Witam i przedstawiam Wam listę komend, które możecie użyć w grze. Łatwo można wywnioskować, że autor tej listy wzorował się na D3, który ma ponoć te same komendy (nie wiem nie grałem, nie krzyczeć jak się mylę).
Myślę jednak. że osobom, które mają słabsze sprzęty może dzięki paru komendom da się uzyskać te parę klatek więcej.
Dla ambitnych link: http://quake.freakygaming.com/pc/action/quake4/complete_list_of_console_variables.html
A dla leniwych: [hide=lista komend cvar]com_Limits “0
com_logDemos “0
com_logMPStats “0
com_machineSpec “2
com_MakeLoadScreens “0
com_makingBuild “0
com_memoryMarker "-1
com_minTics “1
com_preciseTic “1
com_preloadDemos “0
com_purgeAll “0
com_QuickLoad “0
com_showAngles “0
com_showAsyncStats “0
com_showDemo “0
com_showFPS “1
com_showMemAllocTags “0
com_showMemoryUsage “0
com_showSoundDecoders “0
com_showTics “0
com_SingleDeclFile “0
com_skipGameDraw “0
com_skipLevelLoadPause “0
com_skipRenderer “0
com_speeds “0
com_syncGameFrame “0
com_systemRam “1024
com_timestampPrints “0
com_uniqueWarnings “0
com_updateLoadSize “0
com_videoRam “256
com_wipeSeconds “1
com_WriteSingleDeclFile “0
con_noPrint “1
con_notifyTime “3
con_speed “3
decl_show “0
demo_debug “0
demo_enforceFS “0
demo_scale “1.0
developer “0
fas_blendBias “1.5
fas_debug “0
fas_intensityBias “0
fas_threshhold0 “60
fas_threshhold1 “30
fas_timeOffset “50
fs_basepath “G:/Q4
fs_caseSensitiveOS “0
fs_cdpath "
fs_copyfiles “0
fs_debug “0
fs_devpath “G:/Q4
fs_game “q4base
fs_game_base "
fs_importpath "
fs_mapPaks “0
fs_restrict “0
fs_savepath “G:/Q4
fs_searchAddons “0
g_allowVehicleGunOverheat “1
g_announcerDelay “1000
g_armorProtection “0.66667
g_armorProtectionMP “0.66667
g_blobSize “1
g_blobTime “1
g_brassTime “1
g_cinematic “1
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime “600
g_crosshairCharInfoFar “1
g_crosshairColor “1 1 0 1
g_crosshairCustom “1
g_crosshairCustomFile “gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_railgun.tga
g_crosshairSize “32
g_currentPlayback "
g_debugAnim "-1
g_debugBounds “0
g_debugCinematic “0
g_debugDamage “0
g_debugMove “0
g_debugMover “0
g_debugScript “0
g_debugState “0
g_debugTriggers “0
g_debugVehicle “0
g_debugVehicleAI “0
g_debugVehicleDriver “0
g_debugWeapon “0
g_decals “1
g_disasm “0
g_doubleVision “1
g_dragDamping “0.5
g_dragEntity “0
g_dragShowSelection “0
g_dropItemRotation "
g_dvAmplitude “0.001
g_dvFrequency “0.5
g_dvTime “1
g_earthquake “1
g_editEntityDistance “512
g_editEntityMode “0
g_editEntityTextDistance “256
g_exportMask "
g_favoritesList "
g_flushSave “0
g_forceUndying “0
g_fov “90
g_frametime “0
g_friendsList "
g_gameReviewPause “15
g_gravity “1066
g_gunPitch “0
g_gunRoll “0
g_gunViewStyle “0
g_gunX “0
g_gunY “0
g_gunYaw “0
g_gunZ “0
g_healthTakeAmt “5
g_healthTakeLimit “25
g_healthTakeTime “5
g_keepEntityStats “0
g_kickAmplitude “0.0001
g_kickTime “1
g_knockback “1000
g_log “0
g_mapCycle “mapcycle
g_maxShowDistance “128
g_monsters “1
g_mp_gravity “800
g_mpWeaponAngleScale “0
g_muzzleFlash “1
g_nightmare “0
g_password "
g_perfTest_aiNoDodge “0
g_perfTest_aiNoObstacleAvoid “0
g_perfTest_aiNoRagdoll “0
g_perfTest_aiNoVisTrace “0
g_perfTest_aiStationary “0
g_perfTest_aiUndying “0
g_perfTest_hitscanBBox “0
g_perfTest_hitscanShort “0
g_perfTest_noJointTransform “0
g_perfTest_noPlayerFocus “0
g_perfTest_noProjectiles “0
