Awesome Online Audio Transcription


Autor Wiadomość

2017-01-31 05:11:32

Cabbage Tree Solution’s mp3 transcription is very informal to use. If you have any Mp3 format file and want this file to be transcribed into written text then you can do this online by only uploading this file on Cabbage Tress’s home page. No worry, if you have Mp3 file in any language as Spanish, German and many more we can transcribe it in language of your choice. We have highly efficient voice detectors and word recognizers that will transcribe your Mp3 audio file in perfect manner.
Do you need to install any other Software for Transcription?
The time has gone, when people used to download many transcription software as transcriber. But now, you can do this online. Cabbage Tree Solution’s is providing this service online. You have no need to install any other software or to provide any extra data or information. You have only need to provide us that file of which transcription you want. After providing, you have to wait for some time and then you will get you content in seconds of time.
Have no much Money? Don’t worry!
Only transcription service is very unique and only few companies and websites are offering this service so the cost of this service is very high. But we are glad to announce that Cabbage Tree Solutions is providing online audio transcription at very low cost. We are charging only 60 cents per minute of transcription. This cost is not too much and every person can afford it easily. If you are thinking about quality of content then listen! We permit our customers to first check their content and then pay for it.
Additionally, we have secure and verified payment methods. With the assistance these payment ways you can pay us after checking your content. We are providing this service with 100% satisfaction guarantee. There is no any chance of online theft.


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