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Autor Wiadomość

2018-12-27 08:08:02

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By the end I remember just trying to get the cable stable on the tower, leaning off as far as I could to bring it back in and then pinning it to the steel while my coworker attached it to the tower. Mind you this is heavy cable, a bit more than a pound per foot up a 300 foot tower. Those things get moving, if it falls and gets damaged it is expensive, and it if it hits someone they going to the ER.
"set the oxygen in the air on fire" is perhaps a bit of an understatement. even at fractional speeds of what the parker has, the air gets completely messed up molecules and atoms (not nuclei though) literally break apart, creating a blazing plasma with temps in the tens of thousands C. no chance it wouldn all be over in about a few seconds though.
Signed format allows you to have negative numbers. Its sorta like the number of 1s away from 0 in the negative with the first bit being the flag if it a negative or not.Basically in a 0 255 unsigned value it can also be interpreted as a 127 to 127 value.So they had this "peaceful" variable to determine how peaceful a computer is and for ghandi they wanted max peacefulness, but put the 255 value into a signed variable which translates to 127.
So it was an honest bug that very common, but hilarious when ghandi all of a sudden always wants war. The developers had a laugh and decided to keep that as a feature and not call it a bug.Then the meme lives on in every future civ gameOur trash bins for non recyclable garbage have become much smaller and people have learned to make do with them.
I kept my calm through the day, but it wasn the first day of overlooking as many safety precautions as possible. People free climbing, dropping tools from height, etc.Obnoxiously the pay wasn even good. The cell phone companies contract out to construction management firms who contract to smaller fly by night crews. There is no money at the bottom of that crappy ladder.Happy New Year 2019!Now RSorder Supply Up to 9% off RS 2007 Gold/RS Gold/Other Products for you Until Jan. 2!Do you want to Get from [url=http://www.rsorder.com][b]http://www.rsorder.com[/url][/b]?
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