g_perfTest_weaponNoFX “0
g_playPlayback “0
g_projectileLights “1
g_recordPlayback “0
g_showActiveEntities “0
g_showAreaClipSectors “0
g_showcamerainfo “0
g_showClipSectorFilter “0
g_showClipSectors “0
g_showCollisionModels “0
g_showCollisionTraces “0
g_showCollisionWorld “0
g_showDebugHud “0
g_showEnemies “0
g_showEntityInfo “0
g_showFrameCmds “0
g_showGodDamage “0
g_showHud “1
g_showHudPopups “0
g_showPlayback “0
g_showPlayerShadow “0
g_showProjectilePct “0
g_showPVS “0
g_showRange “0
g_showTargets “0
g_showTestModelFrame “0
g_showTriggers “0
g_showviewpos “0
g_skill “1
g_skipFX “0
g_skipItemShadowsMP “0
g_skipParticles “0
g_skipPlayerShadowsMP “0
g_skipViewEffects “0
g_spectatorChat “0
g_stopTime “0
g_testCTF “0
g_testDeath “0
g_testHealthVision “0
g_testModelAnimate “0
g_testModelBlend “0
g_testModelRotate “0
g_testPlayer "
g_testPostProcess "
g_testScoreboard “0
g_timeEntities “0
g_useDynamicProtection “1
g_vehicleForce “50000
g_vehicleMode “1
g_vehicleVelocity “1000
g_version “Quake4 Final 1.0.1283-release win-x86 Sep 23 2005 00:01:45
g_viewNodalX “0
g_viewNodalZ “0
g_voteFlags “0
gamedate “Sep 23 2005
gamename “baseQUAKE4-1
gui_configServerRate “0
gui_debug “0
gui_debugScript “0
gui_edit “0
gui_mediumFontLimit “0.60
gui_smallFontLimit “0.30
gui_ui_name “Player
ik_debug “0
ik_enable “1
image_anisotropy “4
image_cacheMegs “100
image_cacheMinK “30
image_colorMipLevels “0
image_dontUsePrecompressedSkyboxesForCGW “0
image_downSize “0
image_downSizeBump “0
image_downSizeBumpLimit “256
image_downSizeLimit “256
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image_downSizeSpecularLimit “64
image_ignoreHighQuality “0
image_lodbias “0
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image_useOfflineCompression “0
image_usePrecompressedTextures “1
image_writeNormalTGA “0
image_writePrecompressedTextures “0
image_writeProgramImages “0
image_writeTGA “0
in_alwaysRun “1
in_anglespeedkey “1.5
in_freeLook “1
in_joystick “0
in_joystickLeftStickMove “1
in_mouse “1
in_pitchspeed “140
in_toggleCrouch “0
in_toggleRun “0
in_toggleZoom “0
in_yawspeed “140
lcp_showFailures “0
logFile “0
logFileName “qconsole.log
m_maxInput “0
m_pitch "-0.022
m_showMouseRate “0
m_smooth “1
m_strafeScale “6.25
m_strafeSmooth “4
m_yaw “0.022
mat_useHitMaterials “1
mat_writeHitMaterials “0
net_allowCheats “0
net_challengeLimit “15
net_channelShowDrop “0
net_channelShowPackets “0
net_clientDownload “1
net_clientLagOMeter “0
net_clientMaxPrediction “1000
net_clientMaxRate “16000
net_clientPredictGUI “1
net_clientPrediction “10
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress “localhost
net_clientRemoteConsolePassword "
net_clientServerTimeout “60
net_clientShowSnapshot “0
net_clientShowSnapshotRadius “128
net_clientUsercmdBackup “2
net_debugClient “0
net_debugFrameTime “0
net_debugPlayerCount “0
net_debugStartLevel “0
net_debugTraffic “0
net_forceDrop “0
net_forceInternet “0
net_forceLatency “0
net_ip “localhost
net_LANServer “0
net_master0 “q4master.idsoftware.com:27650
net_master1 "
net_master2 "
net_master3 "
net_master4 "
net_menuLANServer “1
net_port “0
net_predictionErrorDecay “112
net_serverAllowServerMod “0
net_serverClientTimeout “60
net_serverDedicated “0
net_serverDrawClient "-1
net_serverMaxClientRate “25600
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay “5
