Snake ujarzmiony!


Hello Snake, at the beginning tell us what are you doing on your normal, typical day excluding spending time playing?


Hi, well usually I go for a walk with my friends or girlfriend, but sometimes I just stay at home and watch some movies and listen to the music.

So, how does the training day look like? How many hours do you spend practising your skills?


Usually, I play something around 8 hours every day - 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours before sleep. Well, if I got some important upcoming tournaments I can practice even 10-12 hours. But sometimes I take a break and don't play for 2-3 days.

I have the third, standard question for you – how did the beginning of your Warcraft III adventure look? When did you start playing seriously and of course why have you chosen the Night Elf race?


Hmm.. a long long time ago my friend showed me Warcraft III and I liked it. In a few months he told me that there will be LAN tourney and I decided to try my skills there. I played orc on that days and when tourney started I won only one guy who played human. After that I lost, but I liked that tourney and decided to become the best in my town. I wasn't any idea about cybersport or something like that, when decided to play a bit more seriously. In one year I became top 1-2 of my city and pass regional qualis WCG. They took me to the team "pro100" and there I understood that I have a chance to become a progamer. Ah and about race... When I started Warcraft III I liked Night Elfs most of all, but I was always losing, when I tried to play this race. That's why I played orc or human in the begin, but later I decided to switch to the Night elf and it was successful. ^^

Now let's go to the BVG topic. What happened, you joined polish organization, with polish players and manager only? Were you afraid of lack of communication, playing with unknown players? Or you know your teammates, and you don't worry about atmosphere in BVG?


I didn't know any one in team. One day Phelot just offered me to join BVG and I was glad because I knew that it's gonna be a new step in my career. That days I showed pretty good games on ZOTAC, probably Phelot saw it and decided to offer me to join a team. I wasn't afraid of communication or something like that. First days after I joined I played and talked a bit with TeRRoR and I can say that he is a great guy and player.

Today you know Paladyn, Zapek, TeRRoR and your manager Phelot well. What can you tell about these guys? Do you like playing with them and do you agree with all organizer's decisions?


Paladyn with Zapek trains a lot now I think, and they improved their skills. TeRRoR is a good player also, but he lost all motivation and it's a bit sad. Phelot is our manager and he is doing great his job. I like my team a lot and enjoy spending time here. ;)

Yes I agree with all organizer decisions, at least my job here is only to play and the rest will do our managers.

Does BVG need some transfers now?


Maybe you will see some transfers soon, but I don't know much about it yet. ^^

In previous interview on, we asked Daveron from eleGance Gaming, about the situation in BVG, and he told that you are the best player in this organization, beacuse you train a lot. Is that true, do you feel it?


When the proladder started I played really much on these three weeks with best European players and during that play my results on clan wars became much better. Now I feel more skilled, but I don't know if I can beat Paladyn. His mirror is good, probably we have the same skill right now.

Sometimes we can hear that BVG pays their players (including you) too much, and Warcraft III division will finish like PGS. Do you have any arguments against it?


In BVG players get as much money as they deserve. At least management is trying to help us, as much as they can, and I want to say thanks to them for this. I don't think that something bad can happened.

You played in ZOTAC Cup many times, and had some good results. Now I don't see you playing there often, why?


As I said, I played proladder and it took too much time. Sometimes, I just wanna spend some time with my girlfriend on weekends or take some rest and relax. Next week I'll play ZOTAC again and I will try to do my best there!

After losing in WCIP qualification, what was the atmosphere in the team? What happened that BVG did lose this tournament? aRi and [M] are too strong, or was it typical lack of luck?

I don't think that someone was sad after this lost. We will just keep playing and training hard. Anyway it wasn't bad experience for us. I think aRi and [M] was just better then us that days, but I believe next time when we meet them we have all chances for a win.



Another hard opponent for you is a polish team – SPQR - which plays in WCIP quali too. Can they endanger you?


It's a good team and we shouldn't underestimate anyone, so if we meet on cw one day, we will show all our skills to win it. ;)

Are you a type of man who want to be in centre of situation and to be a star?


No, I don't think so ^^ I am not aiming to be always in the centre of situation or to be a star, but if I won some tournament or just show some great skills, it's always nice to hear that people like my games.

Former MeetYourMakers team, today Evil Geniuses, has Ciara in their line-up. He stands out with skill from the rest of the team. In EPS Sca he lost 0:3 against LiiLD.C and 0:3 against Thorzain. What option you prefer? Staying in good team, in the shadow of teammates or being a star in worse one?


Ciara will show some good results a bit later and it's always better to stay in team with stronger players, than to play in worse team, but always be on top. If you stay in team like EG, but you won't be as strong as others, but it's still very good chance to improve your skills. I know that EG for example is a good friendly team, where teammates always can help you to become better.

Imbalance is myth or truth? Many players complain about BM and whole orc race. You like saying what you think about your opponents, does balance make you angry or your self-control is pretty good?


I think balance is pretty close to the perfect and I never whine about imba. If I lose, that's lose is first of all because I'm not good enough, but not because of balance .Just more practice and everything will be okay! :)

What's about polish players? Do they whine or have good self-control?


