Eastern Europe Cup
Hello and a big warm welcome to the first Eastern European Quake championships presented by eSports.pl! In the next few weeks sixteen teams from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Russia will battle out for the title of no.1 Quake III TDM clan in this part of the world. Due to specific nature of this tournament, we decided to make an invite list containg carefully selected teams from 9 countries. Of course, we did our best to find the best of the best of the best! Sir! So we can only hope that teams like, for example, the Shadows, Total Annihilation or rage will give us the kind of quake emotions we all wish to have.
And here we are at the start of EEC. We splitted the teams into four groups with four clans in each of them. The rules are very simple - you got three points for victory and only one if you lose! Only the best two teams from each group can advance to the playoff stage, which will be played using good'n'old double elimination brackets. A group of experienced supervisors will be there to help you in every problem you could encounter during the cup. You can ask them about any kind of doubt you can get - anytime, anywhere. All of us will be here to bring this competetion to life and make it a good time for all of the competitors and spectators. What can I add? Well, there is just one thing - to keep in mind that EEC is all about fun and friendly matches. So play hard, engage all your forces to win, but after the game remember to shake hands with your opponents.
Cheers and good luck @ week 1!
The EEC Crew.
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#0 | psy|edix
2004-12-08 00:34:46
#0 | Pajda
2004-12-08 00:55:16
This won\'t get us any regular foreign readers, but at least some people will be aware of our existence :)
#0 | eec|orga
2004-12-08 00:58:00
#0 | hodek
2004-12-08 00:59:11
#0 | lecho
2004-12-08 01:17:07
#0 | Mad
2004-12-08 02:31:17
#0 | Pajda
2004-12-08 02:36:17
Just post additional page with polish info or something like that.
btw. what the fuck Slovenia is doing there ? :P I mean, Austria is closer than they are, and yet no Austrians :P And why there are no Romanian teams ? I thought they aren\'t bad. Not to mention Ukraine...
#0 | eec|orga
2004-12-08 02:56:07
#0 | Pajda
2004-12-08 03:01:59
Besides Austrians have pings on Germany level so...
#0 | sxl
2004-12-08 08:53:36
#0 | edwa
2004-12-08 08:53:58
#0 | sxl
2004-12-08 10:10:45
#0 | kAzu
2004-12-08 10:58:34
#0 | hodek
2004-12-08 11:01:09
#0 | igor
2004-12-08 11:55:45
#0 | igor
2004-12-08 11:59:28
#0 | edwa
2004-12-08 12:03:06
#0 | edwa
2004-12-08 12:06:06
#0 | vires-mobzter
2004-12-08 12:07:16
Lets get this shit on :P
hf and perhaps some luck for all partictipating teams :)
#0 | eec|orga
2004-12-08 12:23:10
#0 | smile-
2004-12-08 13:24:54
#0 | sxl
2004-12-08 13:50:09
#0 | dominikt
2004-12-08 14:06:49
stR4y (for making layout which
wasn\'t used due to lack of
someone who knows php:)
nice one...
#0 | kaboom
2004-12-08 14:36:29
that\'s my opinion of course...
BTW gl 4 all
#0 | psy|edix
2004-12-08 14:46:46
#0 | Nor
2004-12-08 15:38:03
#0 | sxl
2004-12-08 17:04:28
#0 | Mav_
2004-12-08 17:53:18
#0 | mayhem
2004-12-08 18:15:22
#0 | Mad
2004-12-08 20:10:04
#0 | Pajda
2004-12-08 20:16:41
#0 | sxl
2004-12-08 20:17:10
az takiej renomy zeby kazdy sie z miejsca zgadzal nie mamy :(
#0 | mayhem
2004-12-08 20:36:06
#0 | vires-mobzter
2004-12-08 21:25:40
tho i must add ourselves as Estonian clan #vires-alit to this section, and ofcourse our fellowcountrymen from clan error.
but hey, we`ll see right ? :P
#0 | vires-mobzter
2004-12-08 21:27:53
took me quite a lot of time, but i DID it :P
So i guess other ppl would be able to do the same aswell, if they`d try :)
#0 | vires-mobzter
2004-12-08 21:55:10
#0 | jakub m.
2004-12-08 23:42:14
#0 | lecho
2004-12-08 23:48:49
spoko spoko, pracujemy nad tym :>
#0 | jakub m.
2004-12-09 00:09:19
Bez zlosliwosci. Prawda jest taka ze predzej (i tak sie stanie zapewne w okresie 1-2 lat ) scena q3 upadnie lub powstanie scena q4 niz eSports.pl bedzie mial wieksza rzesze (albo żesze nie chce mi sie sprawdzac w slowniku |ah to winko :D|) zwolennikow q3 :>
W 2 nie dacie rady napisac wiekszej liczby newsow niz 6? redaktorow na ORGu :> (mimo ze piszecie lepiej niz MaS Akko Ja itd.. ) Tam sa ligi (PD ECT 2v2 soon RA3) dzial promode, clan arena, ra3 itd itp.
Ale dobrze ze jest konkurencja bo w innym wypadku nie byloby motywacji do pisania poprawnych newsow, dobrych kolumn itd :>
Pozatym wszyscy zapominaja o serwisie q3.xg.pl tam w niektorych momentach (jak kaboom sie nie uczy a pisze :D) jest wiecej newsown niz na ORGu :>)
To chyba wszystko. Nie chce tutaj wywolac jakiejs klotni miedzy zwolennikami eSp a ORg a xh itd itp. Obiektywan opinia to byal i koniec :>
lecho pamietaj w niedziele masz napisac o mojej grupie w PWC :D
#0 | lecho
2004-12-09 00:23:22
a akurat o promode to podejrzewam ze na esports.pl pisze sie najlepiej i najobszerniej. org i cpma, to jakos nigdy nie szlo w parze, nie tylko dzieki osobie rozza ktory jak wszyscy wiemy jest zagorzalym milosnikiem tegoz moda :> mi sie org zawsze kojarzyl z vq3, cpma to byla dzialka gracza i q3.fpp.pl - STAREGO q3.fpp.pl.