net_serverMenuDedicated “0
net_serverReloadEngine “0
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "
net_serverRunning “0
net_serverSnapshotDelay “80
net_serverZombieTimeout “5
net_showPredictionError "-1
net_socksEnabled “0
net_socksPassword "
net_socksPort “1080
net_socksServer "
net_socksUsername "
net_verbose “0
password "
pm_acceloverride “0
pm_air “1800
pm_bboxwidth “32
pm_bobpitch “0.002
pm_bobroll “0.002
pm_bobup “0.005
pm_crouchbob “0.5
pm_crouchheight “49
pm_crouchrate “0.87
pm_crouchspeed “80
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pm_deadheight “20
pm_deadviewheight “10
pm_forcespectatormove “0
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pm_jumpheight “48
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pm_runroll “0.005
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pm_spectatespeed “450
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pm_staminarate “0.75
pm_staminathreshold “45
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pm_thirdPersonClip “1
pm_thirdPersonDeath “0
pm_thirdPersonHeight “0
pm_thirdPersonRange “80
pm_usecylinder “0
pm_vehicleCameraMinDist “300
pm_vehicleCameraScaleMax “300
pm_vehicleCameraSnap “1
pm_vehicleCameraSpeedScale “0.5
pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale “10
pm_walkbob “0.3
pm_walkspeed “80
r_actualRenderer “ARB2
r_alphaToCoverage “1
r_aspectRatio “0
r_brightness “1.380952
r_checkBounds “0
r_clear “2
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r_customHeight “486
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r_debugLineDepthTest “0
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r_debugSphereSubdivision “2
r_demonstrateBug “0
r_deriveBiTangents “0
r_displayRefresh “0
r_drawBoundInfo “0
r_finish “0
r_fixedHorizFOV “0
r_flareSize “1
r_forceConvertMD5R “0
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r_frontBuffer “0
r_fullscreen “1
r_gamma “1
r_glDriver "
r_ignore “0
r_ignore2 “0
r_ignoreGLErrors “1
r_inhibitFragmentProgram “0
r_inhibitNativePowerOfTwo “1
r_jitter “0
r_jointNameOffset “0.5
r_jointNameScale “0.02
r_lightAllBackFaces “0
r_lightDetailLevel “0
r_lightScale “2
r_lightSourceRadius “0
r_limitBatchSize “0
r_lockSurfaces “0
r_lod_animations_coverage “0.05
r_lod_animations_distance “0.0
r_lod_animations_wait “0.1
r_lod_entities “0
r_lod_entities_percent “0.008
r_lod_shadows “0
r_lod_shadows_percent “0.06
r_materialOverride "
r_megaTextureLevel “0
r_mergeModelSurfaces “1
r_mode “4
r_multiSamples “0
r_offsetfactor “0
r_offsetunits "-600
r_orderIndexes “1
r_penumbraMapDepthBias “3.
r_portalsDistanceCull “1
r_renderer “best
r_screenFraction “100
r_shadowMapDepthBias ".6
r_shadowMapSlopeScaleBias “3.2
r_shadowPolygonFactor “0
r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1
r_shadows “1
r_showAlloc “0
r_showBatchSize “0
r_showCull “0
r_showDebugGraph “0
r_showDefs “0
r_showDemo “0
r_showDepth “0
r_showDominantTri “0
r_showDynamic “0
r_showEdges “0
r_showEditorImages “0
r_showEntityScissors “0
r_showHitImages “0
r_showImages “0
r_showIntensity “0
r_showInteractionFrustums “0
r_showInteractions “0
r_showInteractionScissors “0
r_showLightCount “0
r_showLightPortals “0
r_showLights “0
r_showLightScale “0
r_showLightScissors “0
r_showMegaTexture “0
r_showMegaTextureLabels “0
r_showMemory “0
r_showNormals “0
r_showOverDraw “0