Polish players have pretty good self-control as I know, but it's always funny to see how Pala whines about BM on CW-s, even if he won it. ^^ Well I think it's more like joke, then whining about imba.:D

In NGL One matchday 5, HoT defeated Moon 2:1. That was the fantastic mirror. Did you saw it? M. Novopashyn is now the best player in the Ukraine. What can you tell me about him? Do you know him on real?

I saw the games vs. Moon and it was great. HoT's mirror was always very good and he’s been remaining the best player in Ukraine for few years already. I know him a bit in real and I can say that he is a good friendly guy.

Ukraine starts in the ENC 2009 main round. Can your current line-up win this tournament? What can you say about your national team?


Ukraine already showed some good results on ENC last years and I think this time they have a chance to win it. As I know, some players was inactive for a pretty long time, but let's see what they can do.

What place, do you think, Team Poland is able to get? Do we have any chance to get to the main round and fight the best nations of Europe?


I don't know much about Polish team, but I think Poland have chances since there is such a good players, as Paladyn.

Is there any player, whose style you imitate, or you rather prefer innovations? Do you have any favourite player?


I don't have players I tried to imitate. I just watch demos and if I think that some player is doing right or shows a great strategy I use it. I'm using mix of strats from top players and adding my ideas to it .My favourite player is Sky.

What are your future plans for Warcraft III? I mean tournaments and leagues you are going to participate in. Do you think about the professional career like ToD who went to Asia?


Well, now we are playing in TFL, WHL and Del finals and I will start preparing to WCG soon. Of course it would be nice to go to Asia and train there like ToD, but I prefer to stay at home, even if I'll get on the same level as top players from all over the world.



Warcraft has now gone to the background and I have the hard question for you, but tell us the truth! Europeans ofter say that Poland is the country of alcoholics, that we drink vodka hard and we are perfect thiefs. Have you heard this? Do you believe it?


Never heard this things about Poland, but I always hear this things about Russia ^^. People think that everyone likes vodka there, but I think it's just a stupid stereotype and smart people won't believe this trash.

What do you think about European Championship 2012 in Ukraine and Poland. You make fun of us that we won't be ready on time, and we laugh at you, but we both may be unready. Are you full of optimism or do you think that it would be a disaster?


I don't know much about this, but I don't think that it's gonna be a catastrophe. Everything should be okay. I heard that my city will also take a part for European Championship 2012. That would be great I think.

When EURO 2012 ends at flop will you boldly tell that you are from Ukraine, or you won't want to be recognized?


I don't bother about EURO 2012, and even if something will go wrong – sure, i'll boldly tell that I'm from Ukraine.


Will we see Snake playing SC2?


I will try to play SC2 of course and if I'll like it, there is probably a small chance that I will switch to the SC2.

Thank you Snake for the interview and your time. Now it's your time for greetings.


I want to say thanks to my girlfriend for her support and of course thanks to my team Betsson Voodoo Gaming for their help. Also, I wish the best of luck for everyone who read this interview. see ya. ;)


  • Phelot

    #1 | Phelot

    2009-04-30 21:44:53

    Wonsz! Hahah tego drugiego zdejcia nie widzialem:D
  • Aft3R

    #2 | AfteR

    2009-04-30 22:39:51

    Znakomite pytania, dowiadujemy sie wszystkiego, a tak z ciekawosci to Phelot ile wam płacą w tym BVG jeśli można wiedziec
  • Phelot

    #3 | Phelot

    2009-05-01 01:11:49

    Po 5532 zl na miecha...
    PS. Oczywiscie ze nie mozna:) Zadajesz glupie pytania.
  • malydok

    #4 | malydok

    2009-05-01 02:56:06

    drugie zdjęcie jest... mocne. :D
  • Aft3R

    #5 | AfteR

    2009-05-01 12:42:03

    Ten po prawej kudłej jeden
  • KarFuR

    #6 | karfussen

    2009-05-01 13:37:45

    Bardzo dobry wywiad :)
  • Santi

    #7 | Santi

    2009-05-01 15:05:51

    Dobra robota ;]
  • BNPL|TheNaturat

    #8 | bersvgbd

    2009-05-01 15:12:53

    A jak wygląda dzień w którym trenujesz? Ile średnio czasu spędzasz na treningach?
    Przeważnie jest to około ośmiu godzin dziennie – cztery rano i cztery zanim pójdę spać. Wszystko jednak zależy od turniejów, bo kiedy zbliża się jakaś ważniejsza rywalizacja potrafię nawet grać 10-12 godzin. Czasem robie także oczywiście przerwy od treningu, np. na 2-3 dni.

    OMG... Drugi Happy
  • Venomen

    #9 | Venomen

    2009-05-02 20:37:05

    Dobre pytania, dosc wyczerpujace odpowiedzi. GJ :)
  • bemolFTW

    #10 | bemol

    2009-05-05 15:25:54

    I on ma niby dziewczyne? Jak wyglada tak jak on to zmienia postac rzeczy :)
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