CS 1.6 ineye demos


Autor Wiadomość

2008-06-12 00:42:38

Hey guys and gals,

As you might have heard already [URL=http://www.readmore.de]www.readmore.de[/URL] started it's very own demo archiv back in November 2007.
With more than 6000 ineye demos of Pros, Semi-Pros and lesser known players it instantly became one of the biggest and most popular shelter for demo junkies.
After 6 months of a free service we now made a little reform to it and as of today you have to be a registered member in order to download any POVs.

Why did we do that?
Well it's quite simple. Lots of these demos are rare/exclusive to readmore and cannot be found anywhere else.
We are trying to build an own community where members can not only download or comment on their favorite demos but also rate them.
You can create team or player groups, for example [URL=http://www.readmore.de/index.php?cont=groups/show_group&id=366]f0rest[/URL].
Start topics about his settings, resolution, hardware etc. and gather as many fans as possible.

But this is only the beginning. There's a lot more to come...more features and even more demos.
If you want to be part of the demo community feel free to register your readmore account today.
[URL=http://www.readmore.de/index.php?cont=demo_overview]See you around![/URL]


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