r_showOverdrawDivisor “10
r_showOverdrawMax “50
r_showPortals “0
r_showPrimitives “0
r_showRenderTrace “0
r_showSafeArea “0
r_showShadowCount “0
r_showShadows “0
r_showSilhouette “0
r_showSkel “0
r_showSmp “0
r_showSurfaceInfo “0
r_showSurfaces “0
r_showTangentSpace “0
r_showTexturePolarity “0
r_showTextureVectors “0
r_showTrace “0
r_showTriangleTangents “0
r_showTris “0
r_showUnsmoothedTangents “0
r_showUnweld “0
r_showUpdates “0
r_showVertexCache “0
r_showVertexColor “0
r_showViewEntitys “0
r_singleArea “0
r_singleEntity "-1
r_singleLight "-1
r_singleSurface "-1
r_singleTriangle “0
r_skipAmbient “0
r_skipBackEnd “0
r_skipBlendLights “0
r_skipBump “0
r_skipCopyTexture “0
r_skipDecals “0
r_skipDeforms “0
r_skipDiffuse “0
r_skipDownsize “0
r_skipDynamicTextures “0
r_skipFogLights “0
r_skipFrontEnd “0
r_skipGuiShaders “0
r_skipInteractions “0
r_skipLightScale “0
r_skipMegaTexture “0
r_skipNewAmbient “0
r_skipOverlays “0
r_skipPostProcess “0
r_skipRender “0
r_skipRenderContext “0
r_skipROQ “0
r_skipSpecular “0
r_skipSubviews “0
r_skipSuppress “0
r_skipTextures “0
r_skipTranslucent “0
r_skipUpdates “0
r_slopNormal “0.02
r_slopTexCoord “0.001
r_slopVertex “0.01
r_subviewOnly “0
r_suppressMultipleUpdates “1
r_swapInterval “1
r_terrainScale “3
r_test “0
r_testARBProgram “0
r_testGamma “0
r_testGammaBias “0
r_testSpecialEffect “0
r_testSpecialEffectParm “0
r_testSpecialEffectParmValue “0
r_testStepGamma “0
r_trackTextureUsage “0
r_useCachedDynamicModels “1
r_useClippedLightScissors “1
r_useCombinerDisplayLists “1
r_useConstantMaterials “1
r_useCulling “2
r_useDeferredTangents “1
r_useDepthBoundsTest “1
r_useEntityCallbacks “1
r_useEntityCulling “1
r_useEntityScissors “1
r_useExternalShadows “1
r_useFastSkinning “0
r_useFrustumFarDistance “0
r_useIndexBuffers “0
r_useInfiniteFarZ “1
r_useInteractionCulling “1
r_useInteractionScissors “2
r_useLightCulling “3
r_useLightPortalFlow “1
r_useLightScissors “1
r_useNewSkinning “1
r_useNodeCommonChildren “1
r_useNV20MonoLights “1
r_useOptimizedShadows “1
r_usePenumbraMapShadows “0
r_usePortals “1
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions “0
r_useScissor “1
r_useShadowCulling “1
r_useShadowProjectedCull “1
r_useShadowSurfaceScissor “1
r_useShadowVertexProgram “1
r_useSilRemap “1
r_useSimpleInteraction “0
r_useStateCaching “1
r_useTripleTextureARB “1
r_useTurboShadow “1
r_useTwoSidedStencil “1
r_useVertexBuffers “1
r_varmegs “32
r_videoCard “NVIDIA Corporation/GeForce 6800 GT/PCI/SSE2/ 3DNOW!/2.0.0
r_videoSettingsFailed “0
r_znear “3
radiant_camerawindow “junk - FG”
radiant_InspectorsWindow “junk - FG”
radiant_MainWindowPlace “junk - FG”
radiant_xywindow “junk - FG”
radiant_zwindow “junk - FG”
rb_showActive “0
rb_showBodies “0
rb_showContacts “0
rb_showInertia “0
rb_showMass “0
rb_showTimings “0
rb_showVelocity “0
s_clipVolumes “1
s_constantAmplitude "-1
s_decompressionLimit “2
s_deviceName “SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [9000]
s_doorDistanceAdd “150
s_dotbias2 “1.1
s_dotbias6 “0.8
s_drawSounds “0
s_force22kHz “0
s_frequencyShift “1
s_globalFraction “0.8
s_loadOpenALFailed “0
s_maxChannelsMixed “63
s_maxSoundsPerShader “0
s_meterTopTime “2000
s_minStereo “8
s_minVolume2 “0.25
s_minVolume6 “0
s_musicVolume “0.5
s_muteEAXReverb “0
s_noSound “0
s_numberOfSpeakers “6
s_playDefaultSound “1
s_quadraticFalloff “0
