Only One Day-Up to 50% off rs 3 gold will come for The New RS Smithing Jan.11


Autor Wiadomość

2019-01-10 07:36:02

Rant? Hmm. okay. I both amused and slightly irked by how people on this subreddit specifically [url=]buy cheap runescape gold[/url] this subreddit blindly rant and whine about MTX, refuse to listen to facts or reason, and go out of their way to nitpick about every little thing MTX related. It exactly how the "Flat Earther", "Chemtrail", etc., nutjobs are, and anyone with half a brain should know they are lunatics.
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And again, just to reiterate it only on this subreddit. People ingame don give a rat arse about it, and actively use MTX. It just the 2k 3k players on this subreddit that have an issue. They a minority, and don seem to realise it.How are we supposed to trust anything at this point? We keep being told that things are coming, and they rarely do. The loyalty point problem has had its fix delayed indefinitely,
every response that Jagex has given about microtransactions and how "we do better" has been shown to be a complete lie and a PR buffer until people forget about it. Huge improvements to the game are delayed because of mobile, which no one even knows if that ever going to come out now, at the rate it keeps being delayed.
It not that we don want to believe that you guys want to release good content, and make the game better. It that Jagex treats the community like a carrot on a stick in front of a horse. We keep getting told "mobile is coming, and after that we can fix a lot of other things", "a fix to loyalty points are coming, we just have to do other things first", "we hear your concerns on microtransactions, and we promise we cut down on them in 2018". We sick of being lied to. We would be fools to take anything else you guys say at face value.
Your type of comment is exactly why Shauny has been silent lol. The Jmods are to add MTX to the game, by the chinese gaming investors. They aren willingly ignoring players about MTX, they just can do anything about it. It either have a job and do what they told, or rebel and lose that job. I pretty sure Shauny and other Jmods want to keep their jobs.
Personally, I don think I ever quit. Not even if items, levels, and achievements suddenly become buyable directly, tomorrow. I can freely and easily ignore that stuff and play the game. However, I do enjoy earning my own gp, buying Bonds on the GE, and using those bonds to purchase things. So one could say I am supportive of MTX, despite not giving Jagex real money.RS Fans! Welcome to Join 2019 New Year Celebration on RSorder for Up to 50% off RS 07 gold&Runescape 3 gold at 3:00 AM GMT on Jan.11!Visit the Activity Page by [url=][/url]
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