Przy okazji pięćdziesiątego epizodu Questions & Answers, czyli odpowiadania pracowników Blizzard na pytania sceny dotyczące tajników nadchodzącej gry StarCraft 2 pojawiło się kilka ciekawych screenów prezentujących system oglądania powtórek. Jest on nieporównywalnie bardziej rozwinięty, niż ten, jaki znamy ze StarCraft: BroodWar, czy też WarCraft 3.
Questions & Answers Batch 50 (j. ang)
StarCraft II Q&A Batch 50---
1. Overlord can be upgraded to carry units, and spawn creep, and Overseer can detect, spawn changeling, and has a longer line of sight. Why not just have the Overlord upgraded with these abilities, rather than have him transform? – Mooiki (Lordaeron)
We want each race’s detection ability to be well balanced. We don’t want to see every Overlord with detection after upgrading the ability once at Lair. Separating detection capability into two units creates important choices for Zerg players, to ensure their army has enough support of each type available.
2. Any support for stereoscopic play? - Ylleks (Azeroth)
Stereoscopic vision can be an interesting feature, as we’ve seen with the recently added support in World of Warcraft and other games. For now however, the team is concentrating on the core aspects of StarCraft II and making sure the core features of the game that will be used by everyone are as good as can be. Later on down the road we can evaluate more features like this and see if they make sense to support in StarCraft II.
3. At previous events with playable StarCraft II stations we often saw players doing classic Brood War build orders and tactics. Taking all the new things into account, how far do you get with playing just like in Brood War? Is it a clear disadvantage or a good way to start? -
It will depend on the player’s play type and creativity. The experience and skills from the original StarCraft will definitely help players get familiar with StarCraft II. However, there are a lot more units, abilities, and buildings in StarCraft II than the original StarCraft. Players can always start out playing in the way that they used to play in the original StarCraft. As they grow more comfortable with the game they can begin exploring the new units and abilities and discover lots of new strategies. It’s not a matter of advantage or disadvantage, it depends more on the players’ play styles and preferences.
4. Will it be possible to use characters to colour ingame text like in SC1? –
No, currently there is no in-game colored text support. Colored text was a neat trick in the original game, but we wanted to ensure that all in-game communication is clear and easily-readable, so we’re only supporting default text style.
7. In the original StarCraft, you could make the Lurker (through bug use), while burrowed, hold fire until told to attack, something which led to many exciting situations. Are there any plans to include a “hold fire” command for the Lurker in SC2? In addition, worker units lacked Hold and Patrol commands in SC, will this be the case in SC2 as well? – Team Liquid (Zanric)
There is no hold fire command for Lurker in the current build. However we will look into every possibility that encourages more tactical, exciting gameplay and keeps the game balanced.
Najciekawsze z pytań to bez wątpienia pozycja numer trzy. Pracownik Blizzard, Karune zapytano o to, czy będzie można przenieść taktyki z StarCraft: BroodWar do StarCraft 2 udzielił interesującej odpowiedzi. Wszystko znajduje się powyżej. Z każdym nowym odcinkiem Q&A dowiadujemy się wielu nowych ciekawostek dotyczących wyczekiwanej przez tak wielu fanów RTS-ów gry.
#1 | reaktiv
2009-03-21 18:35:29
#2 | AnT
2009-03-21 18:45:05
#3 | annihiluzz
2009-03-21 19:05:21
#4 | vandal
2009-03-21 19:10:15
#5 | raul
2009-03-21 19:17:34
#6 | tobster
2009-03-21 20:59:25
#7 | cOw.
2009-03-21 23:13:49
#9 | qwe
2009-03-22 01:40:57
#16 | cOw.
2009-03-22 13:33:12
#8 | OMG
2009-03-22 00:21:03
#10 | Kipcio
2009-03-22 02:14:28
#11 | Kefirr
2009-03-22 09:14:34
chodzi mi tu oczywiscie ze jest tragiczna pod katem klimatu (wszystko sie swieci jak psu jajca , zergowe budynki wygladaja strasznie plastikowo a creep ... szkoda slow) naprawde mi sie to nie podoba , mam nadzieje ze nadrobia gameplayem . Ja jestem ogolnie przeciwnikiem gier RTS w 3D , moim zdaniem gry RTS powinny byc wydawane w 2D i koniec . Chcialbym jeszcze zwrocic uwage ze zerglingi nadal wygladaja beznadziejnie i trudno je zauwazyc na creepie ...
czuje sie zawiedziony :( (pocieszam sie jedynie tym ze to dopiero alpha)
#12 | bolksTV
2009-03-22 10:28:23
dla mnie bomba :D
#13 | Peke
2009-03-22 10:54:31
#14 | Hunter
2009-03-22 12:01:59
#15 | bolksTV
2009-03-22 12:07:35
#17 | OMG
2009-03-23 10:12:07
Zgadzam sie z Kefirr-em co do zerlingow! Powinny iść do do przeróbki jak dla mnie niech zostawią pieski z 1 wersji SC :)
Co do grafiki 3D w SC to jasne, że powinna zostać 2D z rzutem izometrycznym :)
PS. Wierze, że SC2 i tak będzie genialne może nie jak poprzednia wersja
ale może chociaż w 5% buahahha :)
#18 | bolksTV
2009-03-23 10:17:25
porównując StarCrafta do aktualnie spatchowanego StarCrafta BroodWar, też bym był gotów stwierdzić, że oryginalne SC jest tylko w 5% tak dobre, jak SC:BW 1.16.1 :D
#19 | OMG
2009-03-23 13:21:46