Eastern Europe Cup


Eastern Europe Cup

In these days, actually nothing happens in our country connected with OSP TDM and 1v1 leagues. At the moment we have only one TDM league running – Polish Divisions, and it seems that nothing is going to change in a short period of time. We can only presume what happens with ECT and xLIGA supervisors. So in connection with this very small activity on “polish-tournaments” scene, I think that you will be very happy if you heard about new tournament. Not tournament that you will have chance to take part in it, but even support your favourite team and watch some really good matches on GTV. For all people starving from lack of q3 competitions we have some great news.

In a co-operation with eSports.pl there is organised a new international Q3 OSP TDM tournament called – Eastern Europe Cup. As you can see, only clans from Eastern Europe can take part in it, but not all. We’ll see only the top teams from this region participating. Games will be played on the OSP tdm 4/4 mode. Of course top polish teams will also take part in this tournament, and some well known q3 stars from other countries. Just read the invitation list below to see how high is the level of this tournament. All clans from the first bookmark, already confirmed their participation in the tournament. Organisators predicted also situation that some teams can resign from the tournament although their confirmation, and they prepared a “waiting list”. You can read that list below.

hide_dot.gifInvited teams

  • the shadows (t5)
  • Fear factory (FF)
  • United Forces (UF)
  • sYnthesis (sYnth)
  • Total Annihilation (TA)
  • God Forsaken (GF)
  • eXtremely powerful (Xp)
  • Morana Clan (MC)
  • team skozi (skozi)
  • zap All (zA)
  • vires alit (vires)
  • error control (error)
  • Phenomenon (phn)
  • rare Coin (rC)
  • Team 33 (t33)
  • Sniper Yetis From Heaven have been Hired 4 Killing (s-h)

hide_dot.gifWaiting list
  • elite (e)
  • Dvor-Team (dvor)
  • rage (rage)
  • Lancer team (lt)

16 clans will take part in this tournament. They will be divided into 4 groups, 4 clans each. Only two clans from each group will qualifiy for the playoffs stage. The group stage will be played in a BO3 system which means that clans will play matches up to 2 won maps. In the playoffs stage matches will be played in a BO5 system – up to 3 won maps and double elimination ladder. Maps are exactly the same as in Clanbase Opencup TDM league. The organisators crew consists of well known people, that have some experience in their “job”. Offcial website of this event will be released soon. For the map list, organisators crew and their functions read below.

  • Main organisator: mad
  • Organisators and referees: lecho, forest, [M]aniek, pawson, mayhem, hanti
  • Shoutcast: solar, lecho
  • GTV: pawson @ splatter-world.de
  • Website layout: stR4y

In the end I’ll add, that start of Eastern Europe Cup is planned for the next week or two. If you want to contact with organisators, you can do it via IRC on the official channel for this event (#eastern.cup @ Qnet). You have to admit, that Eastern Europe Cup promises unusually interesting. There are some really good teams on the invitation list that can defeat our best polish team – t5 e.g TA with such players as Tyfoon, krysa or Xp clan which actually defeated t5 once in the CB Opencup match, rC clan where plays Leon and Dept. We can’t also forget about t33 which is a well known clan mainly from their oldschool player – pele. So let’s have a hope that this event will be magnificently organised and we of course count on our polish clans, that they will show who is the best in Eastern Europe what won’t be that easy.

Polish version


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