
- Spite
- Fairgame
- inXtremis
- warriŘrs of Legend
- The White Rose
- Clan7.dod
- Bamse Company
- Per-Ola & Company
- Clan ONE
- SS-Nordland vs. Verievil
- eX!stenZ vs. Check Your Six
- Standing our Ground vs. spanish.troopers
- Chilled out Wargamers vs. Rouillé and Bourré
- Catch-22
- PeAk A boO
- - Team CK -
- Pureplay
- Virtual Fighting Squad - FT3
- ZeroX
- absolut Teamplay
- cCaedes.sof2
- Pfälzer Assis
- Instant Defeat
- Da Imperial Executors
- Team-RaZe
- ~ Voltz ~
- Team agonY vs. nordic Circus
- Flame Instict vs. pro5
- Broken vs. iCr
Warcraft III TFT
- Team MeetYourMakers (MYM)
- Destination Skyline (DSky)
- mortal Teamwork (mTw)
- OCRANA.D-Link (ocr)
- Osnabrück eSports WC3 (oS)
- Sons of Law (SoL)
- Viruz (viruz)
- black mesa forces.HeadZ (bmf)
- aevum (ae)
- e2sports (e2s)
- Four Kings (4K)
- Gamepoint (gmpo)
- Schroet Kommando (SK)
- The Ancients (aNc)
- Wiarzri (wZ)
- sTar)NeTcO (sTar) vs. eu4ia (e4)
- Objectif Online Warcraft (2o) vs. GamerPalace (GP)
- Impressive Skillz Te@m (iS) vs. electronic Fun Sports (eFs)
- Alien-Invasion (Ai) vs. The Elder Gods (TeG)
- Advanced Online Losers.MSI (a-L) vs. Rewind (rew)
- execute e.sports (eXXe) vs. Deaths Embrace.nVidia (de)
- Aristocracy (arcy) vs. Incredible Teamaction (it)
- Greedy Lil Bastards (GLB) vs. Ice Climbers (ic)
#0 | Frank3n
2003-09-04 22:52:30
#0 | _nique
2003-09-04 23:05:59
#0 | Frank3n
2003-09-04 23:07:07
#0 | viltZz
2003-09-04 23:17:13
#0 | hodek
2003-09-04 23:17:16
#0 | igor
2003-09-04 23:29:28
#0 | hodek
2003-09-04 23:36:20
#0 | Frank3n
2003-09-04 23:46:45
#0 | yuri
2003-09-04 23:47:19
#0 | sxl
2003-09-05 00:01:26
#0 | hodek
2003-09-05 00:04:16
#0 | sxl
2003-09-05 00:09:19
#0 | hodek
2003-09-05 00:12:08
#0 | _nique
2003-09-05 03:41:48