s_radioChatterFraction “0.9
s_realTimeDecoding “1
s_reverbFeedback “0.333
s_reverbTime “1000
s_reverse “0
s_showLevelMeter “0
s_showStartHardware “0
s_showStartSound “0
s_singleEmitter "-1
s_skipStartSound “0
s_spatializationDecay “2
s_speakerFraction “0.65
s_subFraction “0.5
s_useDeferredSettings “1
s_useEAXOcclusion “1
s_useEAXReverb “1
s_useOcclusion “1
s_useOpenAL “0
s_volume “1
sensitivity “3
si_allowHitscanTint “2
si_allowVoting “0
si_autobalance “1
si_captureLimit “5
si_countDown “10
si_entityFilter "
si_fragLimit “10
si_gameType “DM
si_idleServer “0
si_map “mp/q4ctf5
si_mapCycle "
si_maxPlayers “12
si_minPlayers “2
si_name “Quake 4 Server
si_numPlayers “4
si_pure “1
si_shuffle “0
si_spectators “1
si_teamDamage “0
si_timeLimit “0
si_tourneyLimit “3
si_usePass “0
si_useReady “0
si_version “Quake4 Final V1.0.0.0 Build 2147 win-x86 Sep 23 2005
si_warmup “1
si_weaponStay “0
subliminal “0
sv_punkbuster “0
sys_arch “WinXP (NT)
sys_country “United States
sys_cpustring “64-Bit AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE & SSE2 & EM64T
sys_lang “english
sys_language “English
sys_opticalMedia “unknown
timescale “1
ui_autoReload “1
ui_autoSwitch “0
ui_chat “1
ui_clan "
ui_hitscanTint “0 1 1
ui_model “model_player_marine
ui_model_backup "
ui_model_marine "
ui_model_strogg "
ui_name “Player
ui_ready “Not Ready
ui_showGun “1
ui_skin “base
ui_spectate “Play
ui_team “Strogg
win_allowAltTab “0
win_allowMultipleInstances “0
win_enableFPUExceptions “0
win_notaskkeys “0
win_outputDebugString “1
win_outputEditString “1
win_sysErrorNoWait “0
win_timerUpdate “0
win_username "
win_viewlog “0
win_viewlog_update_count “10
win_viewlog_xpos “0
win_viewlog_ypos “0
win_xpos “3
win_ypos “22” [/hide]
Aby uruchomić konsolę należy wcisnąć [ctrl] + [alt] + ~ (tak, tak to tylda), a jeśli to nic nie daje dopisać takie coś do skrótu: +set com_allowConsole 1 czyli np:
C:id softwareQuake4quake4.exe” +set com_allowConsole 1
[+] przyda sie 
sa jakies scrackowane serwery ;p?
a kogo to? 
[+] Dobre dobre, ale to można samemu otworzyć w grze, nie pamietam jak ale jakoś przypadkiem mi się to udało hehe Do tego dodam, że ludziom bardziej ptorzebny jest cfg, na którym wycisną jak najwięcej FPS'ów .. więc jeśli jest jakiś spec - to niech zrobi takiego cfg'a .. 
Były niedawno na http://www.q4euro.com/ cfg na fps, ale strona padła. :/
No i właśnie - czy są scrackowane serwery? 
Ściągnij ten [url=http://www.inevitabledemise.com/td/q4/Quake4Config.cfg]cfg[/url] i Q4 będzie wyglądał tak:

ja chcę conf,który da mi stałe 60fps, a nie ładny wygląd...
tak to panu tylko w erze dopasuja 
hehhe 
Mi to nie jest potrzebne, popatrz w profil ale dla ludzi ogólnie hehe, bo wiem, że mają z tym problem ;] no ale ogólnie za "pomoc" masz [+] hehe 
Ponawiam pytanie o serwery??
nie! nie ma!
GreaTeye, ale ty masz kompa odjechanego omg ;]. Masz stale 60 klatek w grze, o ile ja masz juz ?
spokojnie, pracują nad tym xD
nie widze komend odpowiadających za fov i picmip :(
mam stałe, bedzie wiecej wiecej, jak zdejme ograniczenie, bezproblemowo hehe
moze jakies zrodlo skad "kupiliscie" ? tylko nie mowcie ze w promocji na emule bo do konca zycia bym nie "kupil" [ prv !! ]
nie możemy podawać Ci takiego źródła 
ui_showGun "1" = cg_drawgun "1"??
Pytanie do szczesliwych posiadaczy =]
tak wlasnie :-D
__ Play more promode.