ClanBase częścią GGL!
Kilka miesięcy temu na stronie ClanBase podano informację o tym, że nawiązała ona współpracę z zachodnią ligą GGL. Dziś natomiast dotarła do nas wiadomość o całkowitym przyłączeniu się ClanBase do Global Gaming League. Jak zapewniają nas admini będzie to przełomem, który spowoduje zwiększenie prestiżu rozgrywek, a co za tym idzie ilości i jakości nagród.Oświadczenie ClanBase, całość w języku angielskim
Half a year ago, we announced that we were forming a partnership with the Global Gaming League (GGL). Except for the EuroCup and the AmeriCup not much of this has been visible yet, but that's about to change.
From now on ClanBase will be part of the same group as the GGL, headquartered in Los Angeles and with a local presence in New York and now also in Amsterdam. The founders and Head Admins of ClanBase, Tal (Willem Bison), Amsterdam Wob (Rob van der Veer) and Godsmurf (Filip Camerman) will join GGL's Advisory Board where they'll work with GGL on ClanBase's continued expansion and integration with the GGL. The GGL will in turn provide it's resources to the daily operation and support of ClanBase.
With Tal, Wob and Godsmurf now an active part of the GGL Advisory Board, their former responsibilities will be passed on to the new ClanBase Head Admins; Nico (Nicolay Ramm) and Killerman (Willem Bierman), who will also be working closely with the GGL. Nico will assume responsibilities relating to the technical development and overall management of ClanBase, while Killerman will continue his role as Chief Cup Supervisor and will focus on expanding and improving cups, ladders and related functions.
For ClanBase this means that we get the resources to realize our plans and ideas, enabling us to introduce new and improved services at a much higher rate, and allowing ClanBase to once again place itself firmly at the forefront of European online gaming.
One of the first tangible results of this merger will be a significant upgrade to the hardware powering the ClanBase website, and unlike before we can now guarantee that the hardware will be kept up to speed as ClanBase continues to grow. We are currently in the process of evaluating different hosting solutions and expect to be able to set things in motion in the near future.
A major focal point for the joint efforts of ClanBase and the GGL will be the EuroCup and the corresponding GGL AmeriCup. The plans for the EuroCup XI LAN finals are being ironed out as we speak, and we hope to be able to announce the complete details within 2 weeks. We have also begun preparing the Fall 2005 season, and the �50'000 in prizes and reinstated LAN finals we had this season is only the beginning. Expect exciting news when we announce the EuroCup XII in September.
So, after almost seven years ClanBase has finally grown up, thanks to the GGL. Welcome to a new era of European online gaming!
Do siedzib GGL, a są nimi

Zmiany te niosą za sobą wiele korzyści, jedną z nich jest przewidywana pula nagród w nadchodzącym, jesiennym sezonie EuroCupów, wyniesie ona 50.000 Euro, a finały imprez rozegrane zostaną na LANie. Podobnie jak finały EuroCupa XI (Wiosna 2005), których szczegóły poznamy w ciągu dwóch tygodni.
#0 | w0w
2005-07-19 18:26:04
#0 | wildcat
2005-07-19 18:38:02
#0 | Pawuj
2005-07-19 19:03:01
#0 | m_D
2005-07-19 20:45:22
#0 | Pajda
2005-07-19 20:52:16
#0 | Rayburn
2005-07-19 21:12:42
#0 | GGL-michal
2005-07-19 21:36:10
#0 | Ares!
2005-07-19 23:03:34
#0 | Pajda
2005-07-19 23:39:16
#0 | vtm
2005-07-20 07:43:54
#0 | dominikt
2005-07-20 11:19:29
Jesli sie admini zmadrzeja to moze cos z tego bedzie ;)
#0 | sxl
2005-07-20 12:23:01
#0 | Pajda
2005-07-20 13:54:23
#0 | troll
2005-07-20 18:39:35
#0 | off | paokuba
2005-07-20 18:48:25
a taki fajny lader byl:/
oby zmiany przyniosly cos dobrego i tez wole CB od ESL
#0 | Ares!
2005-07-20 19:08:14
#0 | troll
2005-07-20 19:18:40
#0 | Ares!
2005-07-20 19:21:08