MAXBrowse 1.2


MAXBrowse 1.2

2008-04-02 14:19:41


Najnowsza wersja przeglądarki MAXBrowse, lista zmian:

  • add - ETQW support
  • add - ET support
  • add - Q3 support
  • add - Warsow support
  • add - Support for ICMP pings to servers instead of timing the server reply
  • add - Customisable number of servers queried at once
  • add - MAXBrowse can now automatically minimise to systray when launching a game
  • chg - Player details lists are now different for different games. ETQW gets "bot", Q4 gets "clan"
  • chg - Players column may show 4+2 / 12, indicating there are 4 players, 2 bots, and max is 12
  • chg - q4 protocol 2.86 detected as 1.4.2 demo
  • chg - Server details dialog is now resizable
  • chg - the passworded, empty, full, and PB filters are now remembered.
  • chg - on first run, the "Configure Games" dialog will always be shown, even if games are found.
  • fix - if you previously had a protocol or favourites filter, and its no longer present (eg deleted server .xml files, and refreshed), the filter will be reset.
  • fix - XML issues with players with invalid ascii codes in their names corrected
  • fix - Refreshing the servers triggering the tree on the left to change position
  • fix - Removing a server from all its favourite groups now removes the blue highlight


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