The Details On Erectile Dysfunction Causes


Autor Wiadomość

2016-10-20 08:18:58

Rock Hard Protocol Review No man likes to discuss or even consider erectile dysfunction. For men who have been inflicted with this uncomfortable and embarrassing dysfunction it can be embarrassing and extremely hard to talk about even with family and friends. Even with the popular drug Viagra being looked at as a miracle for men who take it, erectile dysfunction is still more of a taboo subject then it should be. However, with more information coming out every day men are not as ashamed as they used to be and often quickly seek help for erectile dysfunction which is a good thing.

There can be many causes for erectile dysfunction, both psychological and medical. Whereas some can be reversed through medical procedures, some cannot be. One of these medical conditions that although treatable, may hinder a man’s sexual performance is Diabetes. This disease can interfere with the flow of a man’s blood through the body which drastically reduces an erection. Kidney disease, alcoholism, high blood pressure, heart conditions, and MS are other diseases that can affect blood flow. Sometimes it is the disease itself that affects blood flow but other times, it could be the medications that they take for these diseases. It could also be some sort of trauma to the penis, bladder, prostate, pelvic area, or the nerves near and around the penis that can start erectile dysfunction.


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