Prevent Hair Loss Can Cause Hair Loss


Autor Wiadomość

2016-08-18 13:45:23

I sometimes hear from people who are noticing a lot of broken hairs coming out. Often, they also see very dry or flyaway hair with the presence of split ends. I heard from a woman who said: “I’ve been noticing a lot of fallen hair on my clothing. But, when I examine the hairs very closely, there isn’t a root on the end. So, I think that the hairs are breaking off. I have a friend who went through a bout of hair loss last year and she says that perhaps I have telogen effluvium. I did some research online and I’m not sure if this is correct? I’m not sure if this type of hair loss causes breakage in addition to hair fall." I will try to address this concern in the following article.

Hair That Falls Due To Telogen Effluvium Sheds Out From The Root. It Usually Doesn’t Break Off. (Although You Can Have Some Breakage.) I’d like to clarify what happens to a hair when it is affected from this type of hair loss. Essentially, something makes it change where it is in its growth cycle. This may be stress or some medical issue or illness. But true shedding of this type changes hair from the growth phase to the shedding phase. And, as a result, that same hair sheds out. What this means is that the root is no longer becoming nourished in the growth phase so the next part of its life cycle is to fall out. That’s why you can typically look at this type of hair and see a root, a white bulb, or a dark sheath around either one of these.


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