Understanding Rotator Cuff Tears


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-19 08:11:06

These statistics highlight how common a rotator cuff tear or injury is but many people remain confused as to how and where they are caused, the potential treatment options and how to avoid further damage. The most common form of tears are in the tendons. There are four tendons within the rotator cuff and tears can occur to people of all age groups whether male or female. Older people may be more prone to damage caused by natural wear and tear, but younger people playing demanding sports or working using repetitive lifting and reaching activities are also particularly vulnerable.


The symptoms to indicate tears in the rotator cuff include difficulty in moving your arm, muscle weakness, cracking or grinding noise during movement or the arm and pain. The pain scale from this type of injury can vary from little to no pain through to considerable acute pain. Generally, the level of pain is unrelated to the specific size of tears. In order to diagnose tears, there are certain tests which can be performed. This includes examining external rotation and other movements. The severity of the tears can depend on whether it is full or partial. A full thickness of the tear can be very severe and involve the whole tendon. The Dr. Oz diet is designed around healthy living as opposed to simply eating with the aim of losing weight. According to Dr. Oz, weight loss is basically achieved by a healthy diet. The diet also aims at decreasing your waist line because according to Dr. Oz, decreasing of the waist line helps a great deal in improving your health.



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