CPMA 1.1 oficjalnie


CPMA 1.1 oficjalnie

Wczoraj oficjalnie wyszła (bo wcześniej był cooker) CPMA 1.1. Jak można określić jednym słowem zmiany??? Usięto pmove - jest to najistotniejsza zmiana. Jako ciekawostkę można też wymienić arQmode (callvote promode 2) - wersję Q według twórcy promoda. Wraz z nową wersją wyszedł też nowy mappack, a w nim: cpm3a, cpma3, cpm11a, cpm19, cpm20 i cpm21.
Jak do tej pory jest tylko update i mappack, wersji full (cpma + 5 mappacków) jeszcze nie ma.


1.1 update (627 KB)
Mappack 5 (22,2 MB)

dots3.gifChange Log

Notes for version 1.1 (20 Mar 03)
Old CTF demos may produce some weird/incorrect messages and sounds, since I changed the behaviour of several things so I could recover some of the bandwidth wasted by the "normal" CTF implementation.- add: arQmode :P (server_promode 2, callvote promode 2)  see docs/arQmode.txt for details

- add: server_optimiseBW (0|1, default 1)
 force the optimiseBW algorithm on for all clients

- add: mvw_DM enabled outside of demos (great for GTV :P)

- add: teamchat bandwidth optimisations

- add: boatloads of CTF-specific bandwidth optimisations

- add: Flag runs to scores for CTF

- add: cg_oldctfsounds 2 (default)
 uses mostly the old sounds for YOUR team's actions
  take enemy flag: four deep "urnks"  :P
  return our flag: single "knock"
  cap enemy flag: single fanfare from TA
 and TA sounds (but not the gay voices) for the enemy's
  take your flag: bigass alarm
  return their flag: three "knocks"
  cap your flag: lower-pitched "duh-duhh" noise  :P
 so you can actually tell WHICH flag is involved now, without
 needing to check the hud. note that the sounds are "US" and "THEM" so they're always the same for YOU no matter which team you're on

- add: flag status to CTF coachview

- add: dlight for Batsuit

- add: r_vertexlight 2 (enables dlights)

- add: negative wait values on lifts makes them always return
 positive waits means people can camp-force a lift to stay at top

- add: automatically uncensor stats to GTV clients
 so GTV doesn't have to be ref'd to show armour pickups etc in DM

- add: show connecting clients as well on the DM scoreboard spec list

- add: cg_itemFX (bitmask, default 7)
 1 - bob up and down
 2 - rotate
 asymmetric items (weapons and armours) will always rotate
 4 - scale up on respawn

- add: BFG stats to accuracy (15 shots to qualify, same as RL)

- add: optimiseBW also disables scoreplums

- add: clamp sv_fps to values that the Q3 netcode actually supports

- add: match client snaps to sv_fps on map load
 modemers MIGHT want to lower it to 15 on 30fps servers
 but otherwise are probably best off leaving it alone

- add: cg_autoaction 16 - ignore autoaction ss/demo if you're a spec

- add: more entities supported by mapcfgs
 must specify version 2 in the mapcfg to use them
 at start of file along with base bsp, e.g. // "cpm10" "2"
 misc_teleporter_dest, target_speaker
 team_CTF_redplayer, team_CTF_redspawn
 team_CTF_blueplayer, team_CTF_bluespawn

- add: mapcfgs for CPM1a and CPM3 to fix the teleporters (*cough* jude :P)
 these are loaded automatically

- add: a bunch of new mapcfgs
 !cpm10a (DM), !cpm18i (TDM), !cpm18ffa, !cpm16ffa
 !q3dm14ffa, !q3dm8ffa, !q3dm6ffa, !q3dm9ffa, !q3dm5ffa

- add: r_coachred/r_coachblue commands - handy if a coach drops midgame

- add: log_pergame (0|1, default 0)
 server logs written to a logs/ dir on a per-game basis
 implicitly disables the normal g_log logfile
 does not play nice with MA maps

- add: mvw_TDM - controls TDM/CTF MV layout when zoomed
 format is the same as mvw_DM, default is no child windows

- add: ch_scores (default "640 400 1")

