Mak had denticulate seven goals for his country


Autor Wiadomość

2016-12-08 06:44:36

Mak was allotment of the Slovakia band at UEFA EURO 2016, allowance his aggregation to a 2-1 win adjoin Russia that acceptable them access to the Annular of 16 and breadth he came contiguous with his approaching competitors for starting positions at Zenit: Oleg Shatov and Aleksandr Kokorin.“I’ve got abundant memories from that game," Mak smiled.

“We won and it ensured we able from the group. Shatov and Kokorin are accomplished footballers and my appointment is doubly complicated seeing as Russian teams can’t acreage added than six adopted players in the calm league. That’s why I didn’t accede to the move beeline away, but afterwards anxiously cerebration it through, I realised that I’ve got the adeptness to play in the starting XI and not sit on the bench. The antagonism is tough, but that’s what I wanted."

Before the alpha of the Apple Cup condoning cycle, Mak had denticulate seven goals for his country. Accepting been fatigued into a accumulation with England, Slovenia, Scotland, Lithuania and Malta, the Falcons fabricated the affliction accessible alpha with two beeline defeats. Aback then, the aggregation has amorphous to accomplish up on absent amphitheatre acknowledgment to Mak’s key influence.

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