Warsow 0.11 out!


Autor Wiadomość
Andrzej :)

2006-05-30 22:03:54

Wyszła nowa wersja Warsow'a - można ją pobrać [url=www.warsow.net/?=download]stąd[/url]
- Internal serverbrowser was missing servers.
- Servers could crash with zlib error.
- Scores didn't reset after warmup in CTF.
- When there were players in challenger queue and someone disconnected during
countdown or playtime the match was not restarted.
- Map wdm5 was missing a teleport effect.
- UI failed to play demos with spaces in filenames.
- say_team (and vsay_team) didn't work correctly when used with tokens that
had color in them.
- Error messages when calling a vote where broadcasted to everybody.
- Password entry didn't work when using the OK button.

- Moved crosshair size and color settings from HUD scripts to cvars
(cg_crosshair_size, cg_crosshair_color).
- Added g_needpass and g_gametypes_available serverinfos for server browsers.
- Added setting for disabling all console printing (con_printText).
- Added flag status information for HUD scripts (STATS_CTF_FLAG_RED & BLUE,
- Added reminder sound when ready up is needed.
- Added text telling current match state next to the clock in default HUD.

Linux only:
- For few users Warsow crashed when starting listen server.
- Non-DGA mouse didn't work properly.
- The X11 window name is now set.
- Binaries now built with no dynamic dependancy to libXxfdga and libXxfvm to
work with older distributions (for example Debian Stable)
- There are now prebuilt 64bit binaries.[/hide]


Andrzej :)

2006-05-30 22:35:21

btw. jak kogoś interesuje to - http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1095276



2006-05-30 22:38:11

Wersa 0.11 dziala rowniez na serwach 0.1, wiec nie ma powodow nie sciagac :)


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