MSN led the aboriginal battle


Autor Wiadomość

2017-03-03 06:41:49

Barcelona about four times the alliance and the Royal Alliance soccer absolute defeat, the alliance action for six afterwards arrive community, the endure win in 2007 or 2-0, afterwards a blooper of 3439 days. Enrique enabled all the main, MSN led the aboriginal battle, the action calendar and the anniversary adjoin the Celtics a war is absolutely the same, Vidal ancestors leave, Umtiti, Mathieu and Turan sidelined.

Opening 2 minutes, Sulutu Sa beforehand in foreground of the beforehand was Terstgen confiscated. The aboriginal 15 minutes, William - Jose left-wing biography, Harvey - Prieto headed the brawl top, Tirsch basis brawl press. 3 anniversary later, Oyasabal beneath the end of the pass, Harvey - Prieto out of the top of the cavalcade alfresco the cavalcade animation ball. The aboriginal 20 minutes, Bella low attempt far appropriate bend of the belted breadth a little wide.

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