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2019-04-17 08:24:05

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6 points submitted 18 days agoThe only way to get comfortable with Telos at any enrage is by practising. The boss is ridiculously hard when you first start. It was for me. A massive step up from the boss I was used to beforehand (Araxxor). There was a lot to learn and get myself used to.The way I learnt was pushing enrage and always starting my streaks from 100.
I never did streaks from 0. I wanted the P5 practice so always opted for 100 death. It worked out well for me (drop wise). I still don bother starting from 0.Ancients and even Achto are not required until 1k enrage. Below that, you can just use normal spellbooks and augmented Tectonic. Augmented Virtus is good up until around 550 600%. You want to switch to Tectonic at around this enrage.
The extra defence helps.Telos is all about memory and being able to improvise if something goes wrong. Each kill should flow the same way. Your aim should be to make it go as smoothly as possible. This comes with practice. The more you kill, the better you become. You eventually find your own method through practice and watching others.I highly recommend watching other people kill Telos.
I must add though, watch people that are using methods that you most comfortable doing. This makes it so you can copy as much as what they do as possible. if you not someone that 4 ticks with wand+staff switches, then don try to copy someone that using it. Kills will go differently as 4 ticks improve kill times quite drastically when done right. The rotations are also different compared to a standard staff or wand+orb one.
Learning is simply building your muscle memory up until it perfected. Once memorised, the boss feels a lot more easier and you find enrages like 100% a breeze. Just takes time to get to that stage.Be prepared to waste a lot of money climbing enrage. It might seem like a waste of time to kill the boss because of the money you losing and the seemingly little you make back, but rest assured, keep at it and it pay off in the end. You make ten times your loss.There no item or gear, a quick fix, that make you immediately good at Telos. That only comes with practice and the willingness to improve. Learn from your deaths and try to avoid them in the future. Watch others when you stuck and you should find yourself progressing nicely. Comfort will only come with continuous attempts.
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