Autor: Soofka - 2007-09-30 11:44:13
Opinie innych
ETR (admin turnieju WarSow)
![etr.jpg]( | tekst |
TosspoT (admin turnieju Enemy Territory)
![tosspot.jpg]( | The event was a massive success. We were able to get people playing alot more than they have at previous events and really get more out of their trip, from my perspective we delivered on our promises and it was a solid improvement from cpc2. Everyone who came seemed to have a great time and really got into the spirit of what this event is all about so I'm really happy with the event, it was stressful, tiring and hard work but the Crossfire team did the community proud |
BoBel (#1 turnieju WarSow)
![bobel.jpg]( | tekst |
h1o (#2 turnieju WarSow)
![h1o.jpg]( | CDC was a great event, the first real warsow competition lan, my first real competition lan, it was simply great. the tournament venue was oke, though the first day we only had 4 computers we still managed to get everything on done on schedual. It was organised pretty solid, I met alot of great people there wich i already knew online, some a little better then others but everyone was really nice, we had great fun drinking beers and smoking. i really hope next year a lot more warsow players and people who just want to have fun can come so we can all meet and enjoy the beautifull dutch country side. cu next year. |
BRUNS (#3 turnieju WarSow)
![bruns.jpg]( | I think the LAN itself was great- relaxed atmosphere, everyone was real nice and didn't take it any more seriously then it should of been. It would of been even better if so many players hadn't dropped out! As for my performance, in retrospect i'm happy as i hadn't practiced at all leading up to the event, and didnt eat or sleep properly over the time i was there- although i really had my hopes up for that second place atleast. Good job to the admins and see you at CDC4! |
komodochas (#4 turnieju WarSow)
![komodochas.jpg]( | tekst |