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2017-06-16 13:39:00

Facebook Gift Cards Free Credits

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Facebook Gift Cards Free Credits

The cards only work at four stores for now: Target, Jamba Juice, Sephora and The Olive Garden. So if you’ve been wondering how to give your little sister a birthday gift that combines fruit smoothies, lip gloss and unlimited breadsticks, this product is for you. Which is why it’s so intriguing that Facebook is bringing a key monetization strategy into actual retail stores. Right now we think of Facebook as a social hub—the place we go to remember a blurry night out or spy on our child’s new girlfriend. But with Credits and its network of social games, Facebook has been quietly turning itself into a commercial center—an arcade that’s more social than the boarded up place downtown. The company has been signing contracts with developers as a way to unify the games under one Facebook currency. It’s in the interest of the developers to sign on because Facebook Credits legitimizes the purchase of virtual goods for users. Sort of like what happens when you put your gift cards in checkout aisles nationwide.

Going back to the gift cards and vouchers, there is a different variation of the scam. Shoppers are receiving emails, purportedly from the supermarket chains mentioned above, offering them gift cards ranging in value from 50 to 1,000 dollars or pounds. The email urges customers to visit a website in order to fill out a form to receive their gift card.

Cards provided by Green Dot Corporation. The MasterCard Card is issued by Green Dot Bank pursuant to a license from MasterCard International Incorporated. The Visa Card is issued by Green Dot Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A Inc. Green Dot Corporation is a member service provider for Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC. MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated. Visa is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association. Green Dot is a registered trademark of Green Dot Corporation.

Scammers are currently churning out multiple versions of this scam each claiming to be giving away vouchers or gift cards from various well-known companies. Other recent versions have falsely claimed that Aldi , Kroger , and JCPenney are giving away free gift cards. Except for the company names and logos and other minor details such as the value of the supposed gift card, many of these scam attempts are virtually identical. The current crop of such scams are all falsely claiming that the giveaway is to celebrate the targeted company’s birthday or anniversary.

Facebook scrambled to shoehorn Gifts into its popular birthday calendar. Instead of the traditional HBD” wall post, Facebook aggressively pushed people to buy friends small gifts. It didn’t take. Facebook signed more gift card partnerships like one with iTunes , and launched its own ‘Omni-Gift Card' that could be refilled with credit to an array of businesses like Target and Olive Garden. But my own attempt to use the card was awkward as clerks had never heard of it.

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