Added amateur models to FIFA 17


Autor Wiadomość

2017-01-07 03:26:26

This anniversary EA Sports arise Appellation Amend 2 for FIFA 17 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. This patch, the additional aback the game’s release, fixes accessory things, including fixes to rendering, frame-rate and audio issues. But if accomplished FIFA releases are any indication, this is just the alpha of EA Sports absolution added updates through the end of the year.

EA arise that now they are accessible to add added amateur models to the game, something which has been awful accepted by FIFA fans, abnormally aback PES 2017 has accustomed added than 30 new amateur models just a few weeks ago. PES 2017 arise an amend a brace weeks ago to acquaint over 30 new amateur models.

This was a lot of acceptable noticed by EA Sports,which proceeded to add even added amateur models to FIFA 17. EA Sports has the assets to continuously add amateur models annual if needed, as adjoin to PES 2017 , which strategically adds things in post-release. It will be absorbing to see if the aggregation at FIFA adds added amateur models in consecutive updates or if they will leave it area it is.

For further information about fifa 17, please visit


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