Brainwash Yourself for Total Success


Autor Wiadomość

2016-12-22 12:49:47

I had a teacher many years ago who used the phrase “the rain barrel is full”. Millionaire’s Brain Academy In order for the students to retain the new information she was pumping into us, we had to delete and or re-work some of the information we already had. Past learning and habits, just like everything else, can become old or stale dated.

How many of you have used a typewriter? The information and skills for the operation of the typewriter had to be deleted and updated in order to move on to using a computer. If you and I had kept attempting to apply the typewriter habits to the computer we would have frustrated ourselves over and over again. Instead we deleted that programming in our brains and inserted the new. Thank goodness the keyboards are basically the same; at least one piece of the old works well with the new.

When you develop a new health habit you have to delete your old habits and/or ways of thinking. A personal example comes from when we first adopted a dog. One of my responsibilities was to take the dog for a walk in the morning before I went off to slave camp. A brisk half hour walk first thing in the morning is a great health habit to develop.


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