Practices of Breathe


Autor Wiadomość

2017-02-11 06:41:40

Many people thinks that yoga does not help them with developing their physical or psychological state. These type of people think that yoga is only taking nap on yoga mat, or running like a mad with yoga bag. This is the wrong idea, because even with elementary breathe practices yoga can defeat many diseases. When you breathe correctly, oxygen is moving in your brain. Amount human organism needs. This helps us feel well and full of energy.
In the modern yoga sad thing is that all modern schools teaches yoga breathe practices differently. Some of them are taught in wrong way by teachers. Some teachers teach breathe without any knowledge of chemistry, physiology and biomechanics.
Some people try to learn types of practices from the internet. Of course, we should not be surprised because it is the era of technologies and media. For example, some people search YouTube for yoga practices videos. They try to choose videos with lots of views or rating. I have heard that some people also choose videos depending on the yoga mat publisher is using. However, the problem is that even the authors of internet videos or creators of such kind of tutorials are wrong. They have no idea how yoga breathe works.
Why does these misunderstandings happen?
Answer is simple. The most of the instructors do not even have base knowledge about anatomy or physiology. Candidates of instructors prefer to get knowledge from teacher. They seek knowledge that is as simple as what to teach and how to teach others. However, they forget that if one specific thing is useful for “A” individual, it is useless for “B” individual. It works like a doctor. Doctor cannot cure everyone with one medicine. You need fundamental knowledge to tell patients what medicine is the best for them in that specific moment. That is why courses for instructors that go on for 3 to 6 months are not enough. Some of the tutors do not even have courses.
From what level should we start?
Before you start your yoga in practice, you need theory. You can seek for them on the internet or websites of some schools.
It’s very useful to know why is breathe practices so important. What advantages does it have. Try to know if you have hyperventilation.
You can use pulsoximetru to check if your oxygen in organism is improving meantime.
These are theory list of advantages of yoga practices. Especially, one of those practices, breathe. We can assume that breathe is the most important part of yoga. Try to do not trust to youtube videos or fake teachers, if you decide to start your yoga practices. Yoga is not only on yoga mat. It does not start there and of course, it does not end on yoga mat.


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