UTComp3 V2B (modyfikacja turniejowa)


UTComp3 V2B (modyfikacja turniejowa)

2008-04-06 21:57:06


  • added warmup time voting.
  • added voting override and all voting options unlock for server admin.
  • added model preview in skins tab.
  • added average team ping in scoreboard.
  • added footsteps sound option.
  • added custom player names support.
  • added Advanced Scoreboardv v06 source code including players efficiency and multikill award statistics.
  • added 'dark dead bodies' option.
  • added some changes in crosshair factory sliders to more crosshair setup flexibility.
  • localised "Deaths" column header in TDM scoreboard.
  • returned brightskins into WAR and VCTF, but skin color forced to teamcolor.
  • returned invisibility and berserk in TDM when enabled DUEL/TDM mod.
  • fixed armor stacking bug.
  • fixed end game screenshots bug.
  • fixed received damage bug in weapon stats.
  • removed redeemer as warmup weapon.
  • fixed blank map names and gametypes in voting menu.
  • fixed bug with dead teammates shows as enemy.
  • fixed bug when flag doesn't return to base after end of warmup.


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