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Autor Wiadomość

2019-11-01 09:15:44

As an aside, I run WinXP SP2 with the latest updates at work. I [url=]buy runescape 3 gold[/url] managed to reliably get my work PC to instantly reboot itself simply by trying to print a PDF document using FoxIt. My concern is that while it may be quicker to fix problems, it may also be less secure in that someone could intentionally embed a problem into a complicated patch. Assuming the patch actually works, it could be incorporated into the product, leaving a new intentional security hole for some future attack.

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Mother lost legs, daughter nearly died in bombing
Monday was supposed to be a big celebration that no one in Carmen Acabbo’s family wanted to miss. It was her first marathon, and she had spent the past year training for the challenge.
Her sister, Celeste Corcoran, a constant supporter, wanted to be there cheering for Carmen with her 18 year old daughter Sydney and their other friends and family. The mother and daughter were eagerly waiting at the Boston Marathon finish line when Carmen was less than a mile away.
Carmen’s husband, Rich, snapped photos of his wife along the route and followed her as she progressed through the course. He was watching for her at the end with their three young children. The four were across the street from Rich sister in law and niece when a flash and loud blast went off. What happened after, changed their lives forever.
"It was surreal how loud the noise was," said Rich. Carmen was only the length of the street away from where the fist bomb went off. "I can still hear it, it was deafening. My young son started to cry."
Celeste and Sydney were standing close to the explosion, leaving them critically wounded. Graphic photos taken immediately after the incident show the women being cared for as they lay on the ground in pools of blood.
Celeste, a hairdresser who works on her feet, had to have both of her legs amputated. Sydney had her second round of surgery this morning. Like so many others waiting on the sidelines to congratulate friends and family, they are now struggling to recover from the terrorist attack.
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