Clean Master Pro apk cracked


Autor Wiadomość

2017-08-23 08:09:12

The popular Cheetah Clean Master Pro crack earns higher marks for antivirus protection and usability, though the cost of this free app is pushy self-promotion. the No. 1 free Android optimizing tool. Reliable by greater than 740 million people to generate their phones run as it is brand name new. Clean Master (Boost & Antivirus) helps clear up junk files, cache files, junk notifications and unused RAM to improve phone performance. Protect your privacy and enhance your phone security with Cleanse Master’s (Boost & Antivirus) real-time protection that is powered by the world’s #1 antivirus engine. Clean Master (Boost & Antivirus) Highlights: JUNK FILE CLEANING Cleans junk, residual and cache files to free up storage.

Boosts speed and improve the performance of your phone. Keep your phone thoroughly clean and fast with Clean Master Pro apk. NOTIFICATION CLEANER Blocks and cleans junk notifications. Stops trash notifications from jamming your phone. PHONE BOOST Boosts your phone by freeing up RAM and fixes abnormal app behaviors with 1-tap. ANTIVIRUS Keeps your phone safe and secure with Clean Master Pro apk free antivirus engine (ranked #1 by AV-TEST). Scans the system for pre-installed and user-installed apps to keep your device safe from viruses, Trojans, malware, vulnerabilities, adware and spyware. Protect your privacy with Clean Master. CPU COOLER Cools down phone’s temperature and reduces CPU usage by stopping overheating apps. And extend battery life.


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