Prevention Is Better Than Cure


Autor Wiadomość

2017-03-06 09:48:40

You too can be part of the solution by getting involved and showing integrity in the face of pressure. Earlier this year, at the CIPS Pan African Conference, CEO David Noble said unethical behaviour is the one area stopping Africa becoming a powerhouse. He noted that the profession has the opportunity to be a “beacon of light”' that represents ethics and good practice. Become part of that beacon and do not compromise your principles.

Buying a house is an exciting step in life--and one that shouldn’t be navigated solo. Accustomed as we are to the ease of do-it-yourself selling on eBay or CraigsList, it seems perfectly natural to simply post a sign and wait for sellers--or, in the reverse, to find a sign and inquire as a buyer. However, given the intricacies of legal, financial, and property issues, it’s important to take this journey with the guidance of a licensed Realtor.


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