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Autor Wiadomość

2019-02-14 07:16:44

You can ask me stuf 2 by the way. I’m 34, live in the netherlands and have a "major" as they call it in [url=http://www.rsorder.com]buy runescape 2007 gold[/url] religious history. I always was fascinated by religions so ive read the bible, torah and quran at a very young age and have read the quran 6 times now. 3 times in English on my own, 2times in my own languege, 1 of them with an imam in mosque and 1 time in english with a historian.

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I studied religion and its histories so much I could no longer deny it was Made up by men.Orthodox: practices his religion, believe in the Execution of Homosexuals and Adulers. Doesn believe in killing disbelievers for no reason except in case of self defense!!Extremists: Believes in killing disbelievers for no reason, kills anyone who commits a sin even if it not a major sin, believes that even children should be veiled and punished for their acts.
Maybe you have bad views on Islam because you studied it in a (((Western Country))), you know Zionist propaganda is serious there!!I’m agnostic and not atheist; at least i’m realistic enough to admit that I don’t know if there is a reason to life. But i’m also smart enough to know religion itself is Made by mankind. I’m hetero aswel.
I feel sympaty for fellow human beings and their freedom of seksuality like a Good person would do instead of hating them like an evil muslim.Free speech includeds your right to hate gays, i’m not saying you can’t do that no matter how much I disagree. But it does NOT give you the right to hurt, kill or threaten them like you do with your dumb skydiving Joke. That’s illigal would you do it in person.
No it does not. A God could exist but I know it can’t be the God decribed by man Made religion. I don’t believe a God ever interacted with humans, prophecies are all debunked in the years and I think "visions" are either drug trips like Mozes and the burning bush or lies Made by corrupt narcesist like Muhammed.That makes me an agnost not an athest.
Yeah I know, my Phone won’t allow spellcheak for 2 langueges so it’s on my own tongue, sorry for the terrible grammar.Again: killing is evil so are you saying your God is evil?Good, but could you go to the next level if you had to? Example: if you were in the west and we met in person and I would say the same things; would you just listen and discus, maybe insult a bit or would you use violence against me?Hi!Today is long-Awaited Valentine’s Day, Don’t you want to Spend It with Up to 60% off 300M RS 2007 gold &1900M Runescape gold on RSorder At 3:00 AM GMT on Feb.15in Game!Join It by [url=https://www.rsorder.com]https://www.rsorder.com[/url] Immediately!
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