- chg: removed all pmove stuff and just fixed the damn physics
 fed up with preserving retarded bugs just for "compatibility"
 physics are now not only more consistent across FPS ranges
 but also more consistent within themselves AT any fixed FPS
 interestingly enough, this is also the first time in Q3 history
 that jumppads have EVER worked correctly and reliably...  :P

- chg: removed cg_oversamplemouse - no longer an issue

- chg: removed server_realping - always the behaviour of the old "3"
 now done for all classes of specs as well as players

- chg: various cstats things - uses a new scheme
 window for min/max/avg now ~1.25 seconds instead of ~6
 now tracks upstream and downstream stats separately
 if you're seeing large differences between them then
 either your settings are hosed or you're flooding one side
 (typically, maxpackets 125 on conns that can't handle it)

- chg: #P only tracks "important" items now: weapons, PUs, armours, MH
 (the same set used by #I/#L)

- chg: default MH behaviour for TDM is simplemega 0

- chg: tweak the behaviour of LG sounds in coachview
 should stop them "bleeding over" and crackling

- chg: tolerate invalidly interpolate-tagged entities in coachview

- chg: successful kick vote sends console message rather than centerprint
 stops it distracting players if used during a game

- chg: show scores immediately on GTV even if we have to use old ones
 tired of morons whining about how slow GTV is to send them  :P

- chg: plasma explosions resized to match the shots properly

- chg: max PG ammo now 100

- chg: make bots jump when in slime/lava
 minimises damage and means they actually get OUT of it on cpm3  :)

- chg: removed dlights from just about everything, most notably CTF flags
 they're so buggy and annoying that it's not worth keeping them
 and built-in EFC wallhacks are not exactly a great idea...

- chg: removed cg_swapSkins
 it's been pointless really ever since we created the PM skins

- chg: lava thaws use the normal thaw time value rather than 5s
 and can be interrupted like normal thaws too

- chg: bots are smarter about thaws when there are multiple candidates

- chg: make corpsicles a little bit bouncy - more fun that way  :P

- chg: ESC in a demo menu tree pops you up one level
 rather than straight back to the main menu - that annoys me
 "back" still jumps all the way out just in case you like it

- chg: max number of demos on menu reduced to 200

- chg: addbot defaults bot skill to g_spSkill (used to just use 4)

- chg: addbot on MA maps on a listen server defaults to your arena

- chg: enable MVD in CQ3 (no idea if it works now, but ...)

- chg: coachview support for up to 9 players

- chg: moved the cfg-ra3/ files into cfg-maps/

- chg: bot skill now 1-15 (default 10)
 they still suck pretty hard tho...
 see docs/bots.txt for details

- chg: max bot LG skill reduced a little
 60%+ is just retarded in CPM because of the knockback

- chg: bot_boost upper limit now 2.0

- chg: speconly can now take a 0|1 argument

- chg: speclock/specunlock are explicit
 the toggling was stupid and annoying

- chg: enable the "teammate" sprite for players with Invis

- chg: voodoostats support dropped
 sorry, but the osp stats format just sucks too much
 stats are now logged in an almost-sensible format
 but one enough like VS to make updating parsers trivial

- chg: skinned scores use body colour only

- chg: teams are automatically unlocked at end of game

- fix: duplicated spectators on the DM scoreboard

- fix: interval-based messages lost on servers with certain sv_fps values
 (pause/unpause countdowns, rup reminder, etc - i blame rhea  :P)

- fix: mouse movement during pauses messing up view direction on resume

- fix: bonus for protecting dropped flags (id bug)

- fix: losing ready markers on the scoreboard if you die during warmup

- fix: #L misbehaving if a map with shared entities changed modes
 rather than being started in the "right" mode

- fix: #D not working for client 0

- fix: direction to look at from intermission points

- fix: issues with referees who were in-game DA players

- fix: maplists "missing" maps on *nix servers sometimes

- fix: Crash PM torso

- fix: wait key ignored for lifts (id bug)

- fix: distant/low-skill bots had totally borked prediction (id bug)

- fix: spastic bot RJs (id bug)

- fix: crushers blocked on com_blood 0 servers (id bug)

- fix: ui used r_finish instead of r_swapinterval for vsync (id